Well-Known Member
I've already mentioned, the Ron Paul Ravers are the originaters of the Tea Party Movement, but whether you agree or not, like the White House Democrats in charge now, the original crafters of movement have a "marketability problem" of getting the truth out as well. The Neo-Cons, Evangelicals, war mongers, wireless cheerleaders, the right wing extreme machine are champions of marketing their idealogy, and are experts in hi-jacking opinions with myths, and mis-information thru media, money, power, and fear. My criticizism of the Ron Paul-ers are them embracing the right wing fringe at their brainchild events. Yet their's such an extreme rift of views between the Indp/Libertarians/ Traditional Rep's vs "Today's"Republicans the whole movement is replicating a farce.....Throughout History, as Rep's are out of power, they go thru this "Born Again" phase...Is half of America that dumb to buy this time and time again ??
Anyway, great paragraph in the Greenwald Article.... "This is what Republicans always do. When in power, they massively expand the power of the state in every realm. Deficit spending and the national debt skyrocket. The National Security State is bloated beyond description through wars and occupations, while no limits are tolerated on the Surveillance State. Then, when out of power, they suddenly pretend to re-discover their "small government principles."
As for having a "PR" problem, no arguement in many respects and some of the things you say are at the heart of it. As for embracing the "right-wing fringe" it is also equally true that some "left wing fringe" was attracted to Paul as well. In fact, between Bush's 8 years and Paul 08' run a bridge between the so-called "non Statist left" and "non Statist right" has been building and although they have their arguements, they agree in varying non state solutions going forward. Even supporting and voting for Ron Paul is a big debate topic among so-called libertarians as more and more libertarians via Murray Rothbard are discovering folks like Proudhon, Benjamin Tucker and Lysander Spooner who in some cases like Proudhon had a big influence on Marx (as did John Locke and Adam Smith) and let's not forget, perfect Marxism dissolves the State as well so the endgame of libertarian/anarchists, libertarian/left, libertarian/socialist and the libertarian Anarcho/capitialist all want to dissolve the state. Why then should we work in any way to support a repair to the State when the whole idea is to completely dissolve it? Also if you take the non-aggression axiom (see wikipedia Non-aggression principle) to it's conclusion, elective politics is a violation to that belief.
Lew Rockwell was just recently interviewed by The Daily Bell and I won't pretend you'll agree with his comments in this broad Q&A but I do think you'll get a perspective across a broad spectrum and specifically about Ron Paul and what his political effort is about. I think his goal in this case was achieved in 2008' and therefore a run in 2012' IMO is not the right way to go unless the true motive has now become something else. I therefore oppose such efforts going forward. The afterthoughts at the end are also interesting too so give them some consideration.