Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, didn't realize it was the Union Forum.
I've got a stuffy nose and didn't smell the :poop:! :blushing:



Active Member
It’s getting ratified, part timers far out number fulltimers, and the part timers look at this as a windfall, we’re doomed.
I'm a part timer and it's a big fat NO for me. We all need to stand together. I know some full timers that are voting yes and I believe if there was a strike they would cross the line. Don't assume the part timers are the enemy here.


Well-Known Member
I don't care what side of the argument you come down on, that video is disgraceful. I understand it's an expression of anger and frustration, but she is just a pawn and doesn't deserve to be treated so crassly. It makes the rest of us look bad. And the word is teleprompter, why is that so hard?
That video was classic. I only wish I could of seen her cry when it was released. I mean she can bad mouth Tyler, but when she get it’s back she turns off the comments on YouTube and Facebook. She should just go back to being a financial analyst and leave Teamster stuff to Teamsters.


I'm a star
That video was classic. I only wish I could of seen her cry when it was released. I mean she can bad mouth Tyler, but when she get it’s back she turns off the comments on YouTube and Facebook. She should just go back to being a financial analyst and leave Teamster stuff to Teamsters.

Double Rainbow is a classic. That video is a debacle. Putting the ideas presented by it aside, everything about it was terrible. It could have been watchable if he spent 30 seconds planning it out.


Well-Known Member
We are being told orion is going to be running at xmas. Orion is going to put your route in a easy to follow order. Orion will sequence the packages so they are in del order...and I'm sure the loader will too. Jt's going to be a blast!!!!
Either way, 20 years later they're trying to figure out how to live on 40k in inflation adjusted dollars. Not exactly anything to be super pumped about.

The ill-prepared are gonna have to figure it out.

My pension is my travel fund. We'll either be able to travel the world at will....or I can travel to the bar when she's at work.....pretty happy either way.