Car and Bike Talk


Amatuer Malthusian
The latest episode of Jay Leno's Garage featured the original Bullitt Mustang. It's a bit rough. One of 2 used and driven by Steve McQueen. Wonder if it's the one that snapped the ball joint going over the curb and into the ditch. Some guy in NJ owns it.


Amatuer Malthusian
McQueen would be rolling in his grave to see what a roach it had been allowed to become. He tried to buy it back and the guy just proceeded to use it up!


Amatuer Malthusian
Wasn't that one of the stunt cars that looked OK on the outside but was a piece of crap otherwise?
It was not specified, but the other one they said was destroyed. I'm quite sure all the rust and paint leprosy was not there when it was sold, though it was about 6 years old at the time it was sold to the guy.
Now the car looks like crap inside and out.