Fedex Express Peak 2017

Star B

White Lightening
Most of our DRA routes for Peak have been pushed to areas where the courier does not run the other 10 months out of the year... smart decision right? The only ones that were mostly spared were the SRA routes. Even then, some of the SRA routes have had some idiot add-cuts to add in another route or two. All these changes were made even after our pre-peak meetings with couriers.

Oh... and the engineer never sat in on the pre-peak courier meetings -- too good to talk to us lowly couriers.


Just telling it like it is
No, dummy, re-read it. He says that input from couriers can make the peak plans sooooo much better. Well, let's hear it!
The COURIERS are the one's that know the delivery areas, they're the one's that know who to and where to deliver at customer locations and they know what's doable and what isn't.

You seem to think that management has all the answers. Well if so, then why do most of them refuse to get their hands dirty at peak? Why not just send all the couriers home and the managers can deliver everything without any service failures? Oh yes, get those pickups in a timely manner too.

Bottom line, Fred and his buddies are too blind to trust their frontline employees and too many egos are getting in the way of getting the job done properly.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The COURIERS are the one's that know the delivery areas, they're the one's that know who to and where to deliver at customer locations and they know what's doable and what isn't.

You seem to think that management has all the answers. Well if so, then why do most of them refuse to get their hands dirty at peak? Why not just send all the couriers home and the managers can deliver everything without any service failures? Oh yes, get those pickups in a timely manner too.

Bottom line, Fred and his buddies are too blind to trust their frontline employees and too many egos are getting in the way of getting the job done properly.


59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The other explanation being that they have no idea what's done out there in the real world.

Those engineers are as necessary as lifeguards employed at carwashes.

You sound like some of my wife's cousins. "Theeyim dokturz don't know nuthin'."


Well-Known Member
So I took this week off but word from the station is that express made a huge mistake making this week only a 50% blackout for vacation. Peak is hitting harder this year than I've seen it hit in awhile


Well-Known Member
So I took this week off but word from the station is that express made a huge mistake making this week only a 50% blackout for vacation. Peak is hitting harder this year than I've seen it hit in awhile
Worst peak in the 20+ years I've been here and it's only the first week of December. If it keeps up like this, I can see a lot of people getting injured...


Well-Known Member
Worst peak in the 20+ years I've been here and it's only the first week of December. If it keeps up like this, I can see a lot of people getting injured...

I was blown away with how heavy the last 3 days of last week were. It reminded me of peak before Fedex ground was a thing


Well-Known Member
My manager blames engineering for not planning the peak plan. It’s on management and engineering as the frontline couriers no longer has input. While the senior is screaming at the handlers to tell them to not stop the already overloaded belt. Nobody owns their incompetence anymore, while us couriers in my loop/area are crushed with 200+ average stops everyday this week working 13 hours days on 30 min breaks. This is just the tip. Wait til the real peak hits. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

My manager actually sat down with my loop last week and went over what the plan should be. He agreed with all of our input, so if they implement our ideas, we should be good to go. That is a big IF, though.

Star B

White Lightening
That could be the only possible explanation, no doubt!
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. I'm not saying that it's the ONLY reason for peak failure, but it is a contributing factor.

Those engineers are as necessary as lifeguards employed at carwashes.

I wouldn't go that far. You have to have people to measure things, think up and implement plans. Yes, there are times that the changes look stupid. I think the difference between a good station engineer and a waste of space is the employees willingness to work with the front line employees, not just sit in your office everyday, make the bare-minimum sort observations, and stare at numbers. They should go on road with you every couple of years, because things change constantly. Some things have to be observed, not just looked at as numbers on a spreadsheet.


Just telling it like it is
I wouldn't go that far. You have to have people to measure things, think up and implement plans. Yes, there are times that the changes look stupid. I think the difference between a good station engineer and a waste of space is the employees willingness to work with the front line employees, not just sit in your office everyday, make the bare-minimum sort observations, and stare at numbers. They should go on road with you every couple of years, because things change constantly. Some things have to be observed, not just looked at as numbers on a spreadsheet.
Our engineer NEVER went out on the road with anybody. Ever.


One of his greatest ideas was to flip the sides of the belt in order to "improve" service.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Our engineer had a bright idea to switch the trucks around daily so no one drives the same truck every day. In his mind the trucks will be taken better care of and no one will have the mindset that this is “my truck”. Lol. Stupid. Thank God managers laughed at that.
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