Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
Throught history, more people have been killed in the name of religion than abortions.

Sounds like you've made a certain choice in your past and now trying to push you beliefs onto others in search for some kind of redemption.
The entire length of the Spanish inquisition didn't kill as many as the babies we do in one day


Well-Known Member
I said throughout history, not one part of history.
Yet, that's 300 years of supposedly infamous and grotesque religious violence, but it, and the Salem witch trials, and a bunch of other nonsense are trumped up by historians who know better, but just want to bash Christianity.

And you buy all of that crap.

And then you'll talk about how religion does x or y or z, and treat Aztec worship the same as Christianity. You'll do that because atheism is disingenuous and dumb.

And then you'll deny the 100M+ slaughtered by atheists within living memory.

We all can remember it and saved the newspaper articles. And then you'll find a way to say the commies weren't atheists.

You'll do that because atheists are dumb and disingenuous.

Or they at least do a great job of playing dumb.


Your Hero
Yet, that's 300 years of supposedly infamous and grotesque religious violence, but it, and the Salem witch trials, and a bunch of other nonsense are trumped up by historians who know better, but just want to bash Christianity.

And you buy all of that crap.

And then you'll talk about how religion does x or y or z, and treat Aztec worship the same as Christianity. You'll do that because atheism is disingenuous and dumb.

And then you'll deny the 100M+ slaughtered by atheists within living memory.

We all can remember it and saved the newspaper articles. And then you'll find a way to say the commies weren't atheists.

You'll do that because atheists are dumb and disingenuous.

Or they at least do a great job of playing dumb.
You do a lot of assuming. I'm sure your a hoot at parties.

When did I say or do any of that crap you just posted? Lol


Your Hero
Yeah, I identified, discredited, and mocked your whole worldview before you even said what it was.

That's because atheists are insufferable and smelly. They stink up any conversation and can be identified on that basis alone.
Nope. Quite the opposite. Your true colors have been shown and you did that all on your own.


Well-Known Member
You're Pentecostal and were speaking in tongue?
No on both counts.

Just to make it clear

Consenting adults or not and a pregnancy occurs there is a third party that gains a right to speak.

Let the baby come to term and joy, happiness, sadness and sorrow and all associated with life will spring forth from those lips.

Terminate the life and the baby will have the final word through his/her advocate,

As Tony Baretta used to say,

"And that's the name of that tune."