Writing this as a play by play as I'm watching the video. Tldr warning.
Who, exactly, is the "vote no movement" comprised of? What, exactly, is their agenda? Talk about a boogieman... she lost me right out the gate with her implied ad hominem and zero substantiation of any of her claims. What evidence does she have that Tyler is a part of some conspiracy? Sounds like dismissive, baseless claims to me. If your argument doesn't already suck, you don't need to kick it off with pure fallacy.
I understand the union's position on 22.4, but they are using weakness in the past to justify weakness now. 22.4 may be a step up for people currently being abused by the company while the union stands by and fails to do their job by not enforcing the contract. The flip side of the argument, and the most important part, is that the position undermines ground driving jobs. Maybe they won't replace ground drivers with 22.4's this contract, but we really don't want to open that door. Let's put resources into fighting the abuses by the company regarding the weak language in the supplementals where it applies, not give them carte blanche to do it everywhere.
It is a two tiered system. Sorry. She clearly doesn't understand the term.
Stop excusing the company's practice of paying part timers too little. I don't expect them to be able to support a family with one part time job, but the company can and should do better. The union shouldn't be arguing the company's case for them. Let the company set the start rate at whatever they want, then work on better pay for dues paying members. She's really not a very good financial analyst if all she can do is parrot the company's position on the matter.
70 hr work week-
2017 - the IBT's position is that it is unsafe and the union will do whatever it can to put a stop to it.
2018 - the IBT's position is "we negotiated language that gives the company our blessing to implement the 70 hour rule. What a win for the membership!"
I don't really have problem with the full time pay and pension stuff in the contract, so not much to say there. Except that pensions are a benefit, yes, but the money being paid into it is not ours, like it would be in a 401k, and pensions can cut benefit amounts, and they can go bust. The amount the company pays into the pensions on our behalf could easily make us all plenty to live on in retirement if paid into a 401k, and it would be our money to do with as we wish, not to be doled out to us in monthly installments.
She talks trash about Tyler's local not enforcing the contract, but she uses the fact that 80% of centers have tcd language that the company abuses as the main reason for 22.4. Why aren't those locals enforcing the contract? And why isn't she talking trash about them? Because they support her false narrative?
To get a better contract we have to be willing to fight, and not just bitch? Tyler's local is weak, and he is fighting the best way he knows how, and she dismisses his concerns as complaints?
Don't look to the master to solve all our problems? Fair enough, but we also shouldn't settle for a weak master that undermines the best paying job in the industry, and kicks existing part timers to the curb.
Final remark - "we can vote no, go out on strike, and give up everything we've worked for."
Talk about jaw dropping! She is implying that if we vote no it means we strike. Is she that stupid? Or does she just think we are? Or is the union actually threatening to strike if we don't pass the master first go around to punish the membership? Completely unacceptable statement from a union employee. If you have to resort to fearmongering, your argument is invalid.