Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Well-Known Member
If at any time we should prosper with this company it is now! DO NOT SETTLE!

I know you hear this a lot but the PROFITS (After all drivers, management, shareholders, fuel, trucks, rent, expansions, expenses etc are paid ) are over 6 BILLION dollars a YEAR. That is PROFIT after ALL BILLS/Employees, healthcare, pensions etc are paid! This is just free money sitting in their accounts, why can't we the workers profit share as they increase?

Secondly forget about just seeing the profits, you can see within your own building how much volume has increased over the years, we have more consistent work and way less slow days so the proof is there that the company is prospering, so why should WE, the members stay stagnant, in one place?

$13 an hour starting for part-timers for a UNION job for the next 5 years? When some states are and will be implementing MINIMUM wages higher than our starting wage? If you say yes to this you are SETTLING!

Last contract, UPS got away with no catch-up raise for current part timers, so they see the members SETTLED for it so they are doing it again. DO NOT SETTLE! Stand up for yourselves!

And know that anything worth having will take a fight and won't be easy but will be possible. But do not slump your heads and SETTLE for what you are worth!
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Time for change

Well-Known Member
Many of us were hired in a time period where starting rate hadn’t increased in over 20 years. Now in less than 20 it will just about double. Starting rate isn’t the main problem, it’s part timers hired in a time period where starting rate was still 8.50 20 years after it was 8.50. WE are voting and dues paying members, not the people on the street yet to be hired. Starting rate should be increased but not before existing part timers get a bump. This contract is garbage and WILL NOT PASS.

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!

Who paid this lady for such idiotic propaganda only focus on rai$e$, Im not listening, Im only watching that uglier tattoo. Cant wait for Tyler combat on this matter. Vote NO!!! We are not Stupid to Vote Yes!



Got the T-Shirt
Who, exactly, is the "vote no movement" comprised of ?

The "vote no" movement started on the East coast during the last contract.

It started as a result of the changes in Health & Welfare insurance.

Some members out of Locals 623 and 177.

The driver from 177 (since retired) started the "vote no" facebook page.

(He runs it like a tyrant, not willing to debate other opinions)

There is a member struggle in Local 623.... as to who actually started it there.


Fast forward to today.

TDU is.. and will always be.. an opportunistic, non-Union, source of misinformation.

Now, Teamsters United is pretending to be an "outraged". (think Fred Z)

Flip - flop - Fred....

Has earned his reputation.

Remember, when he sent a letter to the IBT General President ?

Requesting (begging) to replace Walt L.... who had retired ?


I wonder what his motivation is ?



Well-Known Member
The "vote no" movement started on the East coast during the last contract.

It started as a result of the changes in Health & Welfare insurance.

Some members out of Locals 623 and 177.

The driver from 177 (since retired) started the "vote no" facebook page.

(He runs it like a tyrant, not willing to debate other opinions)

There is a member struggle in Local 623.... as to who actually started it there.


Fast forward to today.

TDU is.. and will always be.. an opportunistic, non-Union, source of misinformation.

Now, Teamsters United is pretending to be an "outraged". (think Fred Z)

Flip - flop - Fred....

Has earned his reputation.

Remember, when he sent a letter to the IBT General President ?

Requesting (begging) to replace Walt L.... who had retired ?


I wonder what his motivation is ?

Local 177 meeting is this Sunday. It will be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Your arguement is so ridiculous! The best you can come up with is “ Well we already have a two tier system, so because we already do, its OK to allow more” You never did answer my question aking if you like the TCD language. Its obvious you must, if youre willing to allow more substandard employees.
So my next question is this...”At what point do YOU say enough is enough?” I guess this is all cool because its not affecting you, and itll help solidify your pension with the extra contributions, or at least thats your rationale.
So when the next contract comes around and the company starts pandering to the voices of the TCDs and 22.4s and PTs, because your RPCD voice is far out numbered by all of them, then what are you gonna do? Or maybe youre not going to be here by then, so you dont care. Me first doesnt equal union!!
First off you did not even know your TCD was a two tier driver. That alone says a lot. I already answered you and gave you a breakdown of how a new RPCD makes a ton more if they go cover driving (our version of a TCD) first!!! We encourage our guys to use it to their advantage to get red circled at $27 dollars an hour rather than $18 when in the 4 year progression. Go back and read! You simply can not understand how things work in your favor. Stop being a fear monger about the 22.4 and learn how to not let the company abuse the language.


Inordinately Right
First off you did not even know your TCD was a two tier driver. That alone says a lot. I already answered you and gave you a breakdown of how a new RPCD makes a ton more if they go cover driving (our version of a TCD) first!!! We encourage our guys to use it to their advantage to get red circled at $27 dollars an hour rather than $18 when in the 4 year progression. Go back and read! You simply can not understand how things work in your favor. Stop being a fear monger about the 22.4 and learn how to not let the company abuse the language.
You're proposing people vote in favor of ANOTHER tier, between TCD and Full Time Package Driver. Your arguments are bad and you should be embarrassed.


Well-Known Member
You're proposing people vote in favor of ANOTHER tier, between TCD and Full Time Package Driver. Your arguments are bad and you should be embarrassed.

READ! You tell your guys to make that weak progression and I’ll have my guys paid $27! then we will ask them who is the fool and an embarrassment!
