FedEx Ground


Well-Known Member
..or perhaps they are exposing the idiocy of paying employees $40/hr and giving them Cadillac benefits for a job that requires only a HS diploma and valid drivers license...
You seem offended that guys who don't have your education can make as much as you or more. They're getting paid what the market will bear but as Bacha pointed out the FedEx Death Star is looming on the horizon. Remains to be seen whether a poorly paid workforce providing adequate service at lower cost can overtake a well paid union protected workforce. That's already started and with the recent economic destruction that might accelerate and be a serious problem for UPS drivers in the next contract negotiations.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
IWBF tries to project himself as a politically left leaning progressive but his credibility is completely cancelled out by his employment practices which are best suited to a "right to work" southern "clucker" state.

There's nothing progressive or conservative about paying a fair market wage, which he does.


Well-Known Member
And here you are today, collecting a pension and complaining about them not giving you a pension.
I'm complaining that to get that very limited pension I had to do without while working next to people who got paid much more for doing the same work for no other reason than they got there first.


Well-Known Member
People are signing up to work for Ground pay, and not signing up for better jobs that are out there, for a reason.
And the ultimate corporate shill speaks again. FedEx could spike the drinking water with COVID-19 and you’d be on here defending it. I’m glad you’re here though. Any message board needs a villain and you play the part impeccably.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
in your case you could take less for yourself and bump up your driver pay. You talk a good game about socialism but you're not interested in spreading the wealth. Fine but just don't be hypocritical about it. As far as humanity goes it depends if they're already making a decent profit and know that making more profit for shareholders means squeezing their employees even more. And they aren't working out of a concern for shareholders either. They know increasing share price by offering higher dividends puts more money in their own pockets when they exercise their stock options. So you can say a company exists to make a profit but in today's world it often means exploiting the work of others to enrich yourself. Dog eat dog Darwinian capitalism. Survival of the greediest.
You don’t know what my books look like. You have no idea what I can afford to pay. You are just an ignorant hippie that thinks every company can pay infinite wages. The world doesn’t work that way.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
And the ultimate corporate shill speaks again. FedEx could spike the drinking water with COVID-19 and you’d be on here defending it. I’m glad you’re here though. Any message board needs a villain and you play the part impeccably.

I'm talking about Ground drivers, not FedEx or FedEx employees. If someone spiked the water with smart, would you drink it? Please?


Well-Known Member
There's nothing progressive or conservative about paying a fair market wage, which he does.
How do you know that he pays a "fair" wage? He can put up some numbers that say that he pays that so called "fair" wage but there's no way it can be verified. And more importantly just what to do consider to be a "fair" wage?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
How do you know that he pays a "fair" wage? He can put up some numbers that say that he pays that so called "fair" wage but there's no way it can be verified. And more importantly just what to do consider to be a "fair" wage?

If his operation is adequately staffed, he's paying a fair wage.


Well-Known Member
You don’t know what my books look like. You have no idea what I can afford to pay. You are just an ignorant hippie that thinks every company can pay infinite wages. The world doesn’t work that way.
That's rich having a liberal socialist calling a conservative a hippie. You want it both ways, making very good pay while expecting others to take the socialist line and do their part by sacrificing to make it happen.


Well-Known Member
You don’t know what my books look like. You have no idea what I can afford to pay. You are just an ignorant hippie that thinks every company can pay infinite wages. The world doesn’t work that way.
Being the scab trucker that you are you EXIST for the specific purpose of devaluing the current industry wage structure. You are not doing anything X can't do themselves except for the only two reasons they keep you around. To provide trucking and labor at wages X would be too embarrassed to pay their own people and to serve as a firewall against the introduction of a union represented workforce. And everybody on this site knows it. if you think that there's some higher calling in mind for you......well, the floor is yours.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
That's rich having a liberal socialist calling a conservative a hippie. You want it both ways, making very good pay while expecting others to take the socialist line and do their part by sacrificing to make it happen.
What are you crying about now? I’ve done all the jobs in my organization. When I was a driver for a contractor I made much less than I pay my people. I didn’t plan on doing that for long and built my own company. You don’t think people should have those opportunities, I do. Entry level jobs should exist, you are just too elitist to recognize that.


Well-Known Member
What are you crying about now? I’ve done all the jobs in my organization. When I was a driver for a contractor I made much less than I pay my people. I didn’t plan on doing that for long and built my own company. You don’t think people should have those opportunities, I do. Entry level jobs should exist, you are just too elitist to recognize that.
But in your organization there's entry level, then you. And I humped for every penny I ever got. My issue with you is you're the elitist. You want equal outcomes through socialism but that in your mind doesn't apply to you. So let's screw up everything for a world that you're above. Yeah. I'm for a world where employees make enough to have choices and if they want more then move up the ladder or start their own company. But not push others to accept less and less to where they can barely take care of their children while elitists live like a Saudi prince. We had that better world one time at FedEx but appears that was just to build a brand and then they started to take away from employees to pad profits. And things don't exist in a vacuum. Soon enough the country will rot out and have angry men fighting back. Been that way all through history so doubtful we'll escape it.