Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
So who wants to show me how the unvaccinated compare by outcomes among groups similar in age, race, sex, BMI, and other risk factors?

Oh wait.

Your precious scientists haven't done any science, so you don't have that data.


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
Yes the vaccines help. That's why 99.9% who are dying are unvaccinated. The vast majority of vaccinations were after the winter wave. That's why the lower death rate. Ttku....
Doesn't matter. The Delta variant has spread through tens of millions of people and most are unvaccinated just as most people were unvaccinated last year and early this year. What matters is the number of deaths per million and so far Delta isn't killing at even half the rate of the original strain. And the number of deaths and cases are starting to drop off. I know that's disappointing since you want to crush Republicans politically but you'll just have to live with a higher survivability rate.


Well-Known Member
At this point, the unvaxed are gonna unvax. The vaccinated aren't the one's dying and shouldn't care what others choose to do. "Yeah but if everyone gets vaxed, Covid will disappear." Covid is here forever, whether 100 percent get vaccinated or not. But listen to this and what the anti-vaxers are saying. They're saying your country will kill you for money. At the risk of your health America will line the pockets of the wealthy. And if they're right, who's to say the last 20 years of war was nothing more than lining the pockets of the powerful defense contractor elites? Look at the politicians who say leaving was a mistake and we must go back-will go back. Is it a coincidence they take money from the defense industries? The type of business that makes more money if America is at war? So if you believe America is trying to kill you with a vaccine then one can believe our military men and women died so somebody could get rich. The unvaxed are shinning a light on the rich and powerful who run America and what they'll do for a dollar.