Dear Slim

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
Best part of the video was the Monte Carlo.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
You feel slim shady sold out to the corporate elites?
I almost certain he either died of drugs or was murdered. The slim shady you know now I'm almost certain is a clone.

Check out these lyrics in cinderella man. A song in the album right after "relapse" which the fake eminem famously hates for some reason. I wonder why? Maybe because he didnt write it.


Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
It only costs about 2 million to clone a human being. Do we think the government cant afford it? Do we think they're not that evil? They are.

Think of how much money em was worth. Think of how much influence he had. they didnt want to lose the cash, and if they could remove the rebel and replace him with obedience, they could influence our youth.

I saw a comment with 1.6k likes

"Hearing eminem breathe relieves my anxiety"

Celebrities are gods to our youth, and the government knows that.