Contract talks


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
They've been trying it every contract and it gets thrown out every time. That's what Dave doesn't get. But he has such a hard on for FedEx ground that he wishes ups would be that way after HE retires
I do think they will do some kind of 401k match though


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Well to tell you the truth I remember when we said we would never work Saturdays we deliver Saturdays he would never work a Sunday I worked a Sunday delivery we must change with the times and as far as screwing the Teamsters where your fellow brothers are you kidding me have you heard of progression or how about when the Teamsters was trying to negotiate a Pension deal that would cut current retirees pay out in half and then there was a special carveout for UPS employees trust me tiered pay out and/or no retirement 401(k) match is coming don't believe what I'm telling you do your own homework see where UPS makes its money not off the parks on the street they did years ago but they were smart and invested in other entities unlike central states
Lol! Zero punctuation!


Just a turd
Just because you say it over and over doesn't make it come true.
He has been preaching it for more than 5 years.
Sleeve, he does make a valid point. This is why I do think that you will see a two-tiered wage system for drivers discussed in 2013. I don't know how much more cutting they can do at the mgt level. Yes, we do have record or near record profits, but who knows how long that will continue. I do think our turn comes in 2013.

I have 22 years in and think that there will some form of concession in 2013. I think that there will be a two-tiered wage system for new drivers and that UPS will offer a signing bonus to try to get it approved. Health care will be discussed and there will be stonger and more clearly defined language on the use of technology for discipline. Production standards will be discussed.


Well-Known Member
...and why do you think that is....?

They will throw in a signing bonus and the contract will pass.

This happened at Boeing recently. Basically now a two teired system. Grandfathered into the pension and pay for 5 years of seniority or more, those with less get a 401k match and are on a new pay scale. It would not have passed if not for the big fat signing bonuses that were attached. The older employees sold out the younger ones for a one time payout.

UPS may never get us to a true 2 teired pay scale, but us continuing to allow them to push the progession to full scale further, and further out each contract is the next best thing for them.


Well-Known Member
Well we will start the new year off with a year and a half before a new contract I foresee a tiered system no new driver will see the pay that we get also most likely no more retirement a 401(k) match I know a lot of you will say no way no how but in order for this company to be profitable and succeed it must happen there's no possible way we can stay afloat and be competitive I am all for it because I want to see my retirement be there as many of you know the central states pension fund goes belly up in seven years will UPS Help out with existing retirees already retired and or the future retirees will they help them and subsidize the shortfall keeping in mind UPS truly has no obligation considering they already gave the Teamsters the money and now it's all gone because of their lack of being proactive and trying to address this way back in 97 when we had the strike because surely that's what it was all about those are very important questions if you plan on retiring here in the next 5 to 10 years
We netted 5 billion dollars last year. How are we not profitable?


Well-Known Member
Because of the majority of minimum wage, no benefit PT employees.
Most PT Employees are kids with no degree just looking for a paycheck. They come and go. It's only the smart ones that realize that if you stick with something, it will pay off. And those people know how to make part time work pay off.