FedEx Ground


Well-Known Member
And just what in your minds eye is "reality'? Whatever the case for reasons nobody but you will ever know you still cling to the belief that you were worth what you were getting paid but the guy who's doing your job now isn't worth what he's getting. If that is the case then please explain why in your opinion he's not worth what he's being paid .
If the guy who's doing your job today is in your opinion being overpaid then it only stands to reason that you too were being overpaid when you were doing that very job.

The reality is a wage in the $25-30/hr range.

I was overpaid for the job that I was expected to do and the minimum qualifications required to perform that job.

My ex is an RN and for most of the time when I was at UPS I made more than her. She saved lives----I delivered QVC to hoarders.


Well-Known Member
So in other words you were out for every penny you could acquire but openly condemn others for doing the same thing.
I don't think he's condemning the individual for receiving the money as much as he is the company for giving it to them. I don't really understand what his motivation for that is either, but I mean, to each their own.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to point the lunacy of a market in which an individual with only a HS diploma and valid drivers license can make upward of $40/hr to deliver packages based on turn by turn navigation that any 12 year old could follow.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to point the lunacy of a market in which an individual with only a HS diploma and valid drivers license can make upward of $40/hr to deliver packages based on turn by turn navigation that any 12 year old could follow.
You were making about the same with the same level of education but that wasn't lunacy in your opinion? It not then what was the difference that rendered it completely sane and just?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to point the lunacy of a market in which an individual with only a HS diploma and valid drivers license can make upward of $40/hr to deliver packages based on turn by turn navigation that any 12 year old could follow.
Yes. Not to mention the air of superiority with which many of them carry themselves. Hop over to the UPS side of the forum sometime. A lot of those guys think they're gods among men.


Well-Known Member
You were making about the same with the same level of education but that wasn't lunacy in your opinion? It not then what was the difference that rendered it completely sane and just?
But he openly admits he was overpaid. He didn't say "I deserved it, but they don't."


Well-Known Member
You were making about the same with the same level of education but that wasn't lunacy in your opinion? It not then what was the difference that rendered it completely sane and just?

Actually, at the time, I had completed my 4 year degree and had 9 hours toward a Master's in BA.

I was underemployed and overpaid.


Well-Known Member
But he openly admits he was overpaid. He didn't say "I deserved it, but they don't."
If he thinks he was overpaid he should have told his negotiating committee not to seek additional wages when the contracts came up for renewal . Something I'm sure that he did....LMAO! Thought he was overpaid but never refused to accept any raises he was offered. And I bet he voted in favor of every new contract that contained them.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
What’s wrong with being honest and upfront? We were being told the Portable was the best thing since toilet paper.

Easy conclusion: managers are liars.

As though they had all the information about their pension plan and everything that would affect it at their fingertips on day one.


Well-Known Member
What type of hippie nonsense would a company showing humanity be? Companies exist to make a profit, not care for their workers.
in your case you could take less for yourself and bump up your driver pay. You talk a good game about socialism but you're not interested in spreading the wealth. Fine but just don't be hypocritical about it. As far as humanity goes it depends if they're already making a decent profit and know that making more profit for shareholders means squeezing their employees even more. And they aren't working out of a concern for shareholders either. They know increasing share price by offering higher dividends puts more money in their own pockets when they exercise their stock options. So you can say a company exists to make a profit but in today's world it often means exploiting the work of others to enrich yourself. Dog eat dog Darwinian capitalism. Survival of the greediest.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
They certainly do. But because FedEx Express is not unionized and Ground has a contractor scam, that will never happen.

People are signing up to work for Ground pay, and not signing up for better jobs that are out there, for a reason.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Nah, they just sent out the annual propaganda about the traditional pension and how it was a cornerstone of our retirement then turned right around and forced us out of it. And as you know large corporations have a long term planning department. All of this had been in the works for years but there they were telling us about how great the traditional pension was and how wonderful they were providing it. Every year right up until they took it away.

Really? I bet the guys in the In The Works For Years department get paid well.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
By the way if you are told every year for decades that if you put in the time and stick with the company that you would be rewarded with a pension. It's a reasonable expectation that you would get it except of course if the company went bankrupt. And even then part of all of it is guaranteed by the government. Terminating the plan not because the company was in trouble but because they wanted to get richer is B.S.

And here you are today, collecting a pension and complaining about them not giving you a pension.