BLM means WHAT ????

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
More than tasteless. It's what the backwoods racists perpetuate 24/7. The hypocrisy of her posts is that the black community and BLM movement are in no way, shape or form condoning or justifying black on black violence.
And yet they do nothing about it.
You see all the white people who protest alongside and a part of BLM?
You see them right?
Do you see them or??????
Did You see all the White people who spoke out against the George Floyd killing including police, and yet you constantly harp on systemic racism and all White people are racists

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
That’s exactly the problem lady 👍

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

What about it? I haven't been pretending I'm not talking about both black people and BLM. The cycle of black on black violence will never end unless there's buy-in to a solution from all parties involved.

Keep trying to draw me like one of your racist French girls, Jack.


Netsua 3:16

35$ a night for an air bnb in Garfield park. Maybe go there on a vacation and tell them youre there to save them
Kind of like those neighborhoods in the woods with no street signs, meth houses and a bunch of hicks with guns
There poor parts of every culture. It’s unfortunate you choose to focus on the worst aspect of black america

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Kind of like those neighborhoods in the woods with no street signs, meth houses and a bunch of hicks with guns
There poor parts of every culture. It’s unfortunate you choose to focus on the worst aspect of black america
Isn’t the worst aspect precisely what needs to be addressed?

What, exactly, does the successful segment of black America, who reject thug culture, need from you running interference for them?