Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Well-Known Member
you need to get your dosage checked bro



Well-Known Member
The "vote no" movement started on the East coast during the last contract.

It started as a result of the changes in Health & Welfare insurance.

Some members out of Locals 623 and 177.

The driver from 177 (since retired) started the "vote no" facebook page.

(He runs it like a tyrant, not willing to debate other opinions)

There is a member struggle in Local 623.... as to who actually started it there.


Fast forward to today.

TDU is.. and will always be.. an opportunistic, non-Union, source of misinformation.

Now, Teamsters United is pretending to be an "outraged". (think Fred Z)

Flip - flop - Fred....

Has earned his reputation.

Remember, when he sent a letter to the IBT General President ?

Requesting (begging) to replace Walt L.... who had retired ?


I wonder what his motivation is ?


I disagree with some portions of your retelling of history but it's generally accurate.

Let me fill in the last 18 months, though:

Hoffa appointed Sean O to be package division director shortly after Ken stepped back while he was under investigation from the IRO (related to not disclosing documents involved in the Willie S. and Rome A. investigations, both of which were found to be dirty.) This was probably the best move, as this would have served as a distraction during negotiations. Ken was later cleared of wrong doing.

After the last IBT election, Teamsters United transitioned into a contract campaign. They were organizing around fighting for a better contract when Sean O. was still director. While a lot of this is politically motivated, most of their efforts are -- in fact -- genuine and are centered around addressing the major issues with the UPS/IBT CBA.

Sean O was highly motivated (we now officially know he wants to be GP, but anyone active on the east coast has known this for years) and began several initiatives, including the UPS Rising app. He was being fairly transparent and began reaching out to some of the "Vote No" locals to try and rebuild some of the trust lost during the last contract negotiations and the "implementation" of supplements nationwide.

When Sean requested that Hoffa appoint Fred to the national negotiating committee, Hoffa fired him via e-mail. Hoffa then appointed Denis T as Director.

Denis T was basically the "default" choice as he was the only member on the e-board that wasn't already a director and runs a large UPS local.

Negotiations began and there was some initial information released but then the "brown out" began. Most members of the committee were actually not even meeting directly with the company; as negotiations went on, this got worse and worse. Rick H, Keith B, and a few others close to Denis and from the IBT Package Division formed the "core" of the negotiating committee and would basically report back to the rest of the committee. This is not how negotiations are supposed to work.

Rick H came up with the "22.4 concept" and the committee was given minimal time to debate the "concept" (again, a "concept" and not a "proposal") before voting to accept it. This was then leaked and that's when Taylor removed multiple people from the committee. This staunch defense of the TA from L174 staff further demonstrates how invested Rick H. is in his "22.4 concept."

Rick H was nominated from the floor of the convention to be an IBT West Region VP on an independent slate as an insurance policy in case Rome A. was taken out by the IRO. He was flanked by Hoffa whips to ensure the delegates understood he was being supportive of the Hoffa/Hall slate. When everything with Rome calmed down, he "declined to run" and withdrew.

Now we're being presented with a substandard and concessionary TA. Sean O and Fred Z have both already announced their intent to run; some of their opposition is politically motivated but I genuinely believe Sean O (aspiring to higher office, desiring to bridge the divide between locals, rebuild trust, etc.) would have gotten us a better contract than Denis T (near the end of his career) simply based on motivation.


Well-Known Member
My biggest complaint is the lack of 22.3 jobs due to 22.4s filling the job pool.

It's going to suck for those 10 year part timers. Not only are they less than 5$ from new hires(in my building) but there won't hardly be any 22.3 job creation over the next 5 years.

What exactly do part timers have to lose in the event of a strike? College crowd isnt planning on sticking around. The wannabe drivers are all driving. We're being left with no catchup raises, a diminishing GWI, and no full time 22.3 jobs.

Slug Life

When do we eat?
I want all hourlies rewarded, they deserve it. However, within reason. I believe what this really is;

** Trump Mania ** what I mean by that is the 'No Movement' started out with fire & energy. Made valid points, showed solidarity and a interest towards the longevity of The Teamsters. As the weeks, months rolled by. It was overwhelmingly obvious it didn't matter what was said, taught, negotiated for the betterment. The *base* is voting No..... no matter what. Then the master & handshake agreement was established and all of a sudden the union is the enemy. "Lock Denis Up", this all before Supplements & Riders negotiated.

Now we're at a point where there is no doubt, no questioning in its totality.... this is the best Teamster contract in my (almost) 27-years at UPS. Time after time locals, BA's, leadership is proving step by step this is a terrific contract. The No movement knows they have very,very little to complain about. However, just like an avid Trump man in 2015/2016... this No movement refuses to take Yes for an answer. They are sticking to their guns at all cost even though the Whitehouse or Brownhouse is set to burn down with them in it.

$37.60 an hour + $22.14 an hour (in health & welfare & pension) = $59.74 an hour---**that's $59.74 AN HOUR**
No Cost Healthcare, 9 Weeks of Inflated Paid Vacation after 30-years. Pensions that will pay NET over $485,000 every 10-years with a potential to pay out over $1,455,000 NET if I live until 80! Rare to find a 401k person clearing $1,455,000 of pure cash! Plus, UPS/IBT has a 401(k) & NOT COUNTING my SS I'll draw at 62 that I earned the lion share from working at UPS.

I find your arguments weak, unfounded, stubborn and a willingness to never agree you were ever, ever wrong.

I personally believe the No Movement is Anti-Union & Pro Establishment! Just feeding out of Wall Street's hands.

I'm ashamed of ya'll. :(
I don’t know what you are smoking but please put it out before you make another post.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to my first ever introduction to the ignore list.

Your constant lying and spreading of misinformation is more than can be reasonably expected.

Of course your going to ignore me because I made you look dumb. You have cover drivers in Local 104. Read section 38 in the Southwest Package Rider. Try reading your contract before you vote on it but I doubt you will. This whole denial thing and calling ME a liar is getting ridiculous. Once again here is me showing proof.

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Well-Known Member
Welcome to my first ever introduction to the ignore list.

Your constant lying and spreading of misinformation is more than can be reasonably expected.


You may not have them in your building but they are in your contract (southwest package rider) So that means the company could start utilizing cover drivers when they wanted to.

Just like 9.5, you may not have a single driver on 9.5 but you have 9.5 protection.


Paid the same as rpcd
Your arguement is so ridiculous! The best you can come up with is “ Well we already have a two tier system, so because we already do, its OK to allow more” You never did answer my question aking if you like the TCD language. Its obvious you must, if youre willing to allow more substandard employees.
So my next question is this...”At what point do YOU say enough is enough?” I guess this is all cool because its not affecting you, and itll help solidify your pension with the extra contributions, or at least thats your rationale.
So when the next contract comes around and the company starts pandering to the voices of the TCDs and 22.4s and PTs, because your RPCD voice is far out numbered by all of them, then what are you gonna do? Or maybe youre not going to be here by then, so you dont care. Me first doesnt equal union!!
Part timers are the vast majoritu


Well-Known Member
You may not have them in your building but they are in your contract (southwest package rider) So that means the company could start utilizing cover drivers when they wanted to.

Just like 9.5, you may not have a single driver on 9.5 but you have 9.5 protection.
They are used in his Local


The resident gearhead
And TCD's are supposed to be temporary, and now the company's abuse of the language is the reason for 22.4 being introduced. If we follow that arc, in the next contract, the company's abuse of 22.4 language will be the reason to phase out ground drivers. "The members really like 22.4, so we're making more of them, and no new ground drivers will be hired".
Why don't you ask a TCD if they would like to make 85% of top rate, Or get sent back to the hub at hub rate. When I was a tcd as much as I hated it. It was much better than working in the hub for peanuts. The company abuses the tcd language sure. But the tcd's want the work ($$)


Well-Known Member
So next week it's time to vote for our future

I have a question though, why is it that we can start voting next week but the count for the votes is in October? I think thats a little far off, a lot of time for funny business if you ask me.

Anyways, lets get ready for Next week because that will be the start to our future livelihoods!


Light 'em up!
I distinctly recall the last contract "proposal" presented to us as using the word "discipline" then in the book we got it had become "discharged." I wish to god I had kept that proposal from that meeting!!!

We have not seen that happen here. first time heard it was from DT's teleconference. I am not saying it hasn't happened just because I haven't personally witnessed it but can you give any proof that this change was "needed by the bargaining unit members?"
