Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Well-Known Troll

This has WHAT to do with brown being killed for grabbing a cop's gun?

Does it offend you when black folks call white cops Cracker? Do you go scouring the interwebs looking for videos to show so that we can all then go and protest?

Yeah, I thought so

I'd be more offended if someone spit in my face than if someone called me a slur that I use to speak to all of my friends.

Doing 35 in a 45 MPH zone is impeding traffic. Get her butt off the road


Well-Known Member
This has WHAT to do with brown being killed for grabbing a cop's gun?

Does it offend you when black folks call white cops Cracker? Do you go scouring the interwebs looking for videos to show so that we can all then go and protest?

Yeah, I thought so

I'd be more offended if someone spit in my face than if someone called me a slur that I use to speak to all of my friends.

Doing 35 in a 45 MPH zone is impeding traffic. Get her butt off the road
It's show you and others just a few reasons why there's a distrust between minority communities and law enforcement.


Well-Known Troll
It's show you and others just a few reasons why there's a distrust between minority communities and law enforcement.

Ah, I see. So let's use that as justification to ignore police orders?

This woman is not wrong (aside from driving too damn slow), the cop was being a di:censored2:, no question.

Brown was wrong in his response to the cop.

You have your beliefs and I have mine, and we're not going to convince each other of the others point of view.

I think PEOPLE can be a-holes, having nothing to do with race.

You believe the police are wrong in how they deal with minorities.


Strength through joy
Question ?
Why didn't the woman driver pull over to let the faster traffic pass ?
She stated that she traveled 3 miles before turning into the shopping area .


Well-Known Member
Why can't you truse the police??

Because I don't trust the State PERIOD and that goes for anyone acting in any capacity as a State agent. Special costumes and badges are little more than logical fallacies to act on behalf of and in the interest of protecting the state.

Should the mundane citizen enjoy what he/she thinks is a benefit, it's only as a result of sharing a interconnected interest at that moment.

As God, follow me and prosper, disobey me and suffer my wrath. As God I alone dictate terms and demand your allegiance. All others are forbidden and I will unleash my worshippers upon you should you stray or voice objection. You are my livestock and have no right to leave my farm!

Should the interest of the individual diverge from that of the State, the interests of the individual will be crushed. The drug war, war of terrorism, healthcare are just small examples of where the interests of the State far exceed those of the individual. Are you going to sit there and argue that something which really cares for you would saddle you and your children's, children's, children with unpayable debt?

So much for the ideal of the Declaration of Independence and the rights to life. liberty and happiness uh!

Metaphorically speaking, Brown's stepfather was correct when he said, "burn this bitch to the ground" but the folks in Ferguson just threw the matches in the wrong spot!

And for the record, Sharpton, Jackson and those sellouts would have gotten burnt too if up to me. Again metaphorically speaking. ;)


Well-Known Troll
Why does it matter? The cop was a racist a-hole and was arrested for his actions.

So because he called her a :censored2:, from that you can say 100% that he is a racist? If you get mad enough to call a woman a :censored2: , does that mean that you're sexist? OR, could it just be that you got so pissed off that you said that term?

Things are not always so black and white, there are shades of grey. However, people now think matters are cut and dry, so if you agree with Wilson, you're racist, and there is NO middle ground
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Well-Known Member
Things are not always so black and white, there are shades of grey. However, people now think matters are cut and dry, so if you agree with Wilson, you're racist, and there is NO middle ground
Yet there is no middle ground, as to how Wilson could have handled that situation according to you.


Well-Known Member
How about this. Let's say that 90% of what you say is true. What does the other side say that you can agree with? All you've done is repeat the same lines as you've always repeated. Do you deny institutionalized racism? Do you deny blacks are prosecuted more often and with harsher penalties than whits committing the same crimes? Do you deny that blacks are "stopped and frisked" for no reas on other than the color of their skin? Do you think I could safely drive across the southern states in a new BMW convertible wit out any law enforcement interference? Do you think illegal immigrants from Great Britain even think twice about being asked about their citizenship?

Spouting numbers is one thing. Digesting entire truth behind them quite another. There is a lot of work to be done on both sides.


Believe it or not -I am not the enemy ! The numbers I gave you are true --they must be addressed.

The stop and frisk of course I agree with you --it is wrong but the innocent millions of Black men are getting hit both ways --from cops that think all Black men are bad because of the high crime numbers and they also are victimized by the Black thugs in their communities.

I have been very involved for over three decades in actively teaching and enacting valuing diversity and affirmative action programs at UPS. I personally have passed over qualified "white males" and promoted young Black men and women ---UPS now has only 17 districts --the District Manager is a huge powerful position at UPS --The Black Population of the Country is 13% --UPS upper Management and District Manager positions are over 45% --Region Mgrs --over 50% Black.

There are equal opportunities for all --stop living in the past --unless you acknowledge some past realities.

The English and Spanish Empires acquired their slaves from African's selling their brothers --a terrible time in History.

At the same time the English enslaved and starved the Irish population --taking the number of people down from 1.2 million to just 600,000.
When the Irish came to the new world --they found the "NEW YORK" with them being discriminated against for who they were. Many of the Irish fell into being drunks --hooked on alcohol. They eventually stopped being "victims" and cleaned up their act.

Time for the Black Men to stand up --take advantage of opportunities --take full responsibility to be good fathers to guide and teach the young to stay in school and become a contributing member of society.

You accuse me of spouting the same numbers ---they do not change --Where is Obama and "My Brothers Keeeper" --Sure it was a good photo op !

It is time ---real time for CHANGE !

IF our Mexican neighbors respected our LAWS --we would not have MILLIONS of illegals ---that put all Latin and Hispanic American's at Risk of "Stop and Check.

Whether you realize it or not --that was a very good analogy you laid out there !!!
High Black Crime =High stop and frisk
High Illegal Immigration =High stop and check

The root problem has to be corrected --for the good of all ! Sorry for the long post . Have a good night !!


Well-Known Member

No one looks at rural white poverty in Appalachia and says to ALL whites, look, this is your problem, why don't you fix it?

No one looks at the white 'meth' problem and says to ALL whites, look, this is your problem, why don't you fix it?

In the same vein, why is there a narrative where ALL blacks are responsible for the sins of the few?

As if black-on-black crime is a problem that's restricted to only black people. In this narrative, you make black people the 'other'.

I like your statistics but I think you need to dig a little deeper.

At the end of the day, this isn't a 'black' problem, it's an American problem.


Inordinately Right
The article has only been up for an hour, but CNN has yet to catch their typo. Pure coincidence? Or power of the subconscious mind. Lulz either way:

"He stayed under the radar by moving from house to house, including briefly living with one of his lawyers, and spending time watching movies in dark theaters to avoid detection.

During this time, White married a fellow Ferguson police officer. According to a St. Louis County marriage license, Wilson on October 24 married Barbara Lynn Spradling, with whom he shares a home in St. Louis."


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Yet there is no middle ground, as to how Wilson could have handled that situation according to you.
For the record, given 20/20 hindsight I think there are probably a lot of things that Wilson could have and should have done differently.

None of that changes the fact that Brown made a decision to commit a violent felony (strongarmed robbery) against the owner of the convenience store and then commit another violent felony by punching a police officer in the face and attempting to grab his gun. It was these choices set into motion the chain of events that led to his death.

Wilson may have been guilty of poor police tactics. He may have been guilty of profiling. He may have been guilty of panicking under pressure. He may even be guilty of racism. But he isn't guilty of murder.