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Piers Morgan Demolished by Dana Loesch & Scottie Hughes on Gun Control Part 1 - YouTube!



Well-Known Member
Thanks BUG,

Your latest post has really illuminated the discussion we're 'trying to try' to have, and I came away from it challenged, enlightened, and curious.

Soooooo, what are your suggestions about a realistic way forward in addressing the cancer that is gun-violence?


Strength through joy
The solution is already known.
In places where people must have guns , the violence levels are nil.
Compare that to places like Chicago & Wash DC where there are strict gun control requirements , the violence rates continue to climb .


Well-Known Member

Just a curious question, I'm not a gun owner currently, and I don't foresee owning a gun anytime soon (although it might happen in the future), but as I'm reading everyone's responses to Obama's proposed legislation, I'm mostly reading negative reviews...

As gun owners, what would y'all propose to fix these problems that we face as a country vis-a-vis gun violence?

It seems like Biden came back after his powwow and threw up a lot of the same legislation suggestions which, like the '94 Brady Bill, didn't really seem all that effective.

So my question is, if Obama's plans aren't going to make a substantive difference, what actually would make a difference in this trend of tragic mass-shootings?

To put it another way, if the Dems are going about it all wrong, what's the correct way to go about it?

One option is to collectively throw our hands up in the air and say, "ha, ha, can't stop the crazies!" etc, but that doesn't seem correct.

The other option is to do something on a Federal level: so what is that Federal option?

Responsible gun owners please reply.

Root cause. Why does the gun exist in the first place and who first commissioned them into being?

Also post #4409 in this thread IMO would be some basis of a beginning yet I doubt much will ever come of it.

When the skin is brown, displays indigenous traits foreign to first world iron fists or shows any resistance to fork over resources or enter the debt/cash economy, the state becomes robber, thief, murderer and plunderer and then we act surprised when people begin to mimic this example by doing the same to each other. And we actually believe taking away one inanimate device will change our behavior rather than realizing the creativeness of man will soon adapt too new means with possible, even deadlier reactions that might occur.

And while all this political theater was going on, in the back pages of the news it was announced that Al Qaeda was now in Africa building a massive underground cave complex and therefore we must step up and do something about it. Where have we heard this massive cave complex narrative before and how did that work out?

The late Bill Hicks had it right, "Go back to bed America, here's 56 channels of American Gladiator!"


Well-Known Member
And if you just are having a nut to do background checks, then by all means start somewhere in which you can detect the truly criminal insane and stop them before it's too late.


Well-Known Member

Just a curious question, I'm not a gun owner currently, and I don't foresee owning a gun anytime soon (although it might happen in the future), but as I'm reading everyone's responses to Obama's proposed legislation, I'm mostly reading negative reviews...

As gun owners, what would y'all propose to fix these problems that we face as a country vis-a-vis gun violence?

It seems like Biden came back after his powwow and threw up a lot of the same legislation suggestions which, like the '94 Brady Bill, didn't really seem all that effective.

So my question is, if Obama's plans aren't going to make a substantive difference, what actually would make a difference in this trend of tragic mass-shootings?

To put it another way, if the Dems are going about it all wrong, what's the correct way to go about it?

One option is to collectively throw our hands up in the air and say, "ha, ha, can't stop the crazies!" etc, but that doesn't seem correct.

The other option is to do something on a Federal level: so what is that Federal option?

Responsible gun owners please reply.

Very simple---Punish the Criminals. No gun permit---mandatory 25 Years--see how quickly gun violence drops. Crimes are rarely committed by legal gun owners!


Pees in the brown Koolaid

Just a curious question, I'm not a gun owner currently, and I don't foresee owning a gun anytime soon (although it might happen in the future), but as I'm reading everyone's responses to Obama's proposed legislation, I'm mostly reading negative reviews...

As gun owners, what would y'all propose to fix these problems that we face as a country vis-a-vis gun violence?

It seems like Biden came back after his powwow and threw up a lot of the same legislation suggestions which, like the '94 Brady Bill, didn't really seem all that effective.

So my question is, if Obama's plans aren't going to make a substantive difference, what actually would make a difference in this trend of tragic mass-shootings?

To put it another way, if the Dems are going about it all wrong, what's the correct way to go about it?

One option is to collectively throw our hands up in the air and say, "ha, ha, can't stop the crazies!" etc, but that doesn't seem correct.

The other option is to do something on a Federal level: so what is that Federal option?

Responsible gun owners please reply.

First of all, we need to face up to the uncomfortable truth that every one of these massacres has taken place in a so-called "gun free" zone, and every single victim has been unarmed and helpless. Obviously you cant arm children, but you can arm school staff and/or provide some sort of armed security. Silly, feel-good "gun free" zones only work in the minds of naive liberals.

Second of all, we need to adequately fund and support mental health services for people who need them.

Thirdly, we need to require that any politician who wants to pass laws about guns must first take a basic class in order to learn about guns. Half of these people have never handled a weapon in their life and dont even know what an "assault weapon" actually is. They are wanting to ban entire classes of guns based upon cosmetic features alone, as an emotional response to a tragedy, even though the features they want to ban have nothing to do with the lethality of the weapon itself. In other words..."the guns look icky and scary so we need to ban them so that we will feel safer."

Our media needs to step up too. If you are a movie star who has made millions of dollars starring in movies that glorify gun violence, its a bit hypocritical for you use your fame and influence to turn around and blame guns and law-abiding gun owners such as myself for that same violence....especially when you live in a gated compound protected by guards with guns that you would deny to us "common" folk. I'd also like to see some restraint from the media in regards to uber-violent video games. And perhaps we as a society should demand that our media stop printing the names and photos of those who commit acts of mass murder, in order to deny them and those who would imitate them the fame and publicity that they so desperately seek.


Inordinately Right
I have an idea. Let's freak out every time something bad happens.

If I had a dollar for each time I heard someone rant about automatic weapons when they clearly had no idea what an "automatic weapon" actually was..... well then I'd have quite a few dollars.

I grew up playing violent video games and watching violent television and movies. I was in grade school after the Jonesboro and Columbine shootings. I was in college when the Virginia Tech massacre happened.

I also spent my hard earned money and time on the roughly $500 to legally obtain a handgun carry permit for me and my wife, and that's before the price of our guns.

Seems to me that the people who are most intent on banning guns are the people who refuse to take the responsibility or time to learn to protect themselves and the people around them.

Why do I carry a gun? Because I live in Memphis.

Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither.


Well-Known Member

Just a curious question, I'm not a gun owner currently, and I don't foresee owning a gun anytime soon (although it might happen in the future), but as I'm reading everyone's responses to Obama's proposed legislation, I'm mostly reading negative reviews...

As gun owners, what would y'all propose to fix these problems that we face as a country vis-a-vis gun violence?

It seems like Biden came back after his powwow and threw up a lot of the same legislation suggestions which, like the '94 Brady Bill, didn't really seem all that effective.

So my question is, if Obama's plans aren't going to make a substantive difference, what actually would make a difference in this trend of tragic mass-shootings?

To put it another way, if the Dems are going about it all wrong, what's the correct way to go about it?

One option is to collectively throw our hands up in the air and say, "ha, ha, can't stop the crazies!" etc, but that doesn't seem correct.

The other option is to do something on a Federal level: so what is that Federal option?

Responsible gun owners please reply.

The problem I have with the premise of your question is that you are assuming murder rates and violent crime rates are on the rise, when in fact they have been on the decline in this country for along time. Watch this video to see what I mean.

The bottom line is you can't rid the country of all gun violence or gun deaths anymore than you can stop all auto accidents or swimming pool drownings yet I don't see anyone calling for banning swimming pools or cars both of which have killed more people than firearms. Whenever the gun debate comes up my philosophical opposition to the gun grabbers argument is that they simply want to tell us that we have too much freedom and therefore it should be stopped or limited. I disagree because crazy people do what crazy people do, and if a murderous psycho path is out to destroy as much life as they can he/she will do so regardless of what tools are available to them. You are right you can't stop the crazies, but you can identify them before they get a chance to go crazy and end a bunch of innocent lives, and that is where I believe the legislatures and leaders should focus their energy. Not on limiting the god given rights of the populace as a whole, but on identifying the small minority of those who are unbalanced and unstable enough to commit acts like Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Tuscon. Its not that I have too much freedom and shouldn't be allowed to own an AR15. Its that someone should have intervened before it got to the point that a murderous crazy person has the opportunity to do what the voices in their head is telling them to do. The gun grabbers are the ones who say I shouldn't be allowed to own an AR15 today, then a Mini 14 tomorrow, then it will be anything semi-automatic, finally it will be no weapon is safe in the hands of a private citizen. We can't allow ourselves to travel down this slippery slope to disarmament.


Staff member
And when the next shooting occurs after the laws kick in what will the excuses be then?
Ah. But that's when the fun begins. At the behest of the NRA, we will be looking into mental health. We'll find something to point to as the "true problem" in the individual and a database of "risk factors" will grow. It will begin with the obvious, the violent, the drug a users, the criminals...but then it changes. Mental health. CT scans will begin to show "possible links". Psyche exams will point to "leading indicators". Slowly the net gathers around the Second Amendment rights of a larger and larger pool of citizens. Just wait until "precrime forensics profiles" become the topic. There will be no right to privacy against "unusual search and seizure". What tells more about what a person values? How she spends her money. Mental health. The NRA has thrown open the door to "The Minority Report" and with ever advancing technology, it is hard to say that that science fiction tour de force couldn't prove prophetic.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
We became gun owners when there were several home invasions in our area.
There are 2 sheriffs for about a 30 sq mi area, so they are not going to get here.
We decided to have a gun for our safety, as its not fun to have a knife at a gun fight.

I dont know what the answer is as to the mental health issue, yet that is the common denominator in all of tthese shootings. I do know that taking away guns, making it harder to get guns, limiting the size of guns, is not the answer.
I agree with background checks, yet you have they hippa rules in place to protect doctor patient privacy. So Obama is going to have to decide which rights and priveleges he would like to smash, and which to leave in place. And even this does nothing to the black market, or to stop the bad people from their missions.
Its just a matter of time before we have group invasions. More of them than us. Combine mental illness with common thieves, and you will have bigger problems. Combine the have nots, with the twisted, and they will be coming to your home, where they think you have alot of guns, money, etc. And then you are going to need more than 7 to 10 shots. I certainly hope it doesnt happen, but I never thought this day would come.
Who is going to out only 7 or 10 bullets in your 16 mag? Are you going to throw out all the mags that hold more than the legal limit, and how will they police this. Only in trouble if you get caught?


golden ticket member
It was 2 weeks wasted of paying Biden.......having meetings with different groups, ..........and now 24 hours later, still no comments here about how wonderful and dynamic the president's 23 points are. The silence is DEAFENING!!

Gee, I think the pres. let a tragedy get away...........not following Holder's advice of taking advantage of a crisis.

Never pass up a restroom is more words to live by than that!!


Staff member
All I am saying is that protecting something like assault weapons is ridiculous at the cost of opening up "mental health" as the determinant. What does that mean and what will it mean 10 years from now? I'm even a little surprised that the right is suddenly a fan of science. Until now it's. Been noticeably lacking in speaking of social issues.


Well-Known Member

Anthony Gregory with the Independent Institute speaks about some of the historical uses on gun control in this country. I'd also remind any reader to also consider the tragic legacy of the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890' and what was taking place as the massacre unfolded.

Thom Hartmann wrote an interesting piece for Truthout which seems to follow in the footsteps of Gregory as it pertains to a darker (no pun) past of the militia in which one could argue that the militia itself was used to enforce gun control. There is a historical argument that the militia was intended as a counter to the need of a standing army, although that was trampled over very quickly once the official national state got it's constitution but it should be no surprise that it would be used for other distasteful means too.