

Pees in the brown Koolaid
Sure this maroon is dead, but there are hundreds more where he came from. What needs to be done is to investigate ALL THIS GUYS friends and associates, raid every home and take every weapon away from them. Expose them for the hate mongers that they are.

What should be done, is to find out WHO they listen to, WHO they watch, and what guides their hate.

Expose their leaders and the propaganda they sell. This maroon deserved death and so do his hate mongering friends.

Its this kind of hate groups that poison this country.



I share your contempt and disgust for neo-nazis and hate groups, and I am glad the murderer got shot and killed by the police. a society founded upon the principles of free speech and a presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law, the idea that we would go door to door and raid the homes of people based solely upon the fact that they associated with that lowlife piece of :censored2: does not sit well with me.

Like it or not, the First Amendment protects everyody's free speech rights, not just those with whom we happen to agree. And unless there is compelling evidence of involvement in a crime on someone's part that is sufficient grounds for a search warrant, our government has no business kicking down doors and confiscating the private property of those who are guilty of nothing more than being racist scum.


Für Meno :)
Why not mention grandma side ?

Duh !!!!! ???
You think my grand dad gave birth to my dad in Russia ?
And besides that - I'm not even sure women could vote in those days, anyways.
Even if my other granny maybe could have - she raised 7 children at that time.
Without those modern appliances we have today, or plastic 1-use diapers.
No dish washer, automated washer , dryers, etc.
You can imagine it was more then a full time job back then !
Oh yeah, and even a coal oven and coal furnace, and no hot water, unless you boiled it, after getting the coal stove up and running.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Wade Michael Page, a neo nazi white supremist the kind of person the NRA just loves. He has all the hate and anger that is necessary to kill innocent persons.
At some point, with all the rhetoric from the right wing, its the gun owners who the NRA and the right wing want to start a new revolution in this country, thus the reason they want them all armed.

Please post a link to any NRA literature than in any way supports violence, murder, criminal activity or white supremacism.

You cant, because the NRA supports none of these things and you know it.

The NRA promotes the safe and responsible use of firearms by law abiding people, and the preservation of 2nd Amendment rights for law-abiding people. PERIOD.

You certainly have the right to disagree with the political views of the NRA, and to have a factual and honest debate about those views. Hell, I am an NRA life member, and I disagree with many of the NRA's views. But it is an outright lie to claim that the NRA in any way supports or condones criminal behavior such as the mass murders that took place in Aurora or Wisconsin.

You are allowing your emotions...justified though they may cloud your judgement. You are making false accusations against an organization for no other reason than that you disagree with its political views. You are guilty of the same thing that you (rightly) accuse right wing crackpots such as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News of doing.

Stick to the facts, and leave the emotion and predjudice behind.


Strength through joy
Sure this maroon is dead, but there are hundreds more where he came from. What needs to be done is to investigate ALL THIS GUYS friends and associates, raid every home and take every weapon away from them. Expose them for the hate mongers that they are.

What should be done, is to find out WHO they listen to, WHO they watch, and what guides their hate.

Expose their leaders and the propaganda they sell. This maroon deserved death and so do his hate mongering friends.

Its this kind of hate groups that poison this country.



I suggest the thought police visit your residence first .


Strength through joy
Duh !!!!! ???
You think my grand dad gave birth to my dad in Russia ?
And besides that - I'm not even sure women could vote in those days, anyways.
Even if my other granny maybe could have - she raised 7 children at that time.
Without those modern appliances we have today, or plastic 1-use diapers.
No dish washer, automated washer , dryers, etc.
You can imagine it was more then a full time job back then !
Oh yeah, and even a coal oven and coal furnace, and no hot water, unless you boiled it, after getting the coal stove up and running.

I'm confused by this line....And besides that - I'm not even sure women could vote in those days, anyways.

I was raised in a house in the city , two parents & 13 kids .
So you can skip the "oh, how poor we were " bs.
I know what a clothes line is & how to use it.
I also know the sting of my father's belt upon my rear.



golden ticket member
When we visited my cousins in PA., I thought it was neat they had a steel tub they brought into the kitchen and boiled water from the wood stove along with regular cold water from the sink and people took baths......(more than one person). The men stayed in the living room while the women and kids bathed.

There was a chamber pot for overnight and the smell of Lysol was overpowering!!

Come daylght, you had access to the 2-seater outhouse if youcould jump over the toad along the path. I always thought it was so cool.....I didn't know they were poor!


You know Sat, you should never bring up someone's family into a discussion.
And secondly you are dead wrong.
My dad was born in Leningrad, where of course his parents were living at the time.
My other side of granddad came from the CSSR.

Regarding my personal finances, it will be boosted by about $20K just working 1 single weekend.
When was the last time you made that for about 20 hrs of work ?
Yet, you are a proud German citizen, and proudly bring up that family fact, and claim you will receive a pension for your work on the German farm?
Now, you claim to be Russian.
Funny time line.

I enjoy genealogy.
How the hell can you claim to be a German citizen?

Now to the personal finance thing.
My portfolio made 20k in one day this week-(without working)-, while I worked and made another $1650.00 +free health care and $255.00 paid into my pension.
Hell. I may lose 50k next week on my investments.
Guess what, neither move would make any difference in my life.

You equate selling 20k, to making a 20k profit.
I hope the best for you,
but please do not try and compare your future financial success to mine.



Für Meno :)
Yet, you are a proud German citizen, and proudly bring up that family fact, and claim you will receive a pension for your work on the German farm?
Now, you claim to be Russian.
Funny time line.

I enjoy genealogy.
How the hell can you claim to be a German citizen?

Now to the personal finance thing.
My portfolio made 20k in one day this week-(without working)-, while I worked and made another $1650.00 +free health care and $255.00 paid into my pension.
Hell. I may lose 50k next week on my investments.
Guess what, neither move would make any difference in my life.

You equate selling 20k, to making a 20k profit.
I hope the best for you,
but please do not try and compare your future financial success to mine.

Oh great ! You get free healthcare !
Any and every Canadian citizen gets that !

How can I claim to be German ?
Well it was the first ever passport I had.
It's the only 1 my mother has. She never did become Canadian citizen - she is a permanent resident only.

I didn't get a Canadian passport until 1991.
My first German one was issued in 1973 !

But, yeah, you could be right, too.
If Russia would have never had that communist revolution, maybe I would have carried a Russian/Canadian passport instead ? Hard to say.
My dad was brought to Germany along with his Russian mother and German dad as a baby ( 1yr old or a tad more).

My grand father on my dads side got kicked out of Russia in 1938, because they expected him to be a spy.


Well-Known Member
The SPLC has a file on everyone & every group that "they" deem as a threat to themselves.
Forget about having an FBI file, they are so yesterday.
I am sure everyone who posts here already has a SPLC file, too.

So maybe they got one right?

Do you really think people posting here have an SPLC file?

The earth is flat!
Oh great ! You get free healthcare !
Any and every Canadian citizen gets that !

How can I claim to be German ?
Well it was the first ever passport I had.
It's the only 1 my mother has. She never did become Canadian citizen - she is a permanent resident only.

I didn't get a Canadian passport until 1991.
My first German one was issued in 1973 !

But, yeah, you could be right, too.
If Russia would have never had that communist revolution, maybe I would have carried a Russian/Canadian passport instead ? Hard to say.
My dad was brought to Germany along with his Russian mother and German dad as a baby ( 1yr old or a tad more).

My grand father on my dads side got kicked out of Russia in 1938, because they expected him to be a spy.

Awesome. But the point is we don't care.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I also know the sting of my father's belt upon my rear.

My deepest sympathy. Knowing that you were abused as a child helps put your present day belief system into perspective.
Best of luck in your life. Consider using your UPS benefits to talk to a professional about this, it would probably help a great deal.


Für Meno :)
I'm confused by this line....And besides that - I'm not even sure women could vote in those days, anyways.

I was raised in a house in the city , two parents & 13 kids .
So you can skip the "oh, how poor we were " bs.
I know what a clothes line is & how to use it.
I also know the sting of my father's belt upon my rear.

Don't know why Sat and Cach liked your post, but they have probably never spoken to Germans in their lifetime.
Esspecially not to the ones that were born or grown up in the WW1 and WW2 periods.

You should take a trip over there and see it for yourself !
The apartment my mothers family of 9 lived in, is still there.
Has less then 200 sqf in total.

They didn't even have the luxery of a shower or bath.
Just handwashed themselves down on a daily basis, with cold water and cheap soap.

1 a week they went to the community showers they had in neighborhoods set up, and you had to pay for them, 5 pfennigs or something.
Washing clothes was done in buckets, hanging them up was done up in the Attic of the apartment building - a practise they still do today.

And I'm even mentioning the food and starving part, yet !

So don't go there with being poor ! Almost like telling a starving African, that has no fresh water or food, lives in a tent or tin cabin, that you know how it feels !
Don't know why Sat and Cach liked your post, but they have probably never spoken to Germans in their lifetime.
Especially not to the ones that were born or grown up in the WW1 and WW2 periods.

You should take a trip over there and see it for yourself !
The apartment my mothers family of 9 lived in, is still there.
Has less then 200 sqf in total.

They didn't even have the luxery of a shower or bath.
Just handwashed themselves down on a daily basis, with cold water and cheap soap.

1 a week they went to the community showers they had in neighborhoods set up, and you had to pay for them, 5 pfennigs or something.
Washing clothes was done in buckets, hanging them up was done up in the Attic of the apartment building - a practise they still do today.

And I'm even mentioning the food and starving part, yet !

So don't go there with being poor ! Almost like telling a starving African, that has no fresh water or food, lives in a tent or tin cabin, that you know how it feels !

Maybe Klein our "like" is because we can relate to humble beginings and not to see if we can stroke you into another meaningless post. I promise on the lives of my wife and children to not "like" another post if you promise to stop your self centered babbling. Are you such a narcissist that you really believe Americans can't relate to what it's like to live in another country? We're a nation founded on immigration. And before you run on about Canada I've thought about it and the majority of my ancestors came from Canada so I'm actually more Canadian than you. So ,fellow countryman, shut your pie hole as you're giving us a bad name.


Für Meno :)
Your not even close to a Canadian or European for that matter !
Remember we love strict gun laws, we also have much pride in our national health care system, and we also dip our flag to an Olympic Host, regardless if it's the Queen of England, or China's dictator. We show respect and proud of it, too !
Your not even close to a Canadian or European for that matter !
Remember we love strict gun laws, we also have much pride in our national health care system, and we also dip our flag to an Olympic Host, regardless if it's the Queen of England, or China's dictator. We show respect and proud of it, too !

Canadian by blood. Not by hot air! ,,!,,


Well-Known Member
Open Source, Homebrew Weapons that bypasses State/Corp. monopoly


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