BLM means WHAT ????

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The mass production of meat along with the mass production of everything else is the most efficient way to feed people. If it were all little family farms it would be a lot less efficient. Large populations require efficient methods to get products to your table. If you can't see that I don't know what else can be said.
Got it. It’s another of your beliefs that isn’t backed by any evidence and won’t be changed by acknowledging actual reality.


Well-Known Member
Got it. It’s another of your beliefs that isn’t backed by any evidence and won’t be changed by acknowledging actual reality.
You're focused on meat, I'm on mass production. The market rewards efficiency, it's why FedEx has been successful. So tell me, what to you is the most efficient way to feed hundreds of millions of people?


Well-Known Member
The mass production of meat along with the mass production of everything else is the most efficient way to feed people. If it were all little family farms it would be a lot less efficient. Large populations require efficient methods to get products to your table. If you can't see that I don't know what else can be said.
meat requires alot of resources. its not efficient.

El Correcto

god is dead
Got it. It’s another of your beliefs that isn’t backed by any evidence and won’t be changed by acknowledging actual reality.
Reality did change my opinion. Democrats are basically like the Arab party in Israel. I wouldn’t be surprised if they voted to dissolve the United States and no longer recognize it as a country.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You're focused on meat, I'm on mass production. The market rewards efficiency, it's why FedEx has been successful. So tell me, what to you is the most efficient way to feed hundreds of millions of people?
Yes economies of scale exist in agriculture. That has nothing to do with meat vs. a plant based diet. It takes 7lbs of feed to get 1lb of beef, that doesn’t include the water. Humans can eat that 7lbs of feed directly and it would be more efficient. This isn’t complicated.

El Correcto

god is dead
This is why republicans are known the world over as the party of stupid.



Well-Known Member
Yes economies of scale exist in agriculture. That has nothing to do with meat vs. a plant based diet. It takes 7lbs of feed to get 1lb of beef, that doesn’t include the water. Humans can eat that 7lbs of feed directly and it would be more efficient. This isn’t complicated.
Humans don't want to eat "feed." Most, anyways. And we've had this discussion before. To replace meat with a plant based diet you're going to have to grow a heck of a lot more crops. What happens when we have crop failures due to drought? Mass starvation? Can't back it up with meat, you got rid of it. And you can store meat in freezers longer. To get produce to supermarkets you have to pick before ripeness. I love fresh produce but not a fan of canned, frozen, or picked too early produce. I'll eat it, but if it isn't fresh you really lose something .

El Correcto

god is dead
Yes economies of scale exist in agriculture. That has nothing to do with meat vs. a plant based diet. It takes 7lbs of feed to get 1lb of beef, that doesn’t include the water. Humans can eat that 7lbs of feed directly and it would be more efficient. This isn’t complicated.
Oh so you’re a socialist nutritionist now.

Just let the peasants eat cow feed, as long as I don’t have to pay for my employees healthcare I don’t give a :censored2:.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Oh so you’re a socialist nutritionist now.

Just let the peasants eat cow feed, as long as I don’t have to pay for my employees healthcare I don’t give a :censored2:.
I pay for my employees healthcare. It’s why I encourage people to eat a plant based diet to remain healthy. I’m not sure why stupid people are so adamant about eating garbage that makes them sicker.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Humans don't want to eat "feed." Most, anyways. And we've had this discussion before. To replace meat with a plant based diet you're going to have to grow a heck of a lot more crops. What happens when we have crop failures due to drought? Mass starvation? Can't back it up with meat, you got rid of it. And you can store meat in freezers longer. To get produce to supermarkets you have to pick before ripeness. I love fresh produce but not a fan of canned, frozen, or picked too early produce. I'll eat it, but if it isn't fresh you really lose something .
We have had this discussion before and it’s clear you’ve done nothing to educate yourself on the subject. It’s a sickness where information is available but you refuse to consider the facts that prove your beliefs incorrect.