You know what Island? The state (federal, state, and local) has put itself in a very tight box here. It's been simmering for years, blowing occasionally and until they get serious about addressing race comprehensively it will continue to erupt, every time more violently than the time before. This isn't about one kid shot by a cop. It's far bigger.
So no. I feel nothing for the state in this case.
Its far bigger !! Wow we can strongly agree.
Why are many extremely good Black men "targeted by Police"???----very clear ---13% of the population committing close to 75% of all crimes.
Black lives should matter to all -----Black On Black violence will kill THOUSANDS this year -- 40 % of all Abortions are Black Babies ----Why do people deny and hide from such staggering statistics--instead of what we always hear --LETS HAVE A REAL CONVERSATION ???
Black men must STAND UP and be a Father to the children they bring into the world. Children born to single moms--have very high dropout rates that lead to crimes and serious problems. I want the violence to stop--I want all the Black Deaths to stop ---not you --but some jerk on BC will claim I am the Racist.
These are the people that cannot face reality--therefore --Generation after Generation Black lives will be lost --the majority good people-- innocent victims --condemned by the "Hip Gang Culture " -of thugs.
Many BLACK celebrities will cry out about the one kid shot by a cop --but will remain silent on the thousands of Black on Black deaths in the Black Communities ---in truth that many of the Black Rappers ---Sing about , Celebrate and make PERSONAL profit from.