Where, Oh Where, is my DIAD?

outta hours

Well-Known Member
I don't think my leg (with my winter tan) will be confused with STUG's! I took this of me stepping onto a P800 yesterday. Damn 22" step and 157 stops almost killed me. I'm glad I got my P7 back from the paint shop today, I almost wanted to kiss it after being in a P8 the last eight days.

You may look into some manscaping:happy2:

outta hours

Well-Known Member
lol, "manscaping", ha ha.




Well-Known Member
Can you reach the hand rail without totally extending your arm and shoulder?
Just looking at those pics makes my back hurt. That is exactly why I am on Comp.
Good luck to you and be sure to wear your bullet proof vest the next two weeks.

Try being a swing/cover driver. One day you have a brand new p-8 low step and the next day you got a 23 year old p-8 with the handrails six feet off the ground.

I took a pic of that too! I hate P8s with a passion. I drove my first 22 years with manual steering and a stick shift, I don't mind that. But climbing in and out of those mid 1980s P800 and P1000s is nothing but torture on your body. Whoever designed these cars deserves a special place in the underworld. Theres no telling how many injuries these have caused over the years. The handholds are too high, my arm was extended all the way when I grabbed it. I found myself grabbing the door frame at a lower height to pull myself up into the cab. I will take the 14" bottom step in my P7 anyday over a 22" P8 or P10.:knockedout:
I'm kinda short, 5'6. These things are kicking my butt!!

On a couple of our old 800's, I had the mechanic install an extra grab bar on the floor in front of the heater. Works like a charm.

We can just request the automotive to put handholds in for us??:surprised:
Why didn't I already know this??:happy2:
Try being a swing/cover driver. One day you have a brand new p-8 low step and the next day you got a 23 year old p-8 with the handrails six feet off the ground.
LOL, I've been a swing/cover driver for 14 of my 20 years as a driver and just rebid back into the nightmare. Trust me, I am well acquainted with the package car shuffle.

I'm kinda short, 5'6. These things are kicking my butt!!
Being 5'8" doesn't help much.
We can just request the automotive to put handholds in for us??:surprised:
Why didn't I already know this??:happy2:
I've read on here a few times that they will not put on lower hand rails because it will jeopardize the vehicles integrity I have also read on here that they will do it, no problem. In our center the mechanic's just received a shipment of 10 of the longer handrails and the mech told me they were for the older P800s. So it wouldn't hurt to ask.


Try being a swing/cover driver. One day you have a brand new p-8 low step and the next day you got a 23 year old p-8 with the handrails six feet off the ground.

I'm kinda short, 5'6. These things are kicking my butt!!

I'm about an inch shorter than you. LOL

We can just request the automotive to put handholds in for us??:surprised:
Why didn't I already know this??:happy2:
This is where the philisophy of making your mechanic your BFF comes into play. :wink2: I have mine put no-skid tape on every truck that I'm in (where it is needed). You can get alot of things done when you schmooze the mech a little. LOL