Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I can use google just fine thank you. I was hoping by asking the question he would do a little research.

The source is a personal tweet. Posted by a "reporter" who is on FMLA leave and whose employer has distanced themselves from her statements. She has also openly stated that nothing she claims meets standards for publication.

Some people spend too much time at the rumor mill.
Just keep telling yourself that the NY TIMES prints rumors.

You TROLL PATROL can convince yourselves of anything to fit your view on how the world should be.


Strength through joy


golden ticket member
The Factor Online, All The Time
Talking Points Memo

The Truth About Ferguson By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 20, 2014

I came back from vacation because I'm furious about how the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown is being reported and how various people are reacting to it.

So let's run it down.

Mr. Brown is a victim, shot six times by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson -- who up until August 9th had a very good record.

Now some suspect him of murder, and a grand jury is hearing the case.

Also, Attorney General Holder went to Ferguson, Missouri today to meet with FBI agents and state authorities, who are conducting separate investigations.

Good, the Feds should look into this case and their investigation should be transparent. That is, Americans should get hard information as it comes out.

Which brings us to this video of Mr. Brown, stealing from a convenience store and pushing the clerk around.

Agitators called the release of the video a smear against Michael Brown and his family, further inflaming the situation.

But facts are not smears and this goes to Mr. Brown's state of mind on the day he was killed.

Americans have a right to know what happened leading up to the shooting.

You don't suppress an important piece of information in a case like this when only one side of the story is being reported by the media, which is generally terrified of any racial situation.

Then there is the looting. Disgraceful. And one guy even has a gun, shooting the locks off the doors while his cohorts break in and steal merchandise.

It doesn't get any lower than this.

The people rioting and looting in Ferguson are dishonoring the memory of Michael Brown and his grieving family. They are insulting them.

Again, disgraceful.

The Factor has been investigating those arrested. On Monday night 78 people were taken into custody, and we believe about 30 of them have criminal records.

Only four out of the 78 are from Ferguson. Many of the others are trouble-makers.

But the liberal media will never report that, nor will they report the true picture of criminal justice in the United States.

Instead NBC News pays Al Sharpton to deliver garbage like this:

AL SHARPTON: “A young man – 18 years old. Shot down in the street unarmed and rather than address it, you try to smear the young man rather than uphold the principles of justice and dignity. I want you to know these parents are not going to cry alone, they're not going to stand alone, they're not going to fight alone. We have had enough!”
Enough of what Al? Police efficiency?
In 2012, the last stats available from the FBI, there were about twelve million arrests in the USA. That averages 34,000 arrests per day.
In 99.9% of those cases, the perpetrator was not killed by police.
In fact just over 400 fatal police shootings a year are recorded in this country, according to the FBI.
So let me restate: 12 million arrests a year, 400 fatal shootings. Many of them justified.
And Al Sharpton has the nerve to insult the American police community, men and women who risk their lives protecting us?
This charlatan has the gall to do that, and NBC News pays him?
My God, why is this acceptable?



golden ticket member


Well-Known Member

Again, you've not addressed my points.

I'm not making this 'racial', the situation itself is racial, please keep up.

If you don't understand that, than I'm not sure what to say.

Just because you choose to ignore your point that I addressed does not mean that I did not address it.

Again you clearly tried to make this a racial thing when you posed the question about being a different race would he have gotten shot when different races clearly get shot by police.

This is where you fabricate something to make your point like last time.


Strength through joy
Will all these investigations take in facts that the officer involved had many punches into his face and damaging his eye was still able to only fire his weapon at his attacker ?


nowhere special
Like I said. If he was admitted to the hospital for injuries, where are the records that prove that to be true?

The police have the records but like most of the evidence have not released to the public yet. Aren't you a bit impatient? Or don't you want a thorough investigation?