Pat Buchanon is an idiot.
You dont enslave and dehumanize and commit systematic, government-sanctioned opression of an entire race for two and a half centuries only to snap your fingers and expect that race to overcome the effects of that dehumanization in a generation or two just because you change the laws and throw a bunch of welfare checks at them.
Sober, I think you are not looking at the whole picture.
Yes, Americans did enslave them, or at least bought them as slave and transported them to the U.S.
But, they are not slave today by their own actions. Over 360,000 union soldiers died to give them freedom. An All-White congress (mostly Republicans) voted to end their slavery. How many major slave revolts do you remember. I can name only one.
Can you show me 1 country on earth where they have as many black millionaires as the U.S.?
And if you are going to blame the U.S. for enslaving them, remember, not 1 person alive today in the U.S. enslaved anybody, and not 1 person alive today was a slave. Slavery ended in 1865.
I know in the south, (mostly democrats)they made life miserable for blacks for another 100 years.
But the rest of what Pat B. says is right on.
Calling Pat B. an idiot in your first sentence was not right.
If you didn't agree with the story, fine. Pick it apart piece by piece if you can. But I didn't see you say one thing about the story that wasn't true. Your problem seemed to be with some of what he left out.
And if you want to see who agrees with you on this, just check out your ratings at the bottom of your post. Not you usual company.