Covid Vaccinations


Your Hero
I already amount to plenty. I have made a great life and a secure future for my kids.

You're a locust and you know it.

I live well below my means so that my retirement won't even eat away at my funds, and my kids will receive even more than I made.
Yeah, right...all you've done is teach your kids to blame others for their problems.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Covid, that's like the boomers last hurrah on trying to make all their kids stunted and poor so some fat, selfish boomer can get 6 more months of diabetic life done


Your Hero
What part of "tens of trillions" do you not understand?
What part? The COVID stimulus, EBT, WIC, unemployment, social security, child tax credits, etc...tens of trillions added to the national debt went to handout hungry government dependent socialist like yourself.

It's people like you sulking on the government tit that added to the national debt.

Star B

White Lightening
What part? The COVID stimulus, EBT, WIC, unemployment, social security, child tax credits, etc...tens of trillions added to the national debt went to handout hungry government dependent socialist like yourself.

It's people like you sulking on the government tit that added to the national debt.
and... who passed those laws? I'm pretty sure it's not the 20 somethings of today.

Just did a bit of research, EITC was in 1975, perfect Boomer range.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Covid, that's like the boomers last hurrah on trying to make all their kids stunted and poor so some fat, selfish boomer can get 6 more months of diabetic life done
I understand and agree with you if you're against the government borrowing money and racking up ever increasing amounts of debt. I don't know too much about it but even if it started getting bad in the boomers generation, when we stopped guaranteeing the dollar with gold/silver...
It keeps getting worse and worse and we can't blame the boomers when they're not leading the country anymore.
Also, painting a large group of people calling the whole group out, is unfair. There are boomers who are to blame, and there are boomers who are not to blame.


Well-Known Member
Huge study with 700,000 participants just came out of Israel. It showed people who are vaccinated are 13 times more likely to get reinfected than those with natural immunity from being infected. That the vaccines efficacy only lasts about 6 months. This is in line with smaller studies elsewhere that had similar results.
I'd rather get infected every 6 months and live than not get a vaccine and risk dying. I'm not afraid of a little jab in the shoulder that I can barely feel. Meanwhile, other idiots are injecting animal anti-parasitic drugs that aren't approved, while whining about how the vaccines were approved, as if an anti-parasitic is the same as an anti-viral.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather get infected every 6 months and live than not get a vaccine and risk dying. I'm not afraid of a little jab in the shoulder that I can barely feel. Meanwhile, other idiots are injecting animal anti-parasitic drugs that aren't approved, while whining about how the vaccines were approved, as if an anti-parasitic is the same as an anti-viral.
Has nothing to do with how effective the vaccines are. If you have natural immunity from being infected already then you're much better off than getting vaccinated. If you haven't already been infected then by all means get vaccinated, especially if you're in a high risk group. But plan on numerous booster shots.


Well-Known Member
And since most people who were infected last year when there weren't any vaccines have more natural immunity through antibodies I'm sure you're happy for them and don't see a need to push a vaccine on them that has fully vaccinated people getting reinfected all over the place? Right?
Still, it is the unvaccinated who are dying, and many of them were previously infected and their 'natural' immunity didn't help as much as getting vaccinated, which is why vaccinated people RARELY die.
I understand and agree with you if you're against the government borrowing money and racking up ever increasing amounts of debt. I don't know too much about it but even if it started getting bad in the boomers generation, when we stopped guaranteeing the dollar with gold/silver...
It keeps getting worse and worse and we can't blame the boomers when they're not leading the country anymore.
Also, painting a large group of people calling the whole group out, is unfair. There are boomers who are to blame, and there are boomers who are not to blame.
The boomers were NOT leading the country when the gold standard was dropped. The gold standard itself was dropped in 1933, and the direct connection of the dollar and gold was dropped in 1971 when ALL but a few boomers were under 25 years old. You should at least get your facts right when disparaging an entire group of people when NONE of that group was old enough to be a president or a sneator, and only a few were old enough to be elected to the House, and MOST of them couldn't even vote. You need to re-exmine your beliefs when you have such simple facts wrong. You apparently hate a whole generation based on ignorance- typical for a Trumpie, and racists, and mysoginists, and.......


Well-Known Member
Has nothing to do with how effective the vaccines are. If you have natural immunity from being infected already then you're much better off than getting vaccinated. If you haven't already been infected then by all means get vaccinated, especially if you're in a high risk group. But plan on numerous booster shots.
That is wrong. Natural immunity that may let you die if re-infected is only better in an idiots mind than being vaccinated and not dying, even if it takes getting vaccinated every six months. Booster shots don't bother me in the least. Only a whiny little bitch baby is afraid of shots.


Well-Known Member
You could get killed walking your doggy...never know.

Stop living in fear...and it's none of you business if someone is vaccinated or not.
You are afraid of both the vaccine and covid. I am not afraid of the vaccine, and have zero fear of even being sick from the virus. But I do wear a mask in public in case I can spread the virus because I actually care whether I make someone else sick, and possibly die. Even if a mask isn't 100% effective, if it reduces the risk that someone's kid dies from a viral infection they got from me by even 10%, that is better than nothing. Right wingers who fear the vaccine are selfish, just like every Trumpie on the planet