Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


I'm a star
The level of crazy on the forums is really ramping up concerning the vote. The narrative from the yessers has gone from misinformation and deflection to rabid incomprehensibility. Wonder how many, and which, of these new faces will still be here come October 6th.
Yes it's Tyler again, but listen to it out and I guarantee you can't argue against what he is saying here.

I can argue all day that PT workers should not be making $52k a year, that's not what the market dictates and that's not good business. I can argue that PT should not be starting at $31 per hour, as his logic suggests.

"There's money for shareholders and for management, but none for part-timers..." or however it went...
I can argue that UPS has to pay those people as well as pay it's union workers. Even a PTer that makes $20 an hour gets nearly a 21% increase over this contract.

There are a few things to be pissy about in this proposed NMA, money isn't one of them.

Dulce Bombón

I'm Legal Gringo! UPS Latina Heat! Haters ❤ me!

People think is like that, Vote No, it not a Strike, is contract under new negotiations! We will continue working! Peak Season is almost here!! UPS is afraid of a Strike right now. Vote No, Lets Go strong, Keep it up.!!! If is a Vote Yes, well we will make Triple pay Filing Grievances, We have nothing to loose. Of course, we don't have to get to the extremes, but we will do it if we have to.



Well-Known Member
Voted no on both today. Although I have a feeling it will pass anyway at least the master. Probably not til after peak since I assume a few locals will have to renegotiate. Oh well.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I do not know about that..East will vote for it's supplements but down the "Master. Midwest and South should down both (no real improvements in either)...West will go 50/50..GWI might be an issue not keeping up with the cost of living in some of the major cities on the West Coast.

This contract is more of a referendum on the Hoffa administration and the previous contract the general feeling that I am getting is that our membership is angry on the way things are going and how they been talked down to.

Come Oct 6..We will find out more.


Well-Known Member
Just a funny moment today, our BA at 959 is telling people he “talked to someone” and was told “if you vote no, Hoffa will just call for a strike because this is the best we can do.”



The resident gearhead
My Steward is preaching the Amazon Black Plague is coming and if we vote no we’ll be outta business. GTFOH with that weaksauce
Riiiiight. Did you ask him if we are 1 strike away from going out of business, then why is ups investing millions into hub expansions and building super hubs.