

golden ticket member
so move to Mexico.

And yes, I say that "tongue in cheek". But a few weeks ago we had memmbers suggesting I move to Canada, so if you want the wild west, try south of the border.
Makes me want to carry a six pack of coke everywhere I would walk in Bloombergville!! In your face, Mayor !!


golden ticket member
You can get past the doctor thingy real quick.........if a doctor asks you if you have any guns, just tell him/her it's none of their flipping business!!


Staff member
You can get past the doctor thingy real quick.........if a doctor asks you if you have any guns, just tell him/her it's none of their flipping business!!
My current doctor, last doctor, kids doctors have asked this for several years now. It irritates the hell out of me. Now we just answer "no".
I think I will buy a scary black gun at the gun show next weekend.
Any suggestions as to make/model?

AA-12 shotgun.


The Nim
Nimnim did I read your post correctly or did you say 32,000 gun deaths in 2011? I assume there is confusion on my part and I didn't read it as intended because those numbers are WAY OFF. In 2011 there were 12,500 TOTAL homicides in America. About 8,500 by firearms. Further dividing the homicides we get the following numbers by weapon type:

Handguns: 6,220
Rifles: 323
Shotguns: 356

The rest of the homicides are comprised of "other guns/not stated" (1,600), knives (1,600), personal weapons(hands, feet whatever, 728), blunt objects (496).

Yes, I did say 32000 gun "related" deaths. In my haste to get a figure earlier I didn't break down the numbers and just got a total of deaths not just homicides so suicides were included. Which now that I think about it, there's over 19000 suicides by gun in 2011, that doesn't seem right. If it is though we now have another topic to discuss.


golden ticket member
Yes, I did say 32000 gun "related" deaths. In my haste to get a figure earlier I didn't break down the numbers and just got a total of deaths not just homicides so suicides were included. Which now that I think about it, there's over 19000 suicides by gun in 2011, that doesn't seem right. If it is though we now have another topic to discuss.
Suicide is you do it is your choice!!! Go out with a bang or not........


Well-Known Member
Today I went shopping to a very large National chain sporting goods store to stock up on ammunition.

I was shocked to see the aisles of empty shelves. Also the lineup at the gun counter to purchase firearms was unbelievable.

One of the store empoyees told me they cannot get guns and ammunition fast enough --even with higher prices the store cannot keep up with the huge demand.

Obama has proven to be a the best thing to happen to the gun Industry in a very long time.

I inquired with the gun dept manager if I could order a Bushmaster. He told me that he would not take my order because it would be months and months before they will catch up on back orders.:dissapointed:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I agree. So why bring "mental health" into the arena. Even with the existing laws, mental health is such a wide field and highly subjective. What websites do you visit that might have officials wondering about your mental health? Who determines levels of mental health? And since we know gun violence will not end, how tight does the acceptable mental health profile become?

Mental health is the problem. Guns are not. Guns in the hands of these people is the problem. Banning, limiting any of them is not!Homicide rates have dropped steadily in U.S. - Washington Post

I dont have dates, this is what I know, and do not know who to blame. All I know is the majority of psychiatric hospitals, and services for these conditions, closed in about the mid 80s. There used to be a "floor" in every hospital for the "crazies" Now if you can get someone committed it was for 3 days. And if you know anything about the mentally ill, such as schizoprenics, manic depressives, etc they can be very cunning and manipulative. They could convince doctors they were well enough to leave, and in most cases were. What was needed was probation, ie follow up. Many would leave, and quit taking the meds, because they felt better. And thought they were ok. Unlike a diabetes condition, blood pressure, etc, where you are coherent and realize you need these meds to be well, people with a brain malfunction do not want to admit they have a brain/thinking problem.
At first it was just valium, lithium, and the dreaded shock treatments. And they all worked, for a time. And counseling. Then I dont know who thought this up either, they should be shot, anyone with a normal depression was prescribed a drug. Normal depression is a reaction to a life altering occasion, death, divorce, etc. Clinical depression is a chemical imbalance.
So the new drugs came out, with warnings of suicide, and thoughts of hurting themselves and others, and were warned to contact their doctors if they have these thoughts, DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Kids are on disability for depression/anxiety, 18 and over. Free money if you are nuts, a drug addict, or an alcoholic!!!.

Have you ever read the warning lables on Prozac, Paxil, Depakote, Effexor, thorazine? I went to a doctor after losing a mom and a sister 7 weeks apart. I couldnt sleep, I was distraught. Thats all, normal anxiety, normal depression, was hoping I could just get some xanax, just a couple to recoup, get some rest.
Oh no, I must take this, it takes two weeks to get in your system, and you will feel better. 2 weeks later I considered piling my truck into a bridge. Did I contact my doctor? No I flushed it down the toilet and dealt with it, like a big girl. And fired my doctor. I did not have a mental illness, if I stayed on that **** I would have. If I had been crazy, the rage inside me fueled by the medication, could have made me want to hurt others. The stuff is no good, unless it works, and it does for some, but it needs to be monitored, in a hospital setting, and on probation, like a criminal.
The whole gun debate is fueled by those who have always wanted an unarmed society, and if they could, they would take them all away, of course only from the law abiding. Thugs, sick people, evil people will always find a way. And the gangs are out there, loving whats going on, thinking soon, the world will be theirs, and it will if we continue down this path of blaming guns. And taking away the rights of people by determining in advance what we need, should have to fend for ourselves. The government will not answer my phone call when I am being invaded by mindless zombies and thugs.


Staff member
The gun debate is fueled by people who insist that there is one way to skin a cat. By people who don't want background checks and insist that Second Amendment rights are under attack even in the face of Supreme Court decisions saying otherwise.

All that aside, however, I agree and have said as much. My point is that going the mental health route only is bad strategy. It is far too broad. Imagine the information the government could gain. Knowledge is power and in this case the NRA and their ilk is ceding the power to erode all rights. They are advocating the beginning of a slippery slope that can go nowhere good. And for what? A kind of gun? A number of rounds in a magazine. Besides, the Administration put out what, 23 propositions? It is my bet that assault weapons ban and smaller clips are way down on their priority list. They can give those up for real power, the power to literally follow whoever thy want whenever they want electronically and keep a psychological profile on them all in the interest of mental health. You are ceding them the right to data mine. Yeah, that seems extreme. Until you realize the extent of the Patriot Act. This just widens that net away from terrorist suspects and soon includes...well, everyone. So really, where does mental health begin and end?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I had a background check, no problem, so did my husband. I had that to get a job at UPS. I actually think some people should be electronically followed. Such as pedophiles.
I have no problem with the checks and balances of owning a weapon.
Such as people who killed their grandmother with a hammer, and somehow got out of jail. These people gave up their rights, when they commit heinious crimes. What kind of a system do we own, who allowed that person to ever see the outside of a prison ever again?
A mentally ill person, on the government care list, I feel give up their rights to privacy when they are owned by the state.If they were well enough to fight for their rights this would not happen. If they were in a mental hospital which no longer exists, (except hospitals for the criminally insane, they would be monitored, and controlled, and rightly so. If we take care of them, sponsor them, feed, clothe, heat, and feed them. Whats left? They are owned. If the govt is in fact responsible for them, then also are responsible for their health, mental and otherwise. And should control what they do, after all they are dependent which means they are no longer a free person, and are not responsible for themselves. So how can we just feed them pills, pay their bills, and allow them to live free, among the rest of society? We cannot control them we are then at their mercy, then these tragic mass killings happen. Every single one had a person with mental issues off their meds.
I see where you can go with this and rightly so, but it would be hard to do it to a person like you, or I or most of us. Some people need to be put away, just a sad fact of life.


Staff member
Sober and I (clinically speaking) are certifiably, incurably insane. Our symptoms may be in remission but if we are talking mental health, the point could be made that we could snap at any time. We all kno drunks and aaddicts who have thrown it all away. And when I'm done throwing it all away and there's nothing left to live for, maybe I take a few put with me. So much is possible and there are case galore to show it. If gun violence is about mental health, you just can't know about Sober and me.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Y2k had everyone buying generators too.

Uh....I didn't buy a generator. Opps!

And I've not rushed out to buy any guns and ammo either!

But I did place a $2500 order with Atlantis Hydroponics and starting the plans for a greenhouse too.