After all that destruction, the people will go back to complaining about the lack of jobs.....A J & R Pawn Shop
Auto Zone
Auto Buy Credit
Antonio French's Heal Stl. Community Center
Beauty Mart
Beauty Town
Cakes & More
Chop Suey Restaurant
Commerce Bank
Dellwood Market
Dollar tree
Family Dollar
Ferguson Liquors
JC Wireless
Little Caeser's
Medicine Shop
Phillips 66
Red's BBQ
O'Reilly's Auto Parts
St. Louis fish & Chicken Grill
Stl. Bread Co.
Sam's Meat Market
Taco Bell
Toys R Us
Tittle Max
A J & R Pawn Shop
Auto Zone
Auto Buy Credit
Antonio French's Heal Stl. Community Center
Beauty Mart
Beauty Town
Cakes & More
Chop Suey Restaurant
Commerce Bank
Dellwood Market
Dollar tree
Family Dollar
Ferguson Liquors
JC Wireless
Little Caeser's
Medicine Shop
Phillips 66
Red's BBQ
O'Reilly's Auto Parts
St. Louis fish & Chicken Grill
Stl. Bread Co.
Sam's Meat Market
Taco Bell
Toys R Us
Tittle Max
After all that destruction, the people will go back to complaining about the lack of jobs.....
Got to teach them whIle they are still young.
Remember that movie earthquake? In that movie the governor issued orders that looters will be shot on sight.As far as I'm concerned there should be an open season on looters
Cell phone shopping, Ferguson style
I can't be the only one who thinks Eric Holder bears a resemblance to a sloth.Al Sharpton looks like he's on the verge of becoming a bobble-head.
Bad news for Mike Brown’s supporters who’ve been hyping federal charges since the grand jury decision was announced last night.
Via WaPo (October 31st):
Justice Department investigators have all but concluded they do not have a strong enough case to bring civil rights charges against Darren Wilson, the white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., law enforcement officials said.
When racial tension boiled over in Ferguson after the Aug. 9 shooting, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. traveled to the St. Louis suburb to meet with city leaders and protest organizers in an effort to bring calm. He assured them that the federal government would open a civil rights investigation into the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. But that investigation now seems unlikely to result in any charges.
“The evidence at this point does not support civil rights charges against Officer Wilson,” said one person briefed on the investigation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case.
Justice Department officials are loath to acknowledge publicly that their case cannot now meet the high legal threshold for a successful civil rights prosecution. The timing is sensitive: Tensions are high in greater St. Louis as people await the results of a grand jury’s review of the case.
Standing?I think it is a great day for our country when students express their right of speech by refusing to stand and say the pledge. I remember doing that.
These are the kids I look at in public then look and my wife and say "that kid doesn't stand a chance".