

Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I own one coz I want one. You will never know I have one unless you try to break in my house. If my dogs dont get you, it will. Knock on the door for a visit, we will have cookies and coffee.


Staff member
Again, you can make goofy assertions but the Second Amendment simply does not say that weapons may not be regulated. You want to make a mockery of such legislation and I see it as only a piece of the puzzle, but there is nothing about the Second Amendment that says that the government may not ban some weapons and allow others. Thanks to cashux for the quote, we can see clearly that the right to any and all arms is not written nor is it implied. Banning is silly but not unconstitutional.


Well-Known Member
I still live in the land of the free ! I am free to own a firearm.

...and I am free not to own one...

There was a letter in my local paper's Letters to the Editor today in which the writer opined that allowing prayer in our public schools would in some way lead to an decrease in the number of school shootings. Our paper has a format for comments and I wrote that although I agree that there should be voluntary prayer in our schools that there would be no correlation between prayer and school shootings. I added that "Gun Free Zones" have proven to be ineffective---what makes you think adding "Prayer Zone" signs would help?

bbsam, the Constitution and the interpretation thereof is ongoing. What was relevant in the 1700's is obviously not relevant today, although the basic ideals should still be applicable.


Staff member
why? They change their minds too.
That is correct, Upstate. That's why when Over suggested asking the Supreme Court I replied with the above. Still, in looking at the quote of the Second Amendment, there seems to be absolutely nothing suggesting that all people may at any time purchase and or be in posesseion of any and all weapons the individual deems acceptable. I don't even think we could get even Scalia to agree to that. So those claiming Second Amendment rights to own this weapon or that, I simply ask how they get to that conclusion. That you or I or anybody else doesn't like any certain legislation in an of itself does not make it unconstitutional.


Got the T-Shirt
Still, in looking at the quote of the Second Amendment, there seems to be absolutely nothing suggesting that all people may at any time purchase and or be in posesseion of any and all weapons the individual deems acceptable.

Let me help you out.

You seem to be under the impression, that there is no sort of regulation.... And people can own anything they want. Not true.

National Firearms Act (of 1934)

National Firearms Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gun Control act of 1968

Gun Control Act of 1968 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Firearm Owners Protection Act (1986)

Firearm Owners Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the last 100 years the SCOTUS has ruled, there "can" be reasonable regulations in regards to firearm ownership.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
So in your opinion, anyone who wants to buy a 6 pack of beer should be required to undergo a background check, get a mental health evaluation, apply for a permit to purchase alcohol, register all alcohol with a government agency, and then have some sort of safe or locking cabinet to store it on?

I dont drink and I have every reason to hate alcohol as much or more than you do. However...what I would hate even more than that is the idea of an overbearing nanny-state government that seeks to control every detail of our personal lives.

The goverment wouldnt have to consider taking control over a persons life if alcohol hadnt brought the goverment into their lives in the first place with an alcohol related crash or arrest.

Clearly, alcohol has been the death of peoples lives for centuries. Alcohol was given to the indians on reservations to keep them docile, liquored up and controllable.

People who drink constantly have had their lives TAKEN over by the alcohol industry with the creation of its brews, and people will spend every last dime on a drink and THAT my friend is control.

Better sort out what kind of control you will relinquish your life to.



Thanks, but you did not answer my question. So, I will ask it again.

Since alcohol is a direct causitive factor in far more deaths, crime and violence than guns are, do you favor licening and registration and waiting periods for the purchase of all alcoholic beverages as well as mandatory training, background checks and mental health evuations for all persons who wish to buy alcoholic beverages? Do you favor bans on " high capacity" 40 ounce bottles of malt liquor that serve no legitimate "social drinking" purpose?

A straight yes or no answer, please.


Got the T-Shirt
...and I am free not to own one...

There was a letter in my local paper's Letters to the Editor today in which the writer opined that allowing prayer in our public schools would in some way lead to an decrease in the number of school shootings. Our paper has a format for comments and I wrote that although I agree that there should be voluntary prayer in our schools that there would be no correlation between prayer and school shootings. I added that "Gun Free Zones" have proven to be ineffective---what makes you think adding "Prayer Zone" signs would help?

bbsam, the Constitution and the interpretation thereof is ongoing. What was relevant in the 1700's is obviously not relevant today, although the basic ideals should still be applicable.

That is an insightful, and intelligent response to your local paper.

Law abiding firearm owners, would not disagree with your right.... not to "want" to own one. To each his own.

After all.... this isn't Canada