FedEx Ground


Well-Known Member
It's safe to say that both organizations buy much of the stuff they need to do what they do from third parties. How you come to the conclusion that such an obvious similarity should be seen as an obvious difference is a mystery.
Because FedEx could do away with the contractors(but never will due to profits) but the military has a mission that precludes it from taking over everything private defense contractors do. Would end up being a massive, ineffectual bureaucracy.


Well-Known Member
The military could just as easily expand their manufacturing capacity. Fedex Express is a different company, claiming their fleet is a stretch. Your argument is extremely weak and not supported by facts, about what I expect from you.
The military could just as easily expand their manufacturing capacity? Seriously? Do you have any idea how massive the military-industrial complex is? Dano has already made this argument against Amazon. That just because Amazon is successful in their field doesn't mean they could build a delivery service that would compete with FedEx. That there's a lot more to it. I'm of the opinion if you spend enough money and bring in enough experts over time you could compete with FedEx. But the government would have to spend an extraordinary amount of money, ridiculous amount, and more than double the size of the military personnel, in order to "expand their capacity." Will never happen.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The military could just as easily expand their manufacturing capacity? Seriously? Do you have any idea how massive the military-industrial complex is? Dano has already made this argument against Amazon. That just because Amazon is successful in their field doesn't mean they could build a delivery service that would compete with FedEx. That there's a lot more to it. I'm of the opinion if you spend enough money and bring in enough experts over time you could compete with FedEx. But the government would have to spend an extraordinary amount of money, ridiculous amount, and more than double the size of the military personnel, in order to "expand their capacity." Will never happen.
They could easily seize the means of production.


Well-Known Member
You've dug yourself into such a hole with a dumb premise that you're almost at the point that you would argue that you didn't build your own business unless you physically built the building yourself. And if you built it yourself, it doesn't count unless you made all of the tools yourself - from scratch. And if you did that, it doesn't count unless you went out and cut down all the trees for the lumber yourself, and that doesn't count unless you actually planted the trees yourself, and THAT doesn't count unless you created the soil in which those trees grew.

And on and on and on.

All because someone succeeded at something that you never could.
Assembly and duplication of an already established model is not the same as one that is born out of that person's own vision and creativity. And the former is what FXG contracting is all about.

This is when you start. This is when you stop. This is what you drive. This is what you wear. This is where you go. This is how you do it. Everything right down to the shoes you wear is in full compliance and modeling with the corporate vision and image it seeks to parade in front of the American public. The only exception is the contractor's name in tiny letters down in the mud and slop , a place where the fewest number of people possible will see it.

I suppose you could say that they're lucky to be able to get even that much recognition. Talked to a Custom Critical guy today. No distinguishing characteristics or third party identification of any kind that would allow a person to understand that the vehicle and the driver is a third party entity.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
This is when you start. This is when you stop. This is what you drive. This is what you wear. This is where you go. This is how you do it. Everything right down to the shoes you wear is in full compliance and modeling with the corporate vision and image it seeks to parade in front of the American public.
None of this is true.


Well-Known Member
You really have no idea what you’re talking about.
As long as they are your only customer and client you will do everything they tell you to do or say hello to the mercenary oopps I mean "contingency contractor" coming in to take your place. They are the new XG thugs and Pinkertons and thanks to them you will offer no meaningful resistance to anything you're told to do. All power rest with them so stop trying to make us believe something different . They've got you right by your seminal glands and we all know it.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
As long as they are your only customer and client you will do everything they tell you to do or say hello to the mercenary oopps I mean "contingency contractor" coming in to take your place. They are the new XG thugs and Pinkertons and thanks to them you will offer no meaningful resistance to anything you're told to do. All power rest with them so stop trying to make us believe something different . They've got you right by your seminal glands and we all know it.
It’s really impressive you speak with such authority without anything resembling reality to back it up. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Well-Known Member
It’s really impressive you speak with such authority without anything resembling reality to back it up. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Oh please. You're just unhappy about the fact that nobody is buying your claim of being an independent business man. So tell me this. Just exactly what collective bargaining powers do you have with FXG? You even admitted it yourself that X still has the final say in any matter as well as the fact that if you try to push them toward a set of terms that's more in keeping with what you prefer they simply close up their books proclaim the "negotiation" over and then go find another contractor willing to accept their terms. Man, you told us that yourself.
So what it means is that you had damn well better be extremely willing to see things their way......or else.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Oh please. You're just unhappy about the fact that nobody is buying your claim of being an independent business man. So tell me this. Just exactly what collective bargaining powers do you have with FXG? You even admitted it yourself that X still has the final say in any matter as well as the fact that if you try to push them toward a set of terms that's more in keeping with what you prefer they simply close up their books proclaim the "negotiation" over and then go find another contractor willing to accept their terms. Man, you told us that yourself.
So what it means is that you had damn well better be extremely willing to see things their way......or else.
Just because you’re long winded doesn’t mean you know what you’re talking about.


Well-Known Member
You can't argue with the fact that FDX controls your environment as long as you are doing their business. You may be doing a good job at it, you may have a lucrative contract and good on ya but it's easy to point out the balance of power you can agree with bacha on that

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You can't argue with the fact that FDX controls your environment as long as you are doing their business. You may be doing a good job at it, you may have a lucrative contract and good on ya but it's easy to point out the balance of power you can agree with bacha on that
Controls what environment? FedEx sorts the boxes where I tell them to. They expect them to be delivered and make me an offer on what they’re willing to pay to get that done. If it’s not worth it I can walk away, I’ve seen it happen. It’s not a big deal.


Well-Known Member
Controls what environment? FedEx sorts the boxes where I tell them to. They expect them to be delivered and make me an offer on what they’re willing to pay to get that done. If it’s not worth it I can walk away, I’ve seen it happen. It’s not a big deal.

That's what is on the surface correct. So correct me if I'm wrong, can you hire anyone you want and have them start tomorrow? Can you decide on what means of delivery you want to implement? Do you know where the business is heading 6 months ahead to properly plan?


Well-Known Member
You can't argue with the fact that FDX controls your environment as long as you are doing their business. You may be doing a good job at it, you may have a lucrative contract and good on ya but it's easy to point out the balance of power you can agree with bacha on that
IWBF is just unhappy about the fact that we shot his ego full of holes and completely discredited the image he was trying to lay on us as being this successful and creative visionary when the simple fact of the matter is that there is absolutely nothing you do as a FXG contractor that is NOT subject to FXG oversight and direction and the contract language they slap down in from of you makes certain that you fully comply.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Controls what environment? FedEx sorts the boxes where I tell them to. They expect them to be delivered and make me an offer on what they’re willing to pay to get that done. If it’s not worth it I can walk away, I’ve seen it happen. It’s not a big deal.
But what, exactly, would you be walking away with, business-wise?


Well-Known Member
That's what is on the surface correct. So correct me if I'm wrong, can you hire anyone you want and have them start tomorrow? Can you decide on what means of delivery you want to implement? Do you know where the business is heading 6 months ahead to properly plan?
Believe me small stuff like asking them to sort the boxes in the way he prefers is just about the only thing he controls. And if they ignore them what's he going to do? Refuse to deliver them? We'll see how far he gets doing that.