Can anyone.......I mean ANYONE answer this?


Light 'em up!
I work at the same pace no matter how many stops they give me. I really could careless about later air or missed business/house stops. All that is their problem and I keep it that way. I inform them of any missed services and they make correction which normally means sending a runner out to take work off me. They can do that everyday for all I care. They won't break me.

When I was in bundles, 19 years, I told my sup, and every new one that came in, that I would give them a good day for the first 8 hours. But after 8 hours, I start getting tired. So between the 8th and 9th hour my SPORH would drop from about 20 down to 15.

After the 9th hour, I really start getting tired. Between the 9th and 10th hour my SPORH drops from 15 down to 10. After the 10th hour, I told them they are only getting 5 stops per on road hour because I am exhausted by then.

Keep me out past 12 hours and I won't be in the next day. Too tired. I took a lot of days off because of my "12" hour rule. The only thing I heard from any sup or center manager was that what I told them makes sense.

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nowhere special
When I was in bundles, 19 years, I told my sup, and every new one that came in, that I would give them a good day for the first 8 hours. But after 8 hours, I start getting tired. So between the 8th and 9th hour my SPORH would drop from about 20 down to 15.

After the 9th hour, I really start getting tired. Between the 9th and 10th hour my SPORH drops from 15 down to 10. After the 10th hour, I told them they are only getting 5 stops per on road hour because I am exhausted by then.

Keep me out past 12 hours and I won't be in the next day. Too tired. I took a lot of days off because of my "12" hour rule. The only thing I heard from any sup or center manager was that what I told them makes sense.

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As your day gets longer your pace gets slower. When you know it will be late and you finish your business and pickups its cruise control after 5 and you get done when you get done.

walk it off

Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I'm not new as I've been with the company for 11+ years and been driving for 8. Still part time and waiting for the next friend/t position (company hasn't replaced the last 9 friend/t drivers that have left) which is "any time now". I hope this hasn't been posted before and my apologies if it has but I haven't found a post regarding this and no one in our center talks or seems to know any reasoning behind it all, so here goes.

Does anyone know why the company refuses to hire any/enough drivers to give everyone (i mean all drivers), say, an 8-9 hour day, plenty of time with no pressure to get air off, sit down and take an hour lunch with no pressure, and a "normal" amount of work without having to go help some other driver that has too much work or having to stay out until 8-9-10pm?!?!? Have drivers in by like 5:30-6:00 so they can enjoy the evening. Do they not understand that the company is still gonna make a killing and the drivers are gonna be more productive, efficient and safer? I mean, what is the meaning of cutting a bulky town route out 2 times a week and then asking others to help the drivers that had to take the slack or even call in a tcd to help? With all of the o/t, extra fuel, miles and man hours, how is this better?

Also, constantly ignoring the 9.5 list and just handing out grievance checks with no problems?!? I'm sure this is common among the other centers but as I said earlier, no one seems to talk or know? I'm sorry but I was wondering if anyone knew why they operate that way? Do they get huge bonuses for running 50 drivers worth of volume with 35 drivers and do not care how it gets done? I have always just sucked it up and took a big one but after so long, I've started trying to see what's behind it all.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was hired ('05) you had some splainin' to do if you came in over 9.5 - maybe it was because I was a rookie but nowadays I'm an a55hole just for asking to be in by 9.5... three days a week.

I also don't think it's any coincidence that the company is making more money than ever.... me too for that matter.

As a shareholder it's hard to knock a company for making the most out of it's employees just because I am one.


Well-Known Member
It's all about benefits and the bottom line. When it will bite them in the butt this time is Christmas when the big sort hubs get stuff processed, but the delivery hubs don't have the manpower to deliver it.
Your building sounds like ours; a ticking bomb!


Oh Yeah
Your second paragraph describes it well. That is SOP (standard operating procedure) It is normal in almost all operations, rather than the exception. Work you like an army mule, then kick you out the door when you're all used up. Bring a new employee in at a lower pay rate. start procedure all over again. The more you work, the more they will pile onto you. If they would make it easy on you, it would make them look bad to their bosses. Maybe if everybody held hands in a big circle at the AM meeting and sang kumbaya they would see the error in their ways.:biggrin:
That's why you just take your time and they can kiss your balls. Itll be what itll be on paper. I wont freak them on purpose if they hook me up with a decent day, but if they screw me ill stick it way up in their cornhole deep into the night lol.


Victory Ride
they are stupid! They do not realize that the excessive hrs cause more of a chance of injury. In our ctr. they want the drivers to average 9.5hrs a day min. They do not care about anything,but getting the pkgs delivered. The person who makes the decision to cut cars is home by 5 or 6 everyday. it is all about money in the end.
They do realize it causes injuries and accidents. Each center is allowed x amount of money etc per year.Its when the center goes over the projected number of accidents and injuries the shiiiiiiite muslim hits the fan. Said but true!Its UPS Buisness.......they probably figure in money for deaths also.


Well-Known Member
they are stupid! They do not realize that the excessive hrs cause more of a chance of injury. In our ctr. they want the drivers to average 9.5hrs a day min. They do not care about anything,but getting the pkgs delivered. The person who makes the decision to cut cars is home by 5 or 6 everyday. it is all about money in the end.
I am sure they do they just fight all injuries very aggressively with company paid doctors .I have another name for this doctors I am sure it would be deleted .I may add UPS is not the only company doing this they all do it pretty much.