Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Well-Known Member
Vote no to let our union and ups know we are not desperate and we are united. They will offer a little better if voted down but probably only a measly bonus that will trick new guys. They are now starting part time supervisor at 19.35 with benefits right away more hours less work. Vote no twice

Hofficer Hater

Well-Known Member
Five years ago about 60% of Browncafe users were in favor of the 2013-2018 sellout that eliminated company ran healthplans and created Teamcare. Only Local 89 promoted a No vote and the NMA barely scraped by 4,000 votes.

In 2016 upset members shifted the momentum to FZ and Teamsters United. One thing is for sure, the IBT and majority of the locals do not represent the interest of members. TU won 3% of the delegates at the 2016 convention and 49% of the total vote. Note that FZ and TU won the American vote and it was the Canadians who's healthcare was not affected by the two morons that allowed the company to kick us out of the company plans (Ken H and Sean O) that gave Hogfa the win by 4,000 votes.

Today BC has shifted and it looks like 90% of BC users oppose the current sellout. The only thing the corrupt and pro-company old guard can say is "do not listen to social media." The old guard has become divorce from its members and are desperately spreading a number of lies to get this pushed. They've gone as far as intimidating members and falsifying numbers.

The Vote No movement is stronger and larger than ever and its clear that this contract will be rejected by the rank-and-file and against the wishes of the management friendly union old guard.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Define what a "full pension" means to you, there are so many levels and formulas, one gets this amount in the West, one gets this amount in the East and several gets this amount in the Central and South. Complicated ain't it..:rolleyes:

(Fit)..Again, I hate to break it to you..But that was a direct question.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
No im all for a no vote and if voting is coming up then don't listen to me. But maybe may or june I got a letter in the mail form the union telling me to go to this website and :censored2:, secret ballad or something idk I just voted no automatically.
Are you really for voting? Seems like you kinda blew the information off. What you got a few months back was a vote to authorize a fake strike that the union had zero intention on using no matter what @Tony Q says.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Vote no to let our union and ups know we are not desperate and we are united. They will offer a little better if voted down but probably only a measly bonus that will trick new guys. They are now starting part time supervisor at 19.35 with benefits right away more hours less work. Vote no twice
The union is not your enemy. They are you’re elected leadership and have actual experience bargaining contracts.

If you don’t like what they are doing attend your local union meetings and vote them out.

The reality is you have been lied to by the garbage posted by TDU, a political gambit of team OZ and a poster child Tyler Binder who has a local union that doesn’t even enforce the contract they have now.

What’s scarier than the “sell out” bull:censored2: your claiming is the fact that everyone is so disconnected from reality

Full-timers will have a full package just shy of $70 an hour at the end of this agreement. Good luck finding sympathy from the general public when you go on strike.