

You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
"Gun Safety advocate"

Probably 99.9% of all people!!!

I don't know anyone who is NOT for gun safety.....even the bad guys don't want to shoot themselves.

my young cousin who is ranked #1 in the world for trap shooting in his age division is the perfect example. My uncle says he is the safest of all of his boys with guns. Y? Because he shoots them everyday and has seen crazy things happen so he has seen all the reasons behind gun safety.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Let's see Biden has had meetings with gun victims families , religious leaders , the NRA and now Hollywood executives .
Everybody was called to the WH for these meetings.
So when is Biden going to Chicago or Detroit to speak with community leaders about what they have to deal with on a daily basis ?
If he isn't going to the root of the problems , then everything his committee has been doing is nothing but photo ops.
Here's a solution declare marshall laws in these two cities , go in there and by using force search for every illegal weapon , take them away from the criminals. Set up a special court & holding area for everyone caught with an illegal weapon .
Maybe that might work .
But of course that would require an administration that has some leadership qualities.
Let's see Biden has had meetings with gun victims families , religious leaders , the NRA and now Hollywood executives .
Everybody was called to the WH for these meetings.
So when is Biden going to Chicago or Detroit to speak with community leaders about what they have to deal with on a daily basis ?
If he isn't going to the root of the problems , then everything his committee has been doing is nothing but photo ops.
Here's a solution declare marshall laws in these two cities , go in there and by using force search for every illegal weapon , take them away from the criminals. Set up a special court & holding area for everyone caught with an illegal weapon .
Maybe that might work .
But of course that would require an administration that has some leadership qualities.

Great idea! And it will work because those criminals are too stupid to call around the moment the first house goes down and get all their illegal weapons out of all the other houses. It would be like Iraqi mobile missle launchers on a smaller scale.

When is Biden going to go photo op with the family's of mentally ill individuals, the ones re sponsible for these mass killings, and hear their stories about being unable to receive help because of government and private cutbacks in helping pay for such care? Nothing would work better at preventing mass killings than getting to potential murderers before they snap and pick up any weapon.


Well-Known Member
Biden proposes a ban on "semi-automatic" weapons. So, ugh... we going back to single-shot breech-loaders? Ban on "assault-styled weapons". I can make my Ruger 10/22 look awfully menacing with a few accessories. The misinformation being spread in an attempt to garner support for what's to come is fascinating.

This is going to get interesting.



golden ticket member
How many times are they going to try this before they realize it’s doing nothing to stop the bloody violence gripping Chicago?
Via Chicago Tribune:
Mayor Rahm Emanuel today indicated he will put forward his own city gun control ordinance in the next few days after state lawmakers did not reach agreement on the divisive issue.

Emanuel refused to give details about what specifically his proposal will address. But he said he isn’t willing to wait until state lawmakers take up gun control. Last month, a federal appeals court tossed out the state’s longstanding ban on carrying concealed guns in public. The court gave the state six months to set up new rules.

During his remarks today, Emanuel hit on several of the firearms regulations he has said he would like to see in place at the state level since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Connecticut.

“Waiting is not a strong suit of mine,” Emanuel said when asked today about the General Assembly’s failure to pass a proposed state ban on assault weapons.

“First of all, I believe there’s, I know there’s a majority in the state, an overwhelming majority in the city for a ban on assault weapons, clips, and comprehensive background checks on all sales, wherever they take place, wherever the location may be. And there’s also a majority in the legislature.”


Strength through joy
I suppose that I should start a petition on that WH site.
Something like say ; When all the guns are removed from the general public making the USA a safer environment when can the general public expect the Secret Service to be disbanded ?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I guess I have Obama to thank for the $700 profit I just made on the sale of my AK-47.

No joke...I picked up this WASR 10/63 Romanian semi-automatic AK rifle a couple of years ago as part of a trade for another gun. I wound up buying a couple extra 30 round mags for it, as well as a 1000 round case of ammo. All told I was probably into the gun/mags/ammo for around $600 or so. Anyway, I have been watching the prices on these guns go thru the roof due to the post-Newton panic buying, so I advertised mine in the classifieds of a local online forum for gun collectors that I am a member of. I sold it last night for $1300 cash, and I even kept half of the ammo! A month ago you could buy these things by the dozen for around $450 or so at any number of dealers or gun shops, but now they are all sold out and back ordered and the prices are just ridiculous. Part of me wants to just hold on to the $$ and wait until the panic is over and the prices drop back to normal so I can buy two of them, but the other part of me is ready to spend it now on a really nice stainless Ruger Mini 30 that I have had my eye on for awhile. I think instant gratification is going to win this time.....:-)