Voting Starts Next Week! How will you vote and why.


Well-Known Member
My vote is sent, be sure to vote, regardless of a no or yes vote.. Just vote.
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Fix the Pension debacle..makes 0 sense how a person 1 State away could have a Pension pay out over $400 a month better. And pay half the cost of retiree health insurance
I agree the locals should take better care of retirees I am retired and for insurance for my wife n myself is outrageous make UPS foot more of the bill make us feel like we count for all those years


I’ve read everything on TDU,UPSRising,Browncafe and every word in the Master and my region and honestly I like it

1. Retirement after 30 is great.
2. My health insurance is still payed for by UPS.
3. At least the 22.4 drivers are full time. I got screwed in the 90’s workin 50+ hours a week part time . They can only hire 1 22.4 for every 4 drivers hired. .
4. Over 40 dollars an hour at the end of this contract plus all my benefits paid. Where else can you make that much money hustling packages.
I know I’ll have to leave browncafe after posting this but please everyone read all the propaganda on BOTH sides then vote.