Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
It's YOU who is the problem. You want everybody to be the same, do the same, live the same. It's not like that in a free society. It's like that in communist China. YOU have to be willing to accept people for who they are and live your own life as you see fit. Leave that other person alone if you don’t agree with the way THEY WANT TO LIVE THEIR LIFE. That's living in a free society.

You got your shot. You got nothing to .gov says!

But you can't. You live in fear. And that fear makes you feel like you need to control everything and everybody...:censored2: you!!!

It's people like you who need to be taken out back and shot!
Except you want to be free to spread a disease than can kill others. You have NEVER lived in a free society- you can't go around taking stuff from others or even unintentionally or negligently killing them by randomly firing a gun in every direction. It is people who would randomly go out and negligently kill people who should face the death penalty.


Your Hero
Except you want to be free to spread a disease than can kill others. You have NEVER lived in a free society- you can't go around taking stuff from others or even unintentionally or negligently killing them by randomly firing a gun in every direction. It is people who would randomly go out and negligently kill people who should face the death penalty.
You're trying to make a comparison of criminal laws to a choice. That doesn't fly...try again.
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Well-Known Member
Except you want to be free to spread a disease than can kill others. You have NEVER lived in a free society- you can't go around taking stuff from others or even unintentionally or negligently killing them by randomly firing a gun in every direction. It is people who would randomly go out and negligently kill people who should face the death penalty.
I am less dangerous to my coworkers than a vaccinated person is


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Likely because the earlier definitions weren't precise. A vaccination fight off an infection- it doesn't set up a force field that prevents the virus from entering your body, and smart people knew that. There are MANY vaccines that have NEVER offered any lifetime of immunity that some people are now arguing should occir. Almost all the childhood vaccinations take multiple boosters over time, and people get repeated tetanus vaccines throughout life because that 'immunity' doesn't last long. NO ONE with a brain has ever believed that lifetime immunity is guaranteed from any vaccine. Some vaccines apparently do offer lifetime immunity from getting the diease, so offer only limited reduction in symptoms. And vaccines have never directly produced the immunity- it has always been the bodies response that creates the immunity. But the vaccine is the prime mover. If you want to read something sinister into a more precise definition have fun. But , in a way christians might understand, you can say that god created everything man made in the world, because 'god' created man. So in that sense, vaccines 'create' immunity, but it is actually the bodies reaction to the vaccine that finally results in the immune response to the virus, or bacteria. Only crybabies worry about having a slightly more precise definition.
So you can't read your own reply and go hhhmmm. They shouldn't have called it a vaccine.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Likely because the earlier definitions weren't precise. A vaccination fight off an infection- it doesn't set up a force field that prevents the virus from entering your body, and smart people knew that. There are MANY vaccines that have NEVER offered any lifetime of immunity that some people are now arguing should occir. Almost all the childhood vaccinations take multiple boosters over time, and people get repeated tetanus vaccines throughout life because that 'immunity' doesn't last long. NO ONE with a brain has ever believed that lifetime immunity is guaranteed from any vaccine. Some vaccines apparently do offer lifetime immunity from getting the diease, so offer only limited reduction in symptoms. And vaccines have never directly produced the immunity- it has always been the bodies response that creates the immunity. But the vaccine is the prime mover. If you want to read something sinister into a more precise definition have fun. But , in a way christians might understand, you can say that god created everything man made in the world, because 'god' created man. So in that sense, vaccines 'create' immunity, but it is actually the bodies reaction to the vaccine that finally results in the immune response to the virus, or bacteria. Only crybabies worry about having a slightly more precise definition.
Instead you say that they need to change the definition of a word to fit their shot. Does that not come off as stupid?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Their is a reason they used the word vaccine. So the gullible wouldn't question whether to get it or not. Have you figured out why the flu shot is called a flu shot? Not the flu vaccine?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Except you want to be free to spread a disease than can kill others. You have NEVER lived in a free society- you can't go around taking stuff from others or even unintentionally or negligently killing them by randomly firing a gun in every direction. It is people who would randomly go out and negligently kill people who should face the death penalty.
I have to ask. Are you under the age of 16 or have dementia? Not trying to insult. Just trying to figure out your way of thinking


Well-Known Member
Look at the stats. It'll save you from needing to think.
If you don't want to get vaccinated.... fine. Just as long as your refusal is not based on the dumb assumption that if you contract COVID the attending physician will still be able to save your life no matter how egregious your symptoms and damage to your vital organs might be.

BTW is Medicare you know that evil government run socialized healthcare program still paying for your father's joint replacement and rehabilitation?


Inordinately Right
If you don't want to get vaccinated.... fine. Just as long as your refusal is not based on the dumb assumption that if you contract COVID the attending physician will still be able to save your life no matter how egregious your symptoms and damage to your vital organs might be.
I'm pretty sure it's stupid fascist left wingers who are struggling to come to terms with the inevitability of their own mortality, not people who don't want to take this new shot.


Extra Large Package
So looks like the original subject of my post has come to fruition. Biden is going to require private companies with over 100 employees to have mandatory vaccines or be tested weekly. Of course you know they will start out saying this, but by November it will be vaccines or lose your job. They are offering the weekly testing as a soft way to introduce an alternative to mandatory vaccines, but they intend to do away with weekly testing, I'm going to guess, by November. So I wonder how many people will be quitting or getting fired by this fall over these mandatory vaccines? One thing I would suggest is to NOT quit your job and to just let them fire you. If there's ever a class action lawsuit down the road, you won't most likely won't be able to partake in it if you quit your job. I not saying there will be a lawsuit, but if you quit you're going to screw yourself in the long run.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So looks like the original subject of my post has come to fruition. Biden is going to require private companies with over 100 employees to have mandatory vaccines or be tested weekly. Of course you know they will start out saying this, but by November it will be vaccines or lose your job. They are offering the weekly testing as a soft way to introduce an alternative to mandatory vaccines, but they intend to do away with weekly testing, I'm going to guess, by November. So I wonder how many people will be quitting or getting fired by this fall over these mandatory vaccines? One thing I would suggest is to NOT quit your job and to just let them fire you. If there's ever a class action lawsuit down the road, you won't most likely won't be able to partake in it if you quit your job. I not saying there will be a lawsuit, but if you quit you're going to screw yourself in the long run.
Or stop being stupid and get the shot.


Well-Known Member
Except you want to be free to spread a disease than can kill others. You have NEVER lived in a free society- you can't go around taking stuff from others or even unintentionally or negligently killing them by randomly firing a gun in every direction. It is people who would randomly go out and negligently kill people who should face the death penalty.
I am free to continue being just as immune as you are, while shedding no greater of a viral load.

Scared people have a long tradition of staying home. Go with that.