Working off the clock


Well-Known Member
I See many drivers sorting before their start time. Don't bother me a dam bit. But we have a few hard core tdu teamsters that will make waves over this while a preload sup loads their car. I can't understand why a teamster is so worried about a fellow teamster being in their car early and totally ignores management strange
Let’s do the math:
15 minutes x 5 days = 1:15 a week unpaid
52 weeks x 1:15 hours = 65:00 unpaid hours a year
Of course UPS will say these numbers are wrong because it does not include holidays so we can take off 12:30 hours and that gives us 52.30 unpaid hours a year.



Well-Known Member
Why doesn't UPS hire more preloaders, much less $$ than paying a driver OT and would boost moral of all involved. Please ask your supervisor why this hasn't happened over the past 5-10 years. Preloaders should load 1-2 cars not 3-4 cars and have all the air sorted and 1/4 the ground. The only reason I see is that UPS doesn't give a crap about the preloaders because they are PT and they also have there lead drivers doing there job.

Good luck to all those who think beyond the brown world.

Hire more Preloaders??? :lol: WHY??? It costs UPS $10.69 to load each package car each day...

You can have ONE preloader on FOUR pacakge cars...
$9.50 x 4:30 = $42.75:w00t: Then wonder why there are misloads or work stacked out... The best part is a District Manager wanting to cut Preload start times... :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
What I hate is when the preload is already down at 8:00 (rare but it happens) and we all want to start at 8:15 instead of 8:30 but we can't because of that 1% of the drivers that shows up almost right at start time. There is nothing wrong with showing up right at start time but those that do it occasionally screw the rest out of starting earlier. 15 minutes is a long time.

Start Time is the START TIME of when UPS starts paying you... Starting fifteen minute before the posted start time is fifteen minutes OFF the clock.

On the preload we have had sups do PCM and testing 15 minutes before start time and hourly workers not get paid BECAUSE IT WAS BEFORE THE POSTED START TIME. One guy kept records and pointed it out when they wanted him to sign off on his time for the week.


Well-Known Member
Technically, no I am not.

Our air has been coming later and later every week. (It sucks not having any flights into this city) So the pre-loaders have to stay on the belt. If my pre-loader was to go get my split for me she would end up missing packages for all four PC she is responsible for. Thus there would be more at the end of the belt and the reverse would take longer and in turn our air would be later. Plus everyday there is an announcement by the pre-load sup telling them to hand the load over to the drivers and for the pre-loaders to get off the clock.

I understand what you are saying o9f, but that is just the way it works in our center. Wonder what the union thinks of it.

I see you are in Canada but that sounds EXACTLY like life here in Florida... They should consider giving your preloader a fourth PC to load...:w00t:


Well-Known Member
I am the last one out of the building in my loop. Why? coz we start at 9, pcm til 905, and out by 912. Why did my partner leave at 905 I get asked?....Duhhhhhhhh, hes been loading since 830, heres the :censored2: thats left behind, I am loading mine since I started, ( and theres still 60 to load, since hes been bs'ing with that driver. and if he had started when I did, at OUR SPECIFIED START TIME, he would still be here to take them. You want me to take them? sure thing! I make 42.00 per hour after 8 and you got 27 bucks free for half an hour. Im not a rocket scientist, or a mgmt trainee hahahah but which makes more sense????? Ya gotta follow the rules, unless of course the numbers look better when you dont.
Will I file a grievance, oh yeah sure, Im the only female, so Im going to file a grievance coz the guys wanna get home??? What would that make me the ultimate bitch from hell? I got a better idea. Why doesnt our illustrious BA from the union come to our shop just once, and do their job, and see how things are...especially since they are only a mile away......instead of showing up at one of my delivery docks to tell me who to vote for. What the heck do they do for the other 2 yrs minus one week? JmHO but loading off the clock is just wrong for so many reasons. Do it right for a week or two and fix it permanently.
Amen Honey!!!! I wish some of our Atlanta hub wussies were half the person you seem to be Ever get to atl let me know ill take you to dinner----> BC


Well-Known Member
Let’s do the math:
15 minutes x 5 days = 1:15 a week unpaid
52 weeks x 1:15 hours = 65:00 unpaid hours a year
Of course UPS will say these numbers are wrong because it does not include holidays so we can take off 12:30 hours and that gives us 52.30 unpaid hours a year.


I like looking at the cost of skipping lunch.
1 hour 10 minutes x $40.75 an hour (since hardly anyone gets off in less then 8 now) = $47.54
5 days x $47.54 = $237.70
49 weeks (assuming we average 3 weeks vaca) x $237.70 = $11647.30

So when you skip your lunch you're giving your center manager a gift of over 11 grand a year that you've earned but he doesn't have to pay you.. Who says the hourlies are greedy?

omega man

We have all heard the saying: There is a fool born every day!
After 25 years it still amazes me that some people choose to work for free. A lot of it has to do with selfishness and a complete disregard for Union rules. Rules are in place to protect the worker not only from the company but also from themselves if need be. It is not hard to come to work each day and do the right thing. That is, stay out of the operation before your start time and take your full hour lunch. Doing your own thing is not an option. We are all part of a Union and division in our ranks only weakens us. For those of you who still feel the need to work for free, you can all come over to my house this weekend and wash my car and clean my gutters. I need the help more than a rich corporation like UPS.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Why is it that everyone is so worried about what EVERYONE ELSE is doing? What ever happened to mind your own business? If a driver wants to come in early and pull off misloads, that's their business. Do you guys look at other driver's numbers to see who made bonus, scratched, or didn't plan out? Why not just come in at your start time, grab your board, and focus your energy on the route your running?

BTW Rod, UPS has a zero tolerance policy on workplace "ass woopin"


We have all heard the saying: There is a fool born every day!
After 25 years it still amazes me that some people choose to work for free. A lot of it has to do with selfishness and a complete disregard for Union rules. Rules are in place to protect the worker not only from the company but also from themselves if need be. It is not hard to come to work each day and do the right thing. That is, stay out of the operation before your start time and take your full hour lunch. Doing your own thing is not an option. We are all part of a Union and division in our ranks only weakens us. For those of you who still feel the need to work for free, you can all come over to my house this weekend and wash my car and clean my gutters. I need the help more than a rich corporation like UPS.

I'm not an advocate for free labor but reading this post and this well rehashed argument you see again that union rhetoric does everything it can to discourage individual achievment and pride in workmanship. It also does everything it can to discourage anyone trying to make their lives any easier. Often forgotten as we discuss the evil company squeezing the life blood out of its employees is that the union also benifits from our working you 12 hours a day..on the clock of course.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that everyone is so worried about what EVERYONE ELSE is doing? What ever happened to mind your own business? If a driver wants to come in early and pull off misloads, that's their business. Do you guys look at other driver's numbers to see who made bonus, scratched, or didn't plan out? Why not just come in at your start time, grab your board, and focus your energy on the route your running?

BTW Rod, UPS has a zero tolerance policy on workplace "ass woopin"
Great post Harry, I loved it!
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Well-Known Member
I See many drivers sorting before their start time. Don't bother me a dam bit. But we have a few hard core tdu teamsters that will make waves over this while a preload sup loads their car. I can't understand why a teamster is so worried about a fellow teamster being in their car early and totally ignores management strange

Bad Habits,
The bottom line is where does it end? Should some people be allowed to load their car and others not? What about the poor PT loader that only gets 4 hours pay a day because their is no work for him. Which supervisor should get better numbers for himself because he has no preloaders working on his line. We all come to work to make money, thats the bottom line. I dont think we will find many that come here for other reasons. There is a contract in place by UPS and the Teamsters and it is called a collective bargaining agreement. From my local we had 11 804 members from the board and UPS had 11 there also. They are the ones that came up with this agreement and we are ALL to follow. If either violate it there will be a price to pay. The agreement DOES NOT allow you to work before your schedualed start time and it says it clear as day in mine. If the preload needs members to start early, they have a list, in seniority order, who they can call to come in to work. Everyone follows these rules and we have no problems.


Active Member
Why is it that everyone is so worried about what EVERYONE ELSE is doing? What ever happened to mind your own business? If a driver wants to come in early and pull off misloads, that's their business. Do you guys look at other driver's numbers to see who made bonus, scratched, or didn't plan out? Why not just come in at your start time, grab your board, and focus your energy on the route your running?

BTW Rod, UPS has a zero tolerance policy on workplace "ass woopin"

It worries me because management compares my numbers to those numbers of the guys in my loop or similar runs,and asks me why I can't be as productive as so and so. That's one of my worries.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Great post Harry, I loved it!

Last edited by diadlover : Today at 03:05 PM. Reason: Oh crap, I meant to say I HATED it!! Damn you Harry!!

Glad you liked it, or not....:thumbup1: I'm always trying lend a helping hand, a voice of encouragement or shoulder to lean on. After all, we're all brothers and sisters, at least that's what the Teamster cheerleaders tell me.:tongue_sm

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
We don't have a huge problem with people working off the clock here. The only time I see people go to their trucks before start time is when the preload is down super early. That is rare though. It usually goes down just a few minutes before or right at start time. Even the guys that bitch about others working for free will head for their trucks early if the preload is down early. I guess the temptation gets to everyone once in a while.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
It worries me because management compares my numbers to those numbers of the guys in my loop or similar runs,and asks me why I can't be as productive as so and so. That's one of my worries.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. When asked why I say, what time did so and so start? Oh well he was in his car when I got here and no one asked me to go help out. And he pulled out 20 minutes before my start time, yet I get his air, anything left behind that he didnt want, and he gets to select what gets moved to me? And he was .5 better than me? Well thats coz he works from the minute he gets here and I dont. I work when Im told to start early, or at my start. im not going to play games and try to make it look better than what I am. I give up lots of my time to have a great paying job, but it does not pay as well if you factor in your time you are working for free. It causes routes to not be fixed, coz someone else can do it. It causes routes to be cut when you have 1 1/2 hrs per loop being done for free. Its wrong on every level, its so clear, why cant people see it. Nothing will get fixed, if you keep using your sweat, your time, and giving up the money you are paid well to do,if you fix everything that isnt right, by fixing it yourself off the clock.


Browncafe Steward
Look in your contracts, you should have an article called PAID FOR TIME, gat with your steward and file to make sure that driver gets paid! Then file a grievance on seniority to get yourself paid for nor offering you that work or pay the poor preloader thats getting money taken out of his/her pocket. NO supervisor should be loading any trucks no matter what, if their training then the new hire is watching but both Cannot be working at the same time. A fair days work for a fair days pay!


Well-Known Member
Look in your contracts, you should have an article called PAID FOR TIME, gat with your steward and file to make sure that driver gets paid! Then file a grievance on seniority to get yourself paid for nor offering you that work or pay the poor preloader thats getting money taken out of his/her pocket. NO supervisor should be loading any trucks no matter what, if their training then the new hire is watching but both Cannot be working at the same time. A fair days work for a fair days pay!
I believe this varies with local supplements, as I have seen both methods being used, in different districts/regions.

And if the preload is short, or a preloader gets sick and drivers are not available to load, is this a grievance situation? If all union employees are being used, and phone calls are made at 3:00 am and drivers refuse to come in, what the preload sup to do?

Should the package be stacked, drivers get out of the building late, and service failures occur, because a union preloaders didn't come to work, or got sick on the job? Sometimes I think the Supervisor Working grievances are unreasonable.

Or if there are not enough drivers available on a particular day, should management send a sup on the road, what's the right decison?

As a center manager, I would break out a route the best I could to ensure union employees would have the opportunity to pick up the extra work, but by the same token, I ensure all service would be made on delivery commitments and pick ups.

And let me tell you, the drivers who got the extra work were usually none to pleased. So I advised them to speak to their fellow employee who was unable to come to work. Usually, the attendance problems were the same people.

This was when I worked at Jeff St. Local 705

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I believe this varies with local supplements, as I have seen both methods being used, in different districts/regions.

And if the preload is short, or a preloader gets sick and drivers are not available to load, is this a grievance situation? If all union employees are being used, and phone calls are made at 3:00 am and drivers refuse to come in, what the preload sup to do?

Should the package be stacked, drivers get out of the building late, and service failures occur, because a union preloaders didn't come to work, or got sick on the job? Sometimes I think the Supervisor Working grievances are unreasonable.

Or if there are not enough drivers available on a particular day, should management send a sup on the road, what's the right decison?

As a center manager, I would break out a route the best I could to ensure union employees would have the opportunity to pick up the extra work, but by the same token, I ensure all service would be made on delivery commitments and pick ups.

And let me tell you, the drivers who got the extra work were usually none to pleased. So I advised them to speak to their fellow employee who was unable to come to work. Usually, the attendance problems were the same people.

This was when I worked at Jeff St. Local 705

Let's be realistic here. When people file for supervisors working it's usually for the free money. Not because the supervisor was working. Claiming it's for that reason is just to mask the fact that they are just taking advantage of the opportunity to get money for nothing. Money for a job that they probably would have refused to do if asked, yet, are filing for it when a sup does the work.


Staff member
"Usually, the attendance problems were the same people."

Christ, you got that right Channahon! And I wonder why the company doesn't do something about this. Seems to be a favoritism thing (at least in my center). It seems the same people can have 20 days off a year. I don't even use my 5 sick days, but can't get a day I want off because we're short people BECAUSE the guy with 20 call offs just called again!

"When people file for supervisors working it's usually for the free money."

I disagree with that, BAU. Most of our filings are because people on a call in list weren't called in (for preload shortages or EAMs, etc). I truly believe these people would rather just work (that's why they signed up). Myself, I hate being paid for time I didn't work, it's a huge waste of money for the company..... But I'll take the money if I feel they've done me wrong!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
"Usually, the attendance problems were the same people."

Christ, you got that right Channahon! And I wonder why the company doesn't do something about this. Seems to be a favoritism thing (at least in my center). It seems the same people can have 20 days off a year. I don't even use my 5 sick days, but can't get a day I want off because we're short people BECAUSE the guy with 20 call offs just called again!

"When people file for supervisors working it's usually for the free money."

I disagree with that, BAU. Most of our filings are because people on a call in list weren't called in (for preload shortages or EAMs, etc). I truly believe these people would rather just work (that's why they signed up). Myself, I hate being paid for time I didn't work, it's a huge waste of money for the company..... But I'll take the money if I feel they've done me wrong!

I disagree because every time they try and use the call in list no one will come in. Then drivers are asked and still no help. If the volume is killing us then a sup will help and only then will a driver complain or file, yet, still refuse to help. That tells me that they just want the free money. If they truly cared about sups working then they'd step in and work. When asked some will actually say "Too sad." And clock out. Then later file for a sup working. It is madness I tell ya. At least in the two buildings I've worked in.