Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Well-Known Member
the police aren't fueling the fires and using excessive force?


I only ask that the Liberals and People like Sharpton make up their minds --one way or the other.

First they say --as you claim--the police are fueling the fires and using excessive force.

THEN --When the Business's are looted and Burned to the ground --not by the force or the fuel of the Police --but by thugs ---Sharpton is out there claiming --the Democrat Governor and the Police let the town burn !!!

What say you ?

I can already see it --stop the violence with Tolerance ,peace, flowers and agreeing to rules of engagement.

If you were one of those poor cops --being spit at, cursed at, rocks being thrown, Molotov cocktails being thrown as well as being shot at --I am sure you would stand there and risk your life and do NOTHING !!


Well-Known Member
Regardless where one stands on the present issue I would highly recommend reading the entire transcript testimony of Officer Wilson and Dorian Johnson to the Grand Jury. I read Officer Wilson's the night it was first posted and starting last night have read about half of Johnson's and hope to finish maybe tomorrow or over the weekend at the least. Both are well worth the read IMO.


Got the T-Shirt
"Two court cases likely had some bearing in the grand jury’s decision-making process:

1. In Jones v. City of St. Louis, 92 friend.Supp.2d 949 (E.D. Mo., 2000) the federal district court, in a lawsuit from the police use of deadly force, held that the use of deadly force is reasonable where the officer has probable cause to believe the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or others.

2. In Fitzgerald v. Patrick, 927 friend.2d 1037 (8th Cir., 1991) the 8th circuit federal court of appeals, in another police use-of-force case out of Missouri, said law enforcement officers are justified in using deadly force in self-defense or in defense of a third person if a reasonable person in similar circumstance would believe it was necessary."

One thing that needs to be pointed out;

This wasn't some sort of "special" grand jury, that was assembled to just hear this case.

They had been picked by the judge.... months before the event even happened.

Grand juries serve for a period of time, and hear what ever cases are presented to them.


nowhere special


Strength through joy
Protesters block I-5 in San Diego; motorists furious
A human barricade completely stopped traffic in La Jolla Wednesday morning during rush hour. Traffic is just slowly getting back to normal on the 5-North freeway, near Nobel Drive.

Around seven this morning protesters lined the freeway during rush hour - and literally stopped traffic for about a half hour.

About 50 people held signs saying "Hands up, Don't shoot." When this line of protesters stood in the middle of the road, things got heated - drivers got out, confronted the group and punches were even thrown .

Walking on a highway is a sign of a mental disorder .


Strength through joy
Now michael brown's mom is attempting to blame the state governor for her husband's
chant of " burn ....." .
Typical twisted mind , always blame someone else .
I sure hope the family does not proceed with a civil suit against Off. Wilson .
Because every statement made by them only hurts their case .


nowhere special
Now michael brown's mom is attempting to blame the state governor for her husband's
chant of " burn ....." .
Typical twisted mind , always blame someone else .
I sure hope the family does not proceed with a civil suit against Off. Wilson .
Because every statement made by them only hurts their case .

The mom has been on CNN constantly whining about how her little boy would never do those bad things. And CNN is doing its best to fan the flames by ignoring facts and constant race baiting.


Strength through joy
The mom has been on CNN constantly whining about how her little boy would never do those bad things. And CNN is doing its best to fan the flames by ignoring facts and constant race baiting.
I wonder how CNN would feel if their $1M mobile broadcast truck was overturned ?