Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Well-Known Member
Race was never an issue other than 70% of the population in Ferguson is black so it is more likely a black man was stopped. And a white man would have been stopped for doing exactly the same thing.

You believe a white man would have been stopped for jay-walking?

Bless your heart.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Maybe a white man wouldn't have been jaywalking or would not have attacked the police officer though. Brown put himself into that situation.


I, as a white man, do things all the time (including jaywalking) that would afford a black man a different scrutiny by the powers-that-be.

It's fine if you don't understand this, or haven't experienced this yourself (I'm assuming you're white).

My half-brother is half-white, half-Indian (continental, not native).

White people often think he's Puerto-Rican (?), and he gets 'cruised' by the cops ALL THE TIME, for doing what white people get to do with impunity, I.E. live your life.

But, you're correct, if, by some strange reason, the cops stopped me for jaywalking, I certainly wouldn't attack the cops. Also, they'd let me go with a 'warning'. End of story.

I will re-iterate, I'm not sure the grand jury could have come up with any other decision.


nowhere special
The physical evidence was the key. Some of the witness statements just didn't match what could have happened. The prosecutor slammed the media for cherry picking one or two statements and jumping on those as proof of what happened contrary to forensics.


Well-Known Member
The physical evidence was the key. Some of the witness statements just didn't match what could have happened. The prosecutor slammed the media for cherry picking one or two statements and jumping on those as proof of what happened contrary to forensics.

As well, 'leaks' aside, the grand jury had access to evidence that everyone else just doesn't.


Staff member
Hmm, seems like I called that. No indictment, and violent protests.

You asked for Justice, but then when justice was served, since it wasn't what you WANTED to hear you trash your town (again).

Bunch of idiots
Doesn't sound to me like the "rioting" is all that impressive. Nothing like Watts or anything.