Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Strength through joy
On the twitter page picture , his empty seat at the head of the table has a t-shirt with his picture on it .
Funny as in why the empty chair is at the head of the table , why have dinner with the ex , why is one kid wearing a hoodie indoors , why if everyone is sitting around a table there is a cooked ham, a cooked turkey , a plate of buns , several covered pans of food , but no plates nor silverware ?


Inordinately Right
On the twitter page picture , his empty seat at the head of the table has a t-shirt with his picture on it .
Funny as in why the empty chair is at the head of the table , why have dinner with the ex , why is one kid wearing a hoodie indoors , why if everyone is sitting around a table there is a cooked ham, a cooked turkey , a plate of buns , several covered pans of food , but no plates nor silverware ?
No plates?! No silverware?! The madness....


Retired 23 years
Nothing to see here folks---time to move on to a different subject--Jessie and Al have left town to find the next thing to stick their noses into.


Well-Known Troll
On the twitter page picture , his empty seat at the head of the table has a t-shirt with his picture on it .
Funny as in why the empty chair is at the head of the table

Cause he's a civil rights "hero" now for ripping off a convenience store and then getting into a pissing contest with a cop. Raise your kids to be RESPECTFUL, not confrontational jerks!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Considering the chaos, destruction and increasedan security cost, I think a trial would have been far cheaper
A trial would have lasted far longer and been far more expensive, the verdict would still have been the same, and the rioting would still have occured after the acquittal was announced.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Portland Oregon. For those focused only on the violent clashes, Portland is nowhere near Ferguson. The demonstrations are about more than Brown, Wilson, Ferguson, or Missouri. It's even about more than race and law enforcement. I am beginning more and more to think wk is right.
I live on the outskirts of Portland. It is the sustainable, eco-friendly, politically correct, granola-eating, uber-liberal capitol of the Pacific Northwest. Think San Francisco, only colder and wetter. Most of the protesters are either white suburban college kids or anarchists.


Well-Known Troll
No, because of all your racist and bigoted posts on this forum. ;)

Stupid kids get great idea to get high.
Stupid kids go to a convenience store to STEAL the cigarillos to roll their blunts
Stupid kids (after having just committed a robbery) refuse to comply with an ORDER given to them by a uniformed police officer
Stupid kid confronts the cop, thinking he will be intimidated by kids size
Cop shoots stupid kid, and leaves his fat corpse rotting in the street.
Stupid kids friend LIES about the entire scenario, and stupid residents of the town use it as a rallying cry and inspiration to burn down their town.

You dumb dumbs continue to think I'm a huge bigot. I won't restate my rebuttal (It never seems to get through your thick skulls)

Way to go Officer Wilson and Grand Jury, your nation is proud of you. The intelligent members, anyway


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The videotape of Brown committing strong-armed robbery changed everything.

It gave enough credence to Wilsons claims of Brown's violent behavior as to create reasonable doubt.

Reasonable doubt=acquittal. Thats the law.

The prosecution never had a winnable case. Had Brown and Wilson both been the same color, no one would have cared and Wilson would have been immediately cleared and returned to duty. The racial overtones of the case forced the prosecutor to send it to the Grand Jury for political reasons, even though he knew there was no hope of successfully prosecuting Wilson of a crime.


Well-Known Member
The videotape of Brown committing strong-armed robbery changed everything.

It gave enough credence to Wilsons claims of Brown's violent behavior as to create reasonable doubt.

Reasonable doubt=acquittal. Thats the law.

The prosecution never had a winnable case. Had Brown and Wilson both been the same color, no one would have cared and Wilson would have been immediately cleared and returned to duty. The racial overtones of the case forced the prosecutor to send it to the Grand Jury for political reasons, even though he knew there was no hope of successfully prosecuting Wilson of a crime.
Had Brown been white, he'd probably be alive today.


Well-Known Troll
Had Brown been white, he'd probably be alive today.

Had brown not robbed a store and attacked a police officer, he DEFINITELY would be alive today.

You statement is horse :censored2:, and you know it.

If people would simply look at the FACTS of the case and make NO mention of race, they might be able to understand. But you're blinded by the white cop and that "Poor unarmed black boy"(Who was 18 and the size of an amateur Sumo wrestler)


nowhere special


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Didn't see this bad after the Zimmerman trial.
The Zimmerman trial was another instance of political pressure getting in the way of the legal process.

Zimmerman was a negligent idiot. Had he been charged with the appropriate negligent homicide or 2nd degree manslaughter...he may very well have been convicted or chosen to plead out. But for political reasons the prosecution was forced to charge him with a crime that was not supported by the evidence and that they had no hope of proving beyond a reasonable doubt.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I will not deny that the legacy of institutionalized racism continues to this day. I will not deny the racial disparity in the Ferguson police department, or the fact that the legal system continues to prosecute and incarcerate young men of color at a rate far beyond the rate for whites. However....

None of these issues had anything to do with the guilt or innocence of Officer Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown, and a murder trial against Wilson is not the appropriate venue to address these issues. A murder trial is about the guilt or innocence of one man, not an entire system or society. And it is wrong to prosecute someone for a crime when there is no hope of obtaining a conviction simply to make a political statement.