I'd rather not even get to the verification stage. If it's too close to call, move on!
No excitement in that
I'd rather not even get to the verification stage. If it's too close to call, move on!
I've got plenty of excitement in my life, don't need that particular brand of excitement!No excitement in that
Just saying. Pretty strong jawline.Trust but Verify
Nobody is saying a 22.4 can't bid an RPCD job. But that 22.4 job you take is going to make it a longer wait to get that RPCD job. Yes all current RPCD jobs are locked in. The only way you're going to get a RPCD job is through attrition. All new routes based on growth will be 22.4 until they run into that 25% cap, guaranteed! Now how long is your progression if it takes 8 years to get a RPCD job? 8 YEARS! since you'll always be $6/hr behind.
I have never seen nor heard Tyler claim UPS can opt out of the pension. Now you have been caught in a lie!
You further that lie by claiming there is a "misreading of the language and its just a house cleaning change." Those are your words you company whore! The new paragraph in the contract allows the company to discipline (after a verbal) anytime a driver has more than 1 seat belt violation, or bulkhead event, or a back first, or etc... Basically they can dream up some new report and go hunting those drivers with targets on their backs (like the drivers who cost more per hour!)
You know, the StbF regular drivers! That's Soon-to-be-Fired regular drivers
Please give your address so we may send you a dictionary because Bitch, you do not know what the word "concessionary" means. Your definition made my laugh!
Your an idiot! If you had aing clue whats been going on across the country with grievances you wouldn't open your gash! Here, in my local, the BA won't even accept a 9.5 pay grievance let alone fight to get it paid. I'd take a 35% pay over the 0 we get now!
Raises are less than the 02 contract! The big raise is for starting rate which the company needed, not me.
Actually the language never protected us against discipline. Just discharge from technology.
People were being disciplined on the first offense and sometimes discharged for dishonesty.
I distinctly recall the last contract "proposal" presented to us as using the word "discipline" then in the book we got it had become "discharged." I wish to god I had kept that proposal from that meeting!!!
We have not seen that happen here. first time heard it was from DT's teleconference. I am not saying it hasn't happened just because I haven't personally witnessed it but can you give any proof that this change was "needed by the bargaining unit members?"
I agree, they'll laugh at that language. I just don't want to say anything that deviates from the proposed language giving these shills an opening to attack. The language is dire enough as written to make my point, forget about how dire things will be when UPS exploits it.I wish everyone would understand this!
BTW the 25% is NOT A CAP! Mark my words 25% will be laughed at when all is said and done!
Where is evidence of Tyler being vote no since last contract? And DT isn’t exactly a highly educated scholar when it comes to anything.I agree, they'll laugh at that language. I just don't want to say anything that deviates from the proposed language giving these shills an opening to attack. The language is dire enough as written to make my point, forget about how dire things will be when UPS exploits it.
I'm tired of hearing the "have you ever negotiated a labor agreement? Are you an expert in contract law?" NO I HAVEN'T! But I have had to work under the contracts that you guys have negotiated for decades. I've seen language that appeared solid get misinterpreted, or twisted. So when I see obviously weak, exploitable language presented, I have to ask, HAVE YOU EVER NEGOTIATED A CONTRACT WITH UPS OR HAD TO WORK UNDER THAT CONTRACT? If you had, you'd know without question how this language will be used against us.
And what difference does it make if Tyler has been "vote no" since the last contract? If he believes it was garbage, and now this one too, that's his right. What grand conspiracy would a young driver be a part of, and what would he have to gain other than his right to a fair contract? The union on the other hand....
I didn't download your version, but did find it on YouTube! I just don't know if you're UPS management or who you really are.
She's intelligent, makes a great case and schools Tyler on his white board. Plus, she's also good looking too.
Thanks for sharing.
Cut and dry truth doesnt take a white board broad.Funny how Tyler is a driver doing a video on his own time and goes against a paid IBT official financial analyst and still holds his own. Comical
They lose us and they will go under.I actually think that the IBT is prepping us for a no vote. They will try and make minimal changes and use “we are going under” bs tactics.
The masterminds think that "locking in....red circled" existing pkg car drivers is a big deal?Nobody is saying a 22.4 can't bid an RPCD job. But that 22.4 job you take is going to make it a longer wait to get that RPCD job. Yes all current RPCD jobs are locked in. The only way you're going to get a RPCD job is through attrition. All new routes based on growth will be 22.4 until they run into that 25% cap, guaranteed! Now how long is your progression if it takes 8 years to get a RPCD job? 8 YEARS! since you'll always be $6/hr behind.
The alternative, you ask? The company is forced to create those same routes as RPCD jobs, as they're obviously needed to alleviate the excessive overtime. Certain new jobs are bid Tue-Sat, or Wed-Sun and everyone gets the same pay. Why would the company need lower wages when the problem is there's too much work? That's absurd! The union should be taking advantage of that, not retreating from it.
I don't understand how anyone could see this as anything other than a give back in disguise. It is just lengthening the progression without coming right out and saying it!
His local isn't the only one sleeping with the company.I like this Tyler kid. This video does expose his local as bowing down on grievance pay for 30-40% instead of the legally owed 100%. Now this is what Tyler said he, the membership & his area local agree too.
If this indeed true. I'd like to see Tyler more involved in his local as an employee.
Put Tyler on the ticket. He might need some fine tuning on understanding a contract but he's intelligent and has a street fighter mentality.
I waited 5 years to be a Pk driverNobody is saying a 22.4 can't bid an RPCD job. But that 22.4 job you take is going to make it a longer wait to get that RPCD job. Yes all current RPCD jobs are locked in. The only way you're going to get a RPCD job is through attrition. All new routes based on growth will be 22.4 until they run into that 25% cap, guaranteed! Now how long is your progression if it takes 8 years to get a RPCD job? 8 YEARS! since you'll always be $6/hr behind.
The alternative, you ask? The company is forced to create those same routes as RPCD jobs, as they're obviously needed to alleviate the excessive overtime. Certain new jobs are bid Tue-Sat, or Wed-Sun and everyone gets the same pay. Why would the company need lower wages when the problem is there's too much work? That's absurd! The union should be taking advantage of that, not retreating from it.
I don't understand how anyone could see this as anything other than a give back in disguise. It is just lengthening the progression without coming right out and saying it!