Fumbling McCain has brain cancer

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Well-Known Member
Ricky, with all due respect, STFU.

You can hate the government (really easy to do in hindsight), but you should be able to separate the soldiers from the politicians.

Our soldiers fight for us, probably knowing it’s BS, but they still fight.
yea well i blame govt for wars more than soldiers but soldiers cant wash their hands clean either.

ppl are partly responsible for the world they live in. whos responsible for a soldier going to war? whos responsible for ppl voting for corrupt politicians? its mostly the rich, but also the man in the mirror for not properly informing themselves.

if they think the war is bs then stop fighting.

draft dodging is great and i hope it catches on. in that sense, trump is a beacon of hope.
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Well-Known Member
Surprised the arrogant, whole ass, POS McCain is allowed at his own funeral.
You think Trump would want to go to McCain's funeral ... why attend the dipstick traitors funeral?
He is (was) highly arrogant, everyone is a whole ass, we are human, it's just not always visible. That said the clown got votes from Arizona voters to retain office based on lies. The lies are contained in what he promised then voted in the contrary. Personally I classify him as a political POS, I do respect his service. His service however is not equal to the dirt grunts I know with no equivocal praise and accolades. My opinion.


Well-Known Member
yea well i blame govt for wars more than soldiers but soldiers cant wash their hands clean either.

ppl are partly responsible for the world they live in. whos responsible for a soldier going to war? whos responsible for ppl voting for corrupt politicians? its mostly the rich, but also the man in the mirror for not properly informing themselves.

if they think the war is bs then stop fighting.

draft dodging is great and i hope it catches on. in that sense, trump is a beacon of hope.

You’re delusional.


Well-Known Member
yea well i blame govt for wars more than soldiers but soldiers cant wash their hands clean either.

ppl are partly responsible for the world they live in. whos responsible for a soldier going to war? whos responsible for ppl voting for corrupt politicians? its mostly the rich, but also the man in the mirror for not properly informing themselves.

if they think the war is bs then stop fighting.

draft dodging is great and i hope it catches on. in that sense, trump is a beacon of hope.
Me too, I hope they end the draft soon.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Ricky, with all due respect, STFU.

You can hate the government (really easy to do in hindsight), but you should be able to separate the soldiers from the politicians.

Our soldiers fight for us, probably knowing it’s BS, but they still fight.
I always respect the fighting soldiers 100%.

No so much the drone flyers but I don't detest them ... sort of like the clerks behind the desk in government offices.


Well-Known Member
Trump is a draft-dodging POS who isn't worthy enough to carry McCains' golf clubs.

I wonder if the brits showed the same reverance to Benedict Arnold that you libs are showing McCain.

its an interesting thought. perhaps we can compare accomplishments of the two.

lets see Trump got elected president ...how did McCain do?


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the brits showed the same reverance to Benedict Arnold that you libs are showing McCain.

its an interesting thought. perhaps we can compare accomplishments of the two.

lets see Trump got elected president ...how did McCain do?
He had no energy, like it was good enough for him that he got the nomination.

El Correcto

god is dead
If droners do that then sure ... and when tax payers pay taxes to pay for their guns and the planes, etc. I'm sure they are appreciated as well.

I’d be way more terrified of something strafing me from above then soldiers on the ground.

This is an AC-130 gunship, angel of death.

Thing is amazing, glad we got them.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Thank you. You aren't from the era and know absolutely nothing about deferments or physical disqualification from service.
I dont need to be from that era to know that if you used a deferment to avoid going to Viet Nam, you dont denigrate the service of someone who spent 5 years there getting tortured as a POW.


Well-Known Member
I dont need to be from that era to know that if you used a deferment to avoid going to Viet Nam, you dont denigrate the service of someone who spent 5 years there getting tortured as a POW.[/QUOTE
Get your sht straight young fella, a 4f is not a deferment.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Trump got 4 years of a student deferment, and then upon graduating from military academy he conveniently developed bone spurs and was classified 1-Y.
Which is fine, but a person with that combination of privelege and medical good fortune needs to just STFU and say “thank you” rather than disrespecting someone who did serve and paid a terrible price for doing so.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 209406

Trump got 4 years of a student deferment, and then upon graduating from military academy he conveniently developed bone spurs and was classified 1-Y.
Which is fine, but a person with that combination of privelege and medical good fortune needs to just STFU and say “thank you” rather than disrespecting someone who did serve and paid a terrible price for doing so.
im glad trump didnt fight.
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