Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Staff member
are you unable to answer the question??? again???
It's obvious. The GP reads the news and tells you what to believe. Like you aren't able to handle the entire story and so you walk away feeling oddly superior in ignorant bliss. But if that's what you like...


swollen member
It's obvious. The GP reads the news and tells you what to believe. Like you aren't able to handle the entire story and so you walk away feeling oddly superior in ignorant bliss. But if that's what you like...

He didn't tell me what to believe... and you still haven't answered his question... Again

"Why are you so wanting the cop to have shot Mike Brown while his hands were up?

You are not looking at the evidence. You have some kind of agenda against the police or white people because you refuse to look at any reasonable testimony"


Staff member
He didn't tell me what to believe... and you still haven't answered his question... Again

"Why are you so wanting the cop to have shot Mike Brown while his hands were up?

You are not looking at the evidence. You have some kind of agenda against the police or white people because you refuse to look at any reasonable testimony"
We don't answer each other's questions. I've asked him numerous times if he was this accepting of law enforcement at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Still no answer.


Staff member
focus, that's not the subject line
Ah. But a relevant question in the question of abusive law enforcement. A question you and oldngray would rather evade. The situations aren't dissimilar and in both those cases law enforcement agencies were held accountable. Why should the truth in this case not be as vigorously uncovered?


swollen member
Ah. But a relevant question in the question of abusive law enforcement. A question you and oldngray would rather evade. The situations aren't dissimilar and in both those cases law enforcement agencies were held accountable. Why should the truth in this case not be as vigorously uncovered?

Ferguson is no where near Texas... please stay on topic


swollen member
No. I think law enforcement has, does, and will continue to cross lines and needs to be scrutinized continually and vigorously.

WOW, your a nut case... please add me to your ignore list. I have completely lost ALL and ANY respect for any of your comments...


Staff member
WOW, your a nut case... please add me to your ignore list. I have completely lost ALL and ANY respect for any of your comments...
I ignore noone. But you certainly don't have to engage me in conversation. That is completely up to you.


swollen member
I can't put you on ignore, since your a staff member can you please add me to the list... I don't wanna get banned because of a POS such as you

I say that because I was there in OKC and lost some friends...


Staff member
I ignore noone. But you certainly don't have to engage me in conversation. That is completely up to you.
You somehow believe that I was condoning that terroism? I said nothing of the sort nor do I. You insinuated that ignorance and I flatly rejected it. That's what "no" means.


Well-Known Member
We don't answer each other's questions. I've asked him numerous times if he was this accepting of law enforcement at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Still no answer.

I know the question wasn't directed at me but OH HELL YEAH I QUESTION WACO AND RUBY RIDGE just as much as I question Ferguson along with the now almost forgotten Oscar Grant case.

And it doesn't help that even in civil court where the Ferguson will likely get decided can justice be served even in a case where neglect was recorded on video. And more cases grow as the days do.

Rise of the Warrior Cop


Well-Known Member
When Should You Shoot A Cop? If you have no plans to watch this through and can only knee jerk to the title, well arguing from ignorance never stopped many of you so have at it. This will be interesting to watch on many levels.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
We don't answer each other's questions. I've asked him numerous times if he was this accepting of law enforcement at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Still no answer.
The police over stepped their authority and good reason in both of those cases.
Happy now.


Well-Known Troll
The police over stepped their authority and good reason in both of those cases.
Happy now.

David Koresh (sp) was a losee who was stockpiling weapons and molesting young kids, he and his "followers"(idiots) deserved everything they got. I don't care what political party or religion he CLAIMED to belong to (oh yeah, he was Jesus, just a rapey version), anyone that stupid/delusional should be put down, much like a rabid animal.


Well-Known Member
When Should You Shoot A Cop? If you have no plans to watch this through and can only knee jerk to the title, well arguing from ignorance never stopped many of you so have at it. This will be interesting to watch on many levels.

Why was the video not upfront about the Indiana legislature's response to the absurd ruling by the Indiana Supreme court? I guess pushing forth an Anarchist agenda is more important then facts?