I'm fine with raises just keeping up with inflation. It sounds like we've gotten above inflation rate raises from the beginning. If it would help fix the contract in other areas I, as a full time ground driver, would gladly take less than inflation raises for the life of this contract. If your pay doesn't keep up with inflation, you start losing buying power, so it is effectively like taking a pay cut. But since we're ahead of the game, we can afford to get shorted a little.
The dollar amount can be distracting because all you see is the amount, but you likely don't conceptualize the pay rate over the years with increasing costs. Stagnant wages have been a problem for a long time across numerous industries, and it takes people being unable or unwilling to work for depressed wages for the wages to adjust upwards. What companies and wall street don't understand is that by underpaying their employees, they are strangling the markets they are selling to.