
Open Source, Homebrew Weapons that bypasses State/Corp. monopoly


What other devices or products could envision this type of future with localized homebrew production?

Those are the future of industry. Instead of huge part specific plants customers will upload programs to plants lined with those machines and have parts made to order. They have incredible flexibility and the capability to manufacture one or hundreds as needed.


golden ticket member
"......Just handwashed themselves down on a daily basis, with cold water and cheap soap.
" (Klein)

That's called a hooker's sponge bath.........French, around late last Thursday!!


Don't know why Sat and Cach liked your post, but they have probably never spoken to Germans in their lifetime.
Esspecially not to the ones that were born or grown up in the WW1 and WW2 periods.

You should take a trip over there and see it for yourself !
The apartment my mothers family of 9 lived in, is still there.
Has less then 200 sqf in total.

They didn't even have the luxery of a shower or bath.
Just handwashed themselves down on a daily basis, with cold water and cheap soap.

1 a week they went to the community showers they had in neighborhoods set up, and you had to pay for them, 5 pfennigs or something.
Washing clothes was done in buckets, hanging them up was done up in the Attic of the apartment building - a practise they still do today.

And I'm even mentioning the food and starving part, yet !

So don't go there with being poor ! Almost like telling a starving African, that has no fresh water or food, lives in a tent or tin cabin, that you know how it feels !
It has been obvious why you do not why.

Contrary to your ignorance,
I have had conversations with German WWII veterans, and their children.
I have had conversations with Japanese WWII soldiers, and there descendants.
I met the photographer that was on the plane than dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. -( he became a monk in the same monastery as my brother)-
My Great/Great Grandfather-(on my fathers side) immigrated to Canada from Scotland in the 1840s.
My Great Grandfather was born in Canada, then came to Texas in the 1870's.
On my mothers side, my Great/ great/ great/ great/great Grandfather came to America in the 1670's.
My grand fathers fought to build this nation.
The Revolutionary War.
The War of 1812.
The war against Mexico to create Texas.
The Civil War.
The Spanish American War.

On my wife's side.
The War of 1812.
The war against Mexico, to create Texas.
The Mexican American War.

This is one of the reasons I get pissed off with your condescending attitude and smarmy posts.
I am more Canadian by blood than you.
My fore/fathers fought and died to create and shape the USA that you so casually look down your nose at.
Have pride with your German Bloodline.
There has only been two world wars and over 100 million people died.
Guess who started both, and were defeated.



Für Meno :)
better get your history straight !
WW1 was started (without googling it up), was because I believe a Serbian Princess was assasinated, by Hungary or some other country. But, because in those days, every European country had pacts to each other, Germany had one, and there for went to war, helping out, against the country who killed that princess.
So, whichever country killed that princess, actually started that war !

Btw, I'm glad you are so proud being a war mongerer. Basically fought off the English for no reason, invaded Canada in 1812 and had to retreat and got the Whitehouse burnt down on top of it.
Our nation is proud that we are world-wide known as peace keepers, and it even shows on our money ! :)

Our $10 bank note is dedicated to our peace-keepers :)

better get your history straight !
WW1 was started (without googling it up), was because I believe a Serbian Princess was assasinated, by Hungary or some other country. But, because in those days, every European country had pacts to each other, Germany had one, and there for went to war, helping out, against the country who killed that princess.
So, whichever country killed that princess, actually started that war !

Btw, I'm glad you are so proud being a war mongerer. Basically fought off the English for no reason, invaded Canada in 1812 and had to retreat and got the Whitehouse burnt down on top of it.
Our nation is proud that we are world-wide known as peace keepers, and it even shows on our money ! :)

Our $10 bank note is dedicated to our peace-keepers :)


You know, you sound like an incredible :censored2: when you actually do google your diatribe. Now we have to look up how dumb you are for you?
The princess you speak of, her Majesty Princess Leah, and her family were attack by the dark forces of Germany and Austria (Germany Lite) leaving only the Princess to survive. The dark forces then invaded Belgium and France because they knew Belgium made better beer than the Germans and the French were pusillanimous and easy to defeat.
The Princess aided by Capt Solo and new recruit Skywalker was smuggled to the safety of the Alliance led by the U.S and Great Britain. There top military aids by Kenobi and Yoda found the weakness in the Dark forces (they were narcissistic :censored2:s) and by giving this info to the Alliance armies it helped them to pummel the Dark forces into submission (one of many times the Germans learned how to wave the white flag) at the battle of the Death Star.

As far as your comment of "our nation" , as Sat and I have pointed out we are the real Canadians on here. Canadian by blood, by our DNA. You on the other hand are no more Canadian than a mutt, a pound puppy we adopted at the mall on pet day. Canada took you in and gave you a flea bath because we have a soft spot for pathetic things. Sometimes they should be put to sleep but live and learn. But make no mistake, you are no where near anything Canadian like we are.

P.s. If you don't like any of the facts I had to look up for you the put down the Astroglide and the family pack of hotdogs and look it up for yourself next time.


Für Meno :)
The 2 of you must be natives, because those are the only true Canadians or Americans for that matter of fact !

Face it, you couldn't and wouldn't want to live in our "European" life-style, with stricht gun laws, and national health care.
And you wouldn't want to have to take an oath to the Queen to become a Canadian citizen, either !

Neither would you support paying higher taxes to secure SS / Canada Pension to retire at age 65 or and to keep healthcare afloat.
The American attitude is : Each on their own !
Our attitude is for having basically a whole healthy and wealthy society, so that everyone gets a piece of the pie.
And no , I'm not meaning welfare, but even companies such as UPS pays part timers a starting wage at $13/hr, but reduces the top rate to $28/hr.

Minimum wage will go up in Alberta to an even $10hr starting Sept1st, 2012 - 3 weeks from now. Whereby, you would rather want minimum wages to disappear.

Btw, have you ever watched discovery or history channel ?
Guess where the first ever people arrived from to North America ?

Basically from Russia ! - They walked over the Alaskan straight !
And you should also know, that Alaska was originally Russian territory, too !
( biggest mistake the Russians ever did - sold it for "ice" (dirt) cheap ) !
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The 2 of you must be natives, because those are the only true Canadians or Americans for that matter of fact !

Face it, you couldn't and wouldn't want to live in our "European" life-style, with stricht gun laws, and national health care.
And you wouldn't want to have to take an oath to the Queen to become a Canadian citizen, either !

Neither would you support paying higher taxes to secure SS / Canada Pension to retire at age 65 or and to keep healthcare afloat.
The American attitude is : Each on their own !
Our attitude is for having basically a whole healthy and wealthy society, so that everyone gets a piece of the pie.
And no , I'm not meaning welfare, but even companies such as UPS pays part timers a starting wage at $13/hr, but reduces the top rate to $28/hr.

Minimum wage will go up in Alberta to an even $10hr starting Sept1st, 2012 - 3 weeks from now. Whereby, you would rather want minimum wages to disappear.

Down boy! Down! How many times do we have to tell you no drinking in the house? And gosh forbid get that hotdog out of there.
Be a good boy , learn some new tricks, quit piddling in the house, and we'll scratch you behind the ear and give you a snack


Face it, you couldn't and wouldn't want to live in our "European" life-style, with stricht gun laws, and national health care.
And you wouldn't want to have to take an oath to the Queen to become a Canadian citizen, either !
Finally you understand. Bravo!

Btw, have you ever watched discovery or history channel ?
Guess where the first ever people arrived from to North America ?

Klein, you need to broaden your scope and actually read scientific journals,
not just watch TV and do an internet quick search.
You might find the DNA analysis enlightening.



Strength through joy
Do you realize that anyone ( in Mass ) who is carrying a pocket knife over 2 1/2 inches can be jailed , but it's perfectly legal to carry a machete .


Für Meno :)
Finally you understand. Bravo!

Klein, you need to broaden your scope and actually read scientific journals,
not just watch TV and do an internet quick search.
You might find the DNA analysis enlightening.

Oh, you're 1 of them are ya ?
Either Adam and Eve got transferred over here, or they hitched a ride on Noah's Arche ?
Because, it's well documented that when the first Europeans arrived, North America was already populated.

Why do you think that still as of today, we still call them Indians , even though that term should have never ever been used in the first place !

And btw, Canada got it's name from those native people.
They were friendly and greeted the white people from Europe, and invited them to Kanata (meaning "my Village" in native language).

And that's how Canada got it's name.
Something you should know as a true Canadian !
Oh, you're 1 of them are ya ?
Either Adam and Eve got transferred over here, or they hitched a ride on Noah's Arche ?
Because, it's well documented that when the first Europeans arrived, North America was already populated.

Why do you think that still as of today, we still call them Indians , even though that term should have never ever been used in the first place !

And btw, Canada got it's name from those native people.
They were friendly and greeted the white people from Europe, and invited them to Kanata (meaning "my Village" in native language).

And that's how Canada got it's name.
Something you should know as a true Canadian !

What do you mean we kemo sabe? We call them native americans. And you better fact check yourself as the various tribes were both warring and peaceful much as we all are today. You being German should know about the natural inclination to invade and attempt to conquer surrounding cultures.


Für Meno :)
Look who's talking !!!!
An American - how many countries invaded and wars have you had in the past 200 years compared to Germany ????!!!!

Besides, you only spent nearly 4 years fighting those Germans, unlike over 10 years for Iraq and Afghanistan and still counting.
Look who's talking !!!!
An American - how many countries invaded and wars have you had in the past 200 years compared to Germany ????!!!!

Besides, you only spent nearly 4 years fighting those Germans, unlike over 10 years for Iraq and Afghanistan and still counting.
Come on klein, you're just pissed cuz we're better at it than your motherland. seems every time the germans start getting the bighead we bitch slap them into near oblivion.
Look who's talking !!!!
An American - how many countries invaded and wars have you had in the past 200 years compared to Germany ????!!!!

Besides, you only spent nearly 4 years fighting those Germans, unlike over 10 years for Iraq and Afghanistan and still counting.

How much blood did the U.S. shed to go and end wars that countries like your :censored2:land started? Ask the Jews and the French how happy they were to see us.

As far as 4 years vs 10 years maybe that just says that the Iraqi and Al Qaeda fighters are real men and not a bunch of imbred blonde haired blue eyed pusillanimous that the Germans were. Know why you guys only started the two big wars? Because some of you were smart enough to know they shouldn't run their mouth and start stuff or they'll get bitch slapped a third time. Apparently a trait not handed down by your parents to you. Or maybe you're not really German either? Whenever you want to grow a pair and try something tougher than tell women to "friend themselves" on the internet you look me up. I'll PM you a map to my house.
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golden ticket member
Look who's talking !!!!
An American - how many countries invaded and wars have you had in the past 200 years compared to Germany ????!!!!

Besides, you only spent nearly 4 years fighting those Germans, unlike over 10 years for Iraq and Afghanistan and still counting.



Strength through joy
This is an open invite to Midnight Raider who left a message on my reputation file.

"TOS has friends to, I also don't like what you say most of the time" .

Please come out into the open & let's hear your comments.
If it's good I would be willing to give you your first LIKE.
This is an open invite to Midnight Raider who left a message on my reputation file.

"TOS has friends to, I also don't like what you say most of the time" .

Please come out into the open & let's hear your comments.
If it's good I would be willing to give you your first LIKE.

Midnight Raider? Sounds like someone on