With Telematics, is this the end of the career UPS driver???


Its pure intimidation to post those stats. I would file a grievance on that. If they are so worried about your performance, why do you have a job with them?

My question is, does it really help to single people out and make others look bad in a personal way in front of your workforce? Posting misload stats?

The thought process is: if it were not public, people would care more because it is unknown how many others are misloading! When you see 8 people with misloads and 4 without, that evidence certainly makes it easier to swallow the misloads for the employee. (at least anyone that cares)


bella amicizia
Not necessarily. What if one or two people consistently have 5-10 misloads, yet the others don't? With the wrong mindset, some would think those one or two suck. But, in reality, those one or two or are getting slammed at the end with the same everyday add/cuts all the while getting yelled at to get off the clock,and in the mean time someone is shoveling them packages to load on to truck. Have seen it happen. Often. I have also seen the preload sup place people into the harder areas to load knowing they can't handle the job, while their favorites scan or do DA, because sup knows they can't handle loading anymore.


Our center greived the whole bulletin board deal as harrassment and got it taken away...maybe your center should do the same.

Billy Boxtosser

Well-Known Member
Our preloaders also have their misload counts posted on a bulletin board but, to be fair, they also list their pkg count to put it in perspective. For example, my preloader had 1 misload but she loaded nearly 900 pkgs which, to me, is not a bad ratio.

Not a bad ratio? That is 99.888 % effective!! I hope my heart or brain surgeon is that good!! LOL

browned out

Well-Known Member
Telematics is no problem if you follow the methods is not true. The best way to protect yourself is to video and audio record your whole day. Dash cam, pocket cam and/or audio recorder. Cover your ass.

We had a sup hide a package in driver's cooler on a 3 day ride hoping the driver would leave UPS property with it. Our Manager has intimidated an employee (threating to fire or discipline for a non existent problem) into writing a statement against a driver. The statement was coached and the employee was told what to write.
This is interesting... if you think back when they created EDD system after the strike and how things have gone since. Well big business is about making money and not wanting to pay out pensions. So lets see
start up the harassment plans on all drivers and keep it steady. The union has to be bailed out out with the pension plan by UPS . We all wonder how does the managers & sups get away with this type of treatment. They call it safety rides and the sups all say they have to write up something on you and place in your file. The push you and push you and hopefully you'll get hurt or just quit. Now here comes Telematics... now they cannot use it as a firing guide , but just wait till the new contract comes.....WE all call it Micro managing... Sorry but life to short to not be respected and appreciated...
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