Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


swollen member
Missing my points, once again.

If I'm a 300lb (sic) white guy, the LEO wouldn't give me the time of day, much less shoot me six times, twice in the head.

What part of that are you having trouble with?

And if, god forbid, I am a 295lb white guy, and the LEO tells me to move, and then I move, no problem.

The history of the Ferguson PD enforcement of 'walking in the street' tends to favor white dudes.

Look it up.

Answer me plainly:

Do you sincerely think that it's justified for the Ferguson PD to stop a Citizen, for the non-offense of 'walking in the street'?

Again, who knows what happened between Brown and the Officers, but clearly, somewhere, it went mad overboard.

good decision... now go punch one in the face and try to get his gun... I dare you


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Yeah. And try to punch him and take his gun from 30 feet away. Quite a feat.
Nobody has said that. Mike shoved the cop back in his patrol car when he tried to get out. Mike then punched the cop and tried to get his gun. They struggled, the gun went off in the car and Mike ran.
More than a dozen witnesses have said this.
Too bad you already have your facts set in stone. Probably can't change them now.


Well-Known Member
If Brown was a white dude, would any of this have happened?

In Ferguson, and in America generally, there is a vast disparity in Cop/Citizen altercations, and the disparity lies mostly in race (class is in there too, but even millionaire Blacks get pulled over more often than millionaire Whites).

In the 1960's, people were shocked to see the Police dealing with the BLACK populace by utilizing 'military' vehicles, helmets, dogs, water hoses, tear gas, unnecessary arrests, detaining journalists, etc.

In 2014, people are shocked to see the Police dealing with the BLACK populace by utilizing military vehicles, helmets, dogs, tear gas, unnecessary arrests, detaining journalists, etc.

What's the difference between irony and idiocy?


Well-Known Member
If Brown was a white dude, would any of this have happened?


Yes, of course. It has happened many times and one fairly well known recent time.

By making a weak attempt to turn this into a racial thing you destroy any credibility you could have had with your over militarization of our nations police forces.


Well-Known Member
Yes, of course. It has happened many times and one fairly well known recent time.

By making a weak attempt to turn this into a racial thing you destroy any credibility you could have had with your over militarization of our nations police forces.


Again, you've not addressed my points.

I'm not making this 'racial', the situation itself is racial, please keep up.

If you don't understand that, than I'm not sure what to say.

Vis-a-vis the over-militarization of our PD's across the country via the 1033***, this is the perfect scenario.

Ferguson PoPo basically effed this whole situation from the jump...they turned the 'Mike Brown' situation into a complete c-:censored2: by rolling into town with excess Iraq gear bought on the cheap...

Explain to me why I'm wrong.


Strength through joy
Black cop kills white man, media hide race
Police in Salt Lake City are continuing their probe into an Aug. 11 shooting outside a 7-Eleven convenience store, when a black police officer, whom local media are referring to as “not white,” shot and killed 20-year-old Dillon Taylor, who was unarmed at the time, according to his supporters.

Police Chief Chris Burbank said the entire incident was captured on the body camera of the officer who shot Taylor.

“You will see on camera … the actions of everyone involved, including up to the point where our officer utilizes deadly force and his response thereafter,” Burbank told reporters.

He said the video, along with the officer’s identity, will be released at the “appropriate” time, adding it could be days, weeks or months .

Police said officers were responding to a report of a man “waving a gun around.”

When officers arrived, they found three men leaving the convenience store, with one, later identified as Taylor, reportedly matching the description of the person reported in a 9-1-1 call.

Witnesses say Taylor was wearing headphones at the time and may have been trying to pull his pants up when he was gunned down.
At the time of his shooting, court documents show Taylor had a $25,000 bench warrant for a probation violation in connection with felony robbery and obstructing justice convictions.

Rain Shield

Well-Known Member
I am amazed at people on here using non facts as facts.

This is what we know to be fact.

Michael Brown was shot and unarmed.
Michael Brown had just committed a strong arm Robery.
Michael Brown's buddy's eyewitness account has proven not to be truthful.

I am sure there are some others, but let's only talk facts.


Inordinately Right
I am amazed at people on here using non facts as facts.

This is what we know to be fact.

Michael Brown was shot and unarmed.
Michael Brown had just committed a strong arm Robery.
Michael Brown's buddy's eyewitness account has proven not to be truthful.

I am sure there are some others, but let's only talk facts.
You were so close.
I'm assuming the part of Dorian Johnson's account you think has been proven not truthful is Michael Brown being shot in the back.

We do not yet know how he received bullet wounds on the underside of his arms. It could have been during the struggle at the car, it could have been while running away ("in the back"), and it could have been facing the cop with his hands up.


Inordinately Right

There you go. Too bad you obviously don't know how to use google. It is a great tool.
I can use google just fine thank you. I was hoping by asking the question he would do a little research.

The source is a personal tweet. Posted by a "reporter" who is on FMLA leave and whose employer has distanced themselves from her statements. She has also openly stated that nothing she claims meets standards for publication.

Some people spend too much time at the rumor mill.
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Staff member
I can use google just fine thank you. I was hoping by asking the question he would do a little research.

The source is a personal tweet. Posted by a "reporter" who is on FMLA leave and whose employer has distanced themselves from her statements. She has also openly stated that nothing she claims meets standards for publication.

Some people spend too much time at the rumor mill.
The post article quotes Josie, a friend of Wilson's girlfriend. She'd be a hell of a witness if she were a witness and not a mouthpiece for Wilson's side of the story.


Inordinately Right
The post article quotes Josie, a friend of Wilson's girlfriend. She'd be a hell of a witness if she were a witness and not a mouthpiece for Wilson's side of the story.
I've seen multiple "news" stories online say Josie was a witness, when it doesn't take but 30 seconds of googling to find out she was an unvetted caller to a radio station claiming to know Wilson's side of the story, not a witness.

People really need to question more what they read on the internet.