Exactly! You speak the truth. The 22.4's also will top out at $34.76 as they wait to bid into a RPCD job that will pay over $41 an hour. These are landmark huge pay scales for a company that employs over 400,000. Part time jobs that can make $30 an hour with no out-pocket pay for healthcare, plus part time jobs with a pension. **UNHEARD OF**
I believe there are only 250,000 UPS teamsters. The question should be asked on why the company wants to create a permanent lower paid new classification, why not just create more RPCD positions to cover the Saturday and possible Sunday runs? Are you seriously claiming the a new hire part-timer will ever be able to reach that 30 dollar a hour rate and just how many years will it take?
I remember
@scratch talking about how bad the back log was last Peak. I wasn't signed on here and had no time to post yet would lurk/read his struggles almost nightly. This being right at the corporates doorstep. It sounded horrendous and now the IBT has a guarantee 5,000 Teamster UPS employees are going to be hired in the next 5-years and he's against the contract????
The backlog was due to mismanagement plain and simple and keeping it real. Will will find out this peak if they are willing to put their profits into providing the equipment and troops to run a peak properly. The first year no full time 22.4s will be created so they are a non factor to your response. Stratch was right it was one sad event last time and it had nothing to do with the Union workers or Management on the Ground level everything that happen was due to stupid decisions from the higher ups.
Jamie from 174 commented back on YouTube from all the mean spirited folks. Those people claim that voting no will get you more later. Like she said, if that was true, every contract in every union would automatically vote no.
It worked in the Central Supplement last contract..It went down the first time and we got improvements in our Health and Welfare coverages. We are not mean just smart.
Tyler's only leg to stand on imo. Is when he says 22.4's won't be able to sign up twice a month for a 8-hour request day. Oh well, 2 bad... so sad. New hires can't now anyways. These 22.4's have to earn their bones first just like you or I did our first 5-years. That's life. Tyler wants to hand the new hire $41 immediately and give him/her the same treatment or rights as a 30-year employee. It's only fair they start from the ground floor. That's how you don't become spoiled and feel you should be entitled to everything just because you made your 30 days.