Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.


nowhere special
Half a truth is a lie as well.

Which other details did you want to see? It is never necessary to quote a source document in its entirety and the portions dealing with details of why witnesses see different things weren't relevant. Eyewitnesses are always the least reliable source. What is most important is the physical evidence. So far nothing has disproved Wilson's account of events, just suggested alternate possibilities. The burden is to prove the events occurred differently, bot suggest "its possible that this could have happened". Much of the evidence still hasn't been released to the public so people need to wait and let the investigation continue. Not riot in the streets because you are afraid you won't get the outcome you desire.


Staff member
The fact that there are differing accounts by many eyewitnesses. The Gateway Pundit seemed to give far more credence to the one while the St. Louis report had more to say. If all eyewitness reports are weighted evenly, and there one varies greatly from the others, all you really have is an outlier and probably diminished in its plausibility but to the Gateway Pundit, this one account or the few that support his view are triumphed as the real truth. That's not credible journalism.


nowhere special
The fact that there are differing accounts by many eyewitnesses. The Gateway Pundit seemed to give far more credence to the one while the St. Louis report had more to say. If all eyewitness reports are weighted evenly, and there one varies greatly from the others, all you really have is an outlier and probably diminished in its plausibility but to the Gateway Pundit, this one account or the few that support his view are triumphed as the real truth. That's not credible journalism.

Who is to say what witness is more reliable and who would be an outlier? Just another example of why you should not dismiss a source as you do just because you don't agree with its conservative slant. Is it better to rely solely on a liberal source which only reports the opposite?


Staff member
Who is to say what witness is more reliable and who would be an outlier? Just another example of why you should not dismiss a source as you do just because you don't agree with its conservative slant. Is it better to rely solely on a liberal source which only reports the opposite?
Why use the conservative slant when a more neutral account is available?


Staff member
Who is to say what witness is more reliable and who would be an outlier? Just another example of why you should not dismiss a source as you do just because you don't agree with its conservative slant. Is it better to rely solely on a liberal source which only reports the opposite?
By definition, the outlier would be the witness that saw things starkly different than the vast majority.


nowhere special
By definition, the outlier would be the witness that saw things starkly different than the vast majority.

You are making assumptions. The public doesn't know how many witnesses saw what yet. The ones who have been running to the media may be the outliers.