Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
You're overlooking one important point. You have to SURVIVE the infection first. And while you might have acquired some form of post COVID immunity it pales when compared to the permanent damage COVID has inflicted on people.
Most people who get it do survive and most who do don't end up crippled for life. Why the fear mongering?


Well-Known Member
No one cares if pro-vaxxers die. They deserve whatever they get. The problem is that they are prolonging the problems- including the economic issues- for everyone else, and taking up valuable hospital space and using taxpayer money for their hospital stay, when a cheap shot would help the entire country.


Well-Known Member
What that doesn't address is the number of deaths with the Delta variant is much less than with the original strain. What it also doesn't say is that the masks we wear are totally ineffective at preventing the spread of the virus. What it doesn't say is how public officials have been caught lying about the little danger of catching covid in bars and restaurants as they close small businesses down and still allow big business to operate. What it doesn't address is many public officials have been caught ignoring the rules while they demand the rest of us jump through hoops. If people are hesitant or even totally against being vaccinated a lot of it stems from being lied to and manipulated over the last 20 months and we're fed up with it all, including fed up with little dictators who carry water for their big government nanny staters.
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Well-Known Member
What that doesn't address is the number of deaths with the Delta variant is much less than with the original strain. What it also doesn't say is that the masks we wear are totally ineffective at preventing the spread of the virus. What it doesn't say is how public officials have been caught lying about the little danger of catching covid in bars and restaurants as they close small businesses down and still allow big business to operate. What it doesn't address is many public officials have been caught ignoring the rules while they demand the rest of us jump through hoops. If people are hesitant or even totally against being vaccinated a lot of it stems from being lied to and manipulated over the last 20 months and we're fed up with it all, including fed up with little dictators who carry water for their big government nanny staters.
Much less because the country is more than 50% vaccinated. Delta would run through the country like a California wildfire without the massive effort to vaccinate.


Well-Known Member
Much less because the country is more than 50% vaccinated. Delta would run through the country like a California wildfire without the massive effort to vaccinate.
There are just as many cases because the Delta variant is much more contagious. But there aren't even half as many deaths. Viruses tend to mutate into something milder over time. Otherwise all pandemics would last until either everyone is dead or herd immunity is achieved through natural immunity acquired from surviving the virus.


Well-Known Member
There are just as many cases because the Delta variant is much more contagious. But there aren't even half as many deaths. Viruses tend to mutate into something milder over time. Otherwise all pandemics would last until either everyone is dead or herd immunity is achieved through natural immunity acquired from surviving the virus.
Nope. This wave is still lower than last winter. Delta has been proven to be more contagious and deadly.


Well-Known Member
Nope. This wave is still lower than last winter. Delta has been proven to be more contagious and deadly.
No it hasn't. It's been the dominant strain by far for the last 4 or 5 months yet most of the deaths came with the previous strain in the months before that dating back to early 2020.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it was the vaccine that stopped the deaths. Ever think of that?
No, this is a new strain and it has been proven very contagious, even infecting some who've been vaccinated. But it isn't killing at the same rate that the previous strain was. The vaccinations certainly helped.


Well-Known Member
No, this is a new strain and it has been proven very contagious, even infecting some who've been vaccinated. But it isn't killing at the same rate that the previous strain was. The vaccinations certainly helped.
Yes the vaccines help. That's why 99.9% who are dying are unvaccinated. The vast majority of vaccinations were after the winter wave. That's why the lower death rate. Ttku....