Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
There are dozens of possible ones, including bad reactions to other shots, a large amount of unpredictable and seemingly random allergies that led to anaphylaxis, or something like Graves disease. I have friends in all sorts of situations, and some are mine.

Being under 40 with a strong heart and great nutrition, the virus is of 0 risk to me.

If you are in such great health, the shot is of zero risk to you. And because the unvaccinated stay infected longer when they get the virus, they end up being much more likey to kill others by spreading the disease. It isn't the Chinese spreading the virus in the USA- it is the stupid Americans who are afraid of the vaccine.


Your Hero
One common mindset among anti-vaxer crowd stands out above all the rest. It's their denial of the severity of the symptoms and the permanent damage it can do to their health.... Lung damage, reduced brain function, paralysis, etc.
The sister of my best friend, a woman whose son was killed in Iraq contracted COVID this past winter before the vaccination program could begin. She damn near died from it and today has reduced mental capacity and due to paralysis like symptoms can only walk a few steps with a walker until she is completely exhausted. Her doctor has informed her and her family that whatever degree of recovery she will achieve by October.... that will likely be it the final extent of it.

Now how many of you anti-vaxers actually want to have to live like this? Yes, I know... it's never going to happen to're just too healthy.... you have all this "natural" immunity.... yada yada yada. Your "freedom" and "liberty" is only as good as your health will allow.

I'm not anti-vax. I don't deny the virus. Yada, Yada, Yada.

I'm against forced compliance. I'm against .gov control.

...and I'm really against narcissistic racial elite fascists like you and your co-horts, bacha29


Well-Known Member
And yet, you haven't compared their age, race, sex, BMI, and other factors to a similar group of vaccinated people.

Which means you haven't done science.

The rule of large numbers applies when you reach the tens of thousands of infected per day being admitted. Because with large numbers, the BMI, etc is going to be about the same among both vaccinated and unvaccinated. If it was only the unhealthy getting admitted with covid,it would be about 50/50 vaccinated or not. But the numbers skew so greatly in favor of the unvaccinated being admitted, that BMI, etc are almost irrelevant as to who will get sick enough to be admitted. Unless you stupidly beleive that only healthy people have been vaccinated, and then you claim that it is because all the vaccinated are super healthy that it is 99% unvaccinated being admitted to hospitals. The greatest risk of being hospitalized with covid is NOT being healthy or not- it is simply whether you are vaccinated or not. If you take two healthy people, the unvaccinated one is nearly 100 times more likely to be hospitalized, and nearly 1000 times as likely to die as the vaccinated. And even an unhealthy vaccinated person has less chance of dying or being hospitalized than a healthy unvaccinated person. Clearly you don't understand the science of statistics and probabilities. The larger the sample size, the easier it is to assess cause and effect Which means you haven't done science.


Well-Known Member

I'm not anti-vax. I don't deny the virus. Yada, Yada, Yada.

I'm against forced compliance. I'm against .gov control.

...and I'm really against narcissistic racial elite fascists like you and your co-horts, bacha29
You won't EVER be forced to get the vaccine, cryboy, but you won't be allowed to take part in a lot of activities where close contact with people occurs.


Well-Known Member
You're overlooking one important point. You have to SURVIVE the infection first. And while you might have acquired some form of post COVID immunity it pales when compared to the permanent damage COVID has inflicted on people.
And there are thousands and thousands of proven cases of reinfection after having had covid once already. The so called 'natural immunity' is NOT permanent, only a few months in many reported cases, and with new variants, you may have zero 'natural' immunity.


Inordinately Right
One common mindset among anti-vaxer crowd stands out above all the rest. It's their denial of the severity of the symptoms and the permanent damage it can do to their health.... Lung damage, reduced brain function, paralysis, etc.
Another left winger who bought into anti science fake news fear porn.

You people are ridiculous.


Well-Known Member

I'm not anti-vax. I don't deny the virus. Yada, Yada, Yada.

I'm against forced compliance. I'm against .gov control.

...and I'm really against narcissistic racial elite fascists like you and your co-horts, bacha29
I see that you have nothing else to offer but personal attacks. No one is forcing you to comply. You are a consenting adult You can refuse to get the vaccine along with the expectation that you will accept whatever transpires in the aftermath of that decision So tell me something. let's say that you were to contract COVID and your symptoms are severe and potentially fatal. Now just exactly what steps would you take in an effort to easy your suffering and insure your survival? What will you do? Where will you go? Upon whom will you call seeking relief from your agony?


Well-Known Member
I didn't deny it exists little lady. I said you've been tricked by anti science fake news fear porn, and you came here to spread your misinformation.
If you wish to describe medical data that you readily dismiss because you lack the ability to disprove the data as "misinformation" go right ahead if you think it's going to matter.


Inordinately Right
If you wish to describe medical data that you readily dismiss because you lack the ability to disprove the data as "misinformation" go right ahead if you think it's going to matter.
Okay little lady, share your medical data about the tens of thousands of previously healthy young people that now have life long illnesses from the Chinese Virus.

All I've seen are some studies where whiney little bitches complain that they're tired.


Well-Known Member
One common mindset among anti-vaxer crowd stands out above all the rest. It's their denial of the severity of the symptoms and the permanent damage it can do to their health.... Lung damage, reduced brain function, paralysis, etc.
The sister of my best friend, a woman whose son was killed in Iraq contracted COVID this past winter before the vaccination program could begin. She damn near died from it and today has reduced mental capacity and due to paralysis like symptoms can only walk a few steps with a walker until she is completely exhausted. Her doctor has informed her and her family that whatever degree of recovery she will achieve by October.... that will likely be it the final extent of it.

Now how many of you anti-vaxers actually want to have to live like this? Yes, I know... it's never going to happen to're just too healthy.... you have all this "natural" immunity.... yada yada yada. Your "freedom" and "liberty" is only as good as your health will allow.

First, my liberty is more important than my health.

Secondly, we can read numbers. 1 million dead. Or 2 million dead. Or whatever you think it will be....

Isn't worth 20 trillion in new debt and a lockdown society.


Well-Known Member
If you are in such great health, the shot is of zero risk to you. And because the unvaccinated stay infected longer when they get the virus, they end up being much more likey to kill others by spreading the disease. It isn't the Chinese spreading the virus in the USA- it is the stupid Americans who are afraid of the vaccine.
I am in great health, but the shot is of meaningful risk to me. Covid is not

I've been at death's door more than once from anaphylaxis. You know that emergency button on the wall at the emergency department that brings the crash team? I've been lucid enough to watch my doc hit it. I don't remember much else.

I have unpredictable catastrophic reactions to unexpected things. Other people have different autoimmune disorders. The virus doesn't activate these pathways like an unknown shot can.

I am at no risk from the virus. I got a 2 week vacation and a one day headache from round 1 with Covid. It was awesome. I'm not scared of round 2.


Well-Known Member
The rule of large numbers applies when you reach the tens of thousands of infected per day being admitted. Because with large numbers, the BMI, etc is going to be about the same among both vaccinated and unvaccinated. If it was only the unhealthy getting admitted with covid,it would be about 50/50 vaccinated or not. But the numbers skew so greatly in favor of the unvaccinated being admitted, that BMI, etc are almost irrelevant as to who will get sick enough to be admitted. Unless you stupidly beleive that only healthy people have been vaccinated, and then you claim that it is because all the vaccinated are super healthy that it is 99% unvaccinated being admitted to hospitals. The greatest risk of being hospitalized with covid is NOT being healthy or not- it is simply whether you are vaccinated or not. If you take two healthy people, the unvaccinated one is nearly 100 times more likely to be hospitalized, and nearly 1000 times as likely to die as the vaccinated. And even an unhealthy vaccinated person has less chance of dying or being hospitalized than a healthy unvaccinated person. Clearly you don't understand the science of statistics and probabilities. The larger the sample size, the easier it is to assess cause and effect Which means you haven't done science.
The rule of large numbers doesn't account for self-selection bias. Welcome to stats 101. Large numbers don't fix selection problems. They don't even come close. A study of a million people can be dumb and useless, and a study of 100 can be great.

People who get the shot are more healthy than those who don't. They follow their doc on the shot, and they follow on smoking or obesity or whatever else.

This is why tables and data matter. And it's why we haven't been given them.


Well-Known Member
I am in great health, but the shot is of meaningful risk to me. Covid is not

I've been at death's door more than once from anaphylaxis. You know that emergency button on the wall at the emergency department that brings the crash team? I've been lucid enough to watch my doc hit it. I don't remember much else.

I have unpredictable catastrophic reactions to unexpected things. Other people have different autoimmune disorders. The virus doesn't activate these pathways like an unknown shot can.

I am at no risk from the virus. I got a 2 week vacation and a one day headache from round 1 with Covid. It was awesome. I'm not scared of round 2.
Leading cause of death by law enforcement now. They tough cops. Me strong. Me tough. Me dead