
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You "crack up" at these concepts because your paranoia of inantimate objects (guns) prevents you from making rational distinctions between ordinary firearms and land mines/explosives/claymores etc.

No rational person would ever consider placing land mines on their property, even if it were legal to do so (which it is not.) Plenty of rational people have made the decision to keep a firearm available in their home for the purposes of self defense. Only an idiot would discuss the two actions (land mines vs a gun) in the same sentence.

If you knew anything at all about guns, you would know that (a) there is no such gun as a "249" and (b) one of the benefits of relying on a shotgun for home defense is the short range and lower velocity of a shotgun load poses far less of a risk to one's neighbors due to overpenetration of walls or doors.

You have made a choice to not own a gun. You have that right, and I respect it. I have made a different choice, and on behalf of legal and responsible gun owners everywhere I would ask for the same consideration in return.

Again, I LAUGH at the hysteria involving "self defense" with GUN owners... By the way, check out this M249 with a bi pod....

You said "No rational person would ever consider placing land mines on their property, even if it were legal to do so (which it is not.) Plenty of rational people have made the decision to keep a firearm available in their home for the purposes of self defense.""

Really? Define "A RATIONAL PERSON"... your definition and mine will SURELY be different. I say, ANYONE who wants to possess an AR15 with a drum mag is INSANE, but YOU would call them rational.

A person who wants to "imitate" a military style weapon is OUT OF THERE MINDS.

But then again, how do we define "ARMS" if we are to take the 2nd admendment literally? You say it says you have the right to bear arms ( I of course, say it does not, but thats an argument of a different color)

But arent "land mines" ...arms? Isnt a Bazooka considered an "ARM"? "ARMING" oneself isnt "DEFINED" in our consitution, and if you agree that "REGULATION" needs to be in order to classify weapons, then I agree with you.

Weapons need to be regulated along with the people who wish to POSSESS them. This county is full of nuts just a split second away from a mass shooting. All this talk about safety and yet, people use guns to kill their wives, children and co workers everyday in this country.

Wheres the safety training? Did these people miss the class?

It isnt about "objects" that i oppose, its the MINDSET. The one like "YOURS" for example that believes he needs to have one on him at all times because his "life" is soo rough, that he might get that "shootout" he's been looking for all his life.

Maybe if you moved to west side of los angeles, I could agree with you, cause believe me, you would get that shootout, maybe just for driving too slow on the freeway.

The "object" isnt the problem, its the person behind that "object" and the kind of life they lead. All the grandiose talk about why this weapon over that weapon for the home is nonsense. Stopping power this , stopping power that is simple Bully talk.

Honestly, IMO, people who need guns are just merely scared, and probably scared of their own shadows. Something went wrong early on in life to set the mind into this kind of "deep" thought about guns.

You want to protect your home, fine, buy a shotty or a pistol. Learn how to use it, keep it locked up and away from kids and the moment you lose your job, or your wife cheats on you, call the local authorities and ask them to REMOVE YOUR GUNS from your home until you work things out in your mind.

Taking lessons from "special forces" guys wont help anyone in a panic. That takes courage, and you cant teach COURAGE.

If you cant walk up to someone and punch him square in the mouth without worrying about it, then you wont be able to shoot a gun at a person.

Its that simple. Brave talk is just that. TALK.




Well-Known Member
Id like to know where you people live where you live in such fear? Ive own many homes in many towns, and NOT ONE of those towns I felt so threatened I needed to take lessons from a "special forces" guy..?

Is "doomsday preppers" really that gripping of a show?

I laugh at those stories.




You cannot see any evil with those Rose colored glasses you have on.

Do truly hope evil never touches you or anyone in your family -- and it can appear ANYWHERE and when you least expect it.

It sounds like a racist remark that you believe evil is only in the poor neighborhoods.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

You cannot see any evil with those Rose colored glasses you have on.

Do truly hope evil never touches you or anyone in your family -- and it can appear ANYWHERE and when you least expect it.

It sounds like a racist remark that you believe evil is only in the poor neighborhoods.

And I believe that the real "racist" remarks come from Gun owners who think those minorities will leave those poor neighborhoods and come to their homes to "rob" them forcing the need to have a gun.

Live safe, invest in property where the crime rate doesnt force you to seek out a "special forces" guy to train you to shoot. How about a real estate agent who can direct you to a better neighborhood?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

You cannot see any evil with those Rose colored glasses you have on.

Do truly hope evil never touches you or anyone in your family -- and it can appear ANYWHERE and when you least expect it.

It sounds like a racist remark that you believe evil is only in the poor neighborhoods.

The "evil" I fear doesnt live in the poor neighborhoods, they live among us and work along side us, they are ARMED to the teeth at home, and when something goes all wrong at home, they turn on the innocent with those guns just to make them feel better.

That "EVIL" goes to a shooting range, hangs out in gun stores and buys chitt loads of ammo keeping it at home.

That "EVIL" will always be the real "EVIL" in america.




Well-Known Member
The "evil" I fear doesnt live in the poor neighborhoods, they live among us and work along side us, they are ARMED to the teeth at home, and when something goes all wrong at home, they turn on the innocent with those guns just to make them feel better.

That "EVIL" goes to a shooting range, hangs out in gun stores and buys chitt loads of ammo keeping it at home.

That "EVIL" will always be the real "EVIL" in america.



The true evil are people like you that want to make decisions for everyone else in this nation.


Staff member
Did I miss something? Is Obama trying to take guns away? Have any of you considered looking into being diagnosed with some kind of persecution disorder?


Well-Known Member
Did I miss something? Is Obama trying to take guns away? Have any of you considered looking into being diagnosed with some kind of persecution disorder?

Some people are worried about their 2nd amendments rights.
These same people are worried about their 401k's disappearing and any monies in stocks disappearing or greatly diminishing.
I can't think of any other president in my life time (61 years) that has caused such fear among the populace.

Some people are so GD dumb that they are lulled into a sense of peace by his deameanor.
He has be likened to a socialist, marxist and a totalitarian communist.
Sound like fun to you?


Well-Known Member
Did I miss something? Is Obama trying to take guns away? Have any of you considered looking into being diagnosed with some kind of persecution disorder?

Obviously you have. I mean it must be true as gun sales have exploded. Besides, gun owners are logical and critically thinking people and could never be duped by marketing schemes.

My fun having been had, there is reason however to keep a critical eye open that something could take place as a result of international agreements. It has happened before. Huntsville attorney Larry Becraft wrote a brief on international law and it's historical application in American jurisprudence so it's not impossible but I don't think Obama has the political leverage on his own to ever pull something like that off. Even he knows the uprising that would result and it would consume his total agenda and nothing would get done. I'm not convinced he's that stupid.

For those of you concerned about your gun rights, you'd do well to read Larry's brief linked above and see how international treaties and agreements can and do in fact change American law. You also may get a whiff of how the US Gov't ends up doing things where no clear constitutional authority is spelled out.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you have. I mean it must be true as gun sales have exploded. Besides, gun owners are logical and critically thinking people and could never be duped by marketing schemes.

My fun having been had, there is reason however to keep a critical eye open that something could take place as a result of international agreements. It has happened before. Huntsville attorney Larry Becraft wrote a brief on international law and it's historical application in American jurisprudence so it's not impossible but I don't think Obama has the political leverage on his own to ever pull something like that off. Even he knows the uprising that would result and it would consume his total agenda and nothing would get done. I'm not convinced he's that stupid.

For those of you concerned about your gun rights, you'd do well to read Larry's brief linked above and see how international treaties and agreements can and do in fact change American law. You also may get a whiff of how the US Gov't ends up doing things where no clear constitutional authority is spelled out.

Thank you, wkmac!
The UN Small Arms Treaty doesn't seem to alarm those that are so GD dumb to understand.
Is it conceivable that UN troops could come in and seize our personal arms? Then Barry could stand at arms length and outstretched saying, "....I didn't do that......the UN did that.".
Some BC members need to switch their TVs from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood and Barney the Dinosaur and seek an informed news source.


Staff member
Seems some BC members are too GD stupid to realize that there is no public support, no political will, and no enforcement arm in a position to carry out what is theoretically possible no matter what Glenn Beck happens to be screaming at him at the moment. It is good for gun sales though.


Staff member
Some people are worried about their 2nd amendments rights.
These same people are worried about their 401k's disappearing and any monies in stocks disappearing or greatly diminishing.
I can't think of any other president in my life time (61 years) that has caused such fear among the populace.

Some people are so GD dumb that they are lulled into a sense of peace by his deameanor.
He has be likened to a socialist, marxist and a totalitarian communist.
Sound like fun to you?
Do you spend your days in worry? Have you pulled all your money out of investments? I'm not a gambler, but I'll let mine ride.


golden ticket member
Seems some BC members are too GD stupid to realize that there is no public support, no political will, and no enforcement arm in a position to carry out what is theoretically possible no matter what Glenn Beck happens to be screaming at him at the moment. It is good for gun sales though.
Whoa, you listen to G. Beck???
I haven't heard his voice since he left FOX.
Do you and midnight rider have Beck parties??


Staff member
How does it feel to live life afraid of this and afraid of that with boogeymen, ghosts, and things that go bump in the day as well as the night? See, sober. Arm them all, put them in a circle and let the terror of self absorption take them.


Staff member
Whoa, you listen to G. Beck???
I haven't heard his voice since he left FOX.
Do you and midnight rider have Beck parties??
I've enjoyed a couple of his rants. I especially like interviews of him when it becomes evident that he's the consumate showman and I get the feeling not a believer in half of what comes out of his mouth.


Well-Known Member
I've enjoyed a couple of his rants. I especially like interviews of him when it becomes evident that he's the consumate showman and I get the feeling not a believer in half of what comes out of his mouth.

Sometime back I posted an interview with him in which he admitted he believes in global warming. Here is the piece and if you scroll over to page 3, you'll find his open admission. He's not alone IMO. Across the channel spectrum, they all play their dialectical part. It's pure theater. Same as the GD nonsense on election day and I can say GD because in the end I don't have to account for saying it!