I am the last one out of the building in my loop. Why? coz we start at 9, pcm til 905, and out by 912. Why did my partner leave at 905 I get asked?....Duhhhhhhhh, hes been loading since 830, heres the
thats left behind, I am loading mine since I started, ( and theres still 60 to load, since hes been bs'ing with that driver. and if he had started when I did, at OUR SPECIFIED START TIME, he would still be here to take them. You want me to take them? sure thing! I make 42.00 per hour after 8 and you got 27 bucks free for half an hour. Im not a rocket scientist, or a mgmt trainee hahahah but which makes more sense????? Ya gotta follow the rules, unless of course the numbers look better when you dont.
Will I file a grievance, oh yeah sure, Im the only female, so Im going to file a grievance coz the guys wanna get home??? What would that make me the ultimate bitch from hell? I got a better idea. Why doesnt our illustrious BA from the union come to our shop just once, and do their job, and see how things are...especially since they are only a mile away......instead of showing up at one of my delivery docks to tell me who to vote for. What the heck do they do for the other 2 yrs minus one week? JmHO but loading off the clock is just wrong for so many reasons. Do it right for a week or two and fix it permanently.