

Staff member
Don't feel bad about your posts getting deleted as mine were as well. I have my suspicions as to the mod responsible, but I will find out soon enough.
I deleted your post as well as several others that were a direct response to it, since they no longer made sense. I have no idea why you thought it was going to be ok to respond to a black poster(bbsam) with a picture of a little black kid eating watermelon and fried chicken, but it's not.


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
I deleted your post as well as several others that were a direct response to it, since they no longer made sense. I have no idea why you thought it was going to be ok to respond to a black poster(bbsam) with a picture of a little black kid eating watermelon and fried chicken, but it's not.

I kinda figured my comment would drag you out of the woodwork as you were the first mod I suspected did it. You are the only mod who lacks the decency to send a PM when you delete a post and the objectivity to see what my post was really about. In my defense I was mocking a ridiculous argument, something that happens on here all the time with such pictures. My response was to a block of text, not a face and I made sure I labeled it properly so nobody would get the wrong idea. Your assumption that I was making a personal remark to bbsam based on his skin color, which isn't all that obvious since we don't have pictures of ourselves, is a weak argument at best.


Well-Known Member
Let me post this again, as apparently it was so out of line that it needed removed.

Gun talk? What happened? All these race comments should be for a different thread, no?

Threads discussing race issues/opinions/facts/stats never go anywhere...ever. It doesn't encourage anything other than disagreement and heated emotions.

The facts are facts...yet everyone interprets them differently. There are bad people. There are good people. Get along with the people around you. Be aware of your own ignorance or lack of perspective. Realize people are people. And move on. Until then, I fear this thread will go on for another 500 pages of the same "That's racist." "No, they're facts." "Here's my views and why I think this way" "Well I think the way you think is racist" "Democrats vs Republicans = Non-racists vs Racists (untrue)" "People who claim racism are racist" "Reverse discrimination" "Blah Blah Blah"

I just get tired by these topics. Everyone is set in their ways and their beliefs. I just accept that and try to be a good person. Maybe I'll change their minds that way, because threads in a forum never will...

Understand your point. Please try to understand mine.:peaceful:

The shooting of the Children has caused a firestorm over the second amendment --GUNS --why so much Gun Crime ?--Why so many MURDERS-?-why the Mass shootings ?---and what solutions should be put into place.

Therfore there has to be a spotlight put on GUNS and MURDERS.

If the 1.4 gang members in the USA account for a very Large number of crimes and GUN MURDERS --themselves and others --it is part of the GUN coversation.

The mass shootings have claimed 134 victims over 20 years.

We have over 10,000 gun murders a year.

Obama and the Politicians focus on the legal gun owners WHY??

Mass shooters mainly White -this is just a fact-we must look at the Insane

Everyday Murders --facts lead to gangs --fact --gangs lead to Minorities.

This leads to Causes ---Poverty , education etc etc ----Children out of wedlock---which should lead us to REAL solutions.

I do not believe in this conversation any one of us are RACIST.

All of us want the gun violence to end----We just disagree on what solutions make the most sense.:wink2:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Understand your point. Please try to understand mine.:peaceful:

The shooting of the Children has caused a firestorm over the second amendment --GUNS --why so much Gun Crime ?--Why so many MURDERS-?-why the Mass shootings ?---and what solutions should be put into place.

Therfore there has to be a spotlight put on GUNS and MURDERS.

If the 1.4 gang members in the USA account for a very Large number of crimes and GUN MURDERS --themselves and others --it is part of the GUN coversation.

The mass shootings have claimed 134 victims over 20 years.

We have over 10,000 gun murders a year.

Obama and the Politicians focus on the legal gun owners WHY??

Mass shooters mainly White -this is just a fact-we must look at the Insane

Everyday Murders --facts lead to gangs --fact --gangs lead to Minorities.

This leads to Causes ---Poverty , education etc etc ----Children out of wedlock---which should lead us to REAL solutions.

I do not believe in this conversation any one of us are RACIST.

All of us want the gun violence to end----We just disagree on what solutions make the most sense.:wink2:

OK, how then, do you explain the 19000 suicides by guns in this country, just last year alone?




Staff member
Your assertion that Jones is the lone moderator who deletes a post without a PM is simply incorrect. Scratch has done so on a number of occasions.


Air Ops Pro
Understand your point. Please try to understand mine.:peaceful:

The shooting of the Children has caused a firestorm over the second amendment --GUNS --why so much Gun Crime ?--Why so many MURDERS-?-why the Mass shootings ?---and what solutions should be put into place.

Therfore there has to be a spotlight put on GUNS and MURDERS.

If the 1.4 gang members in the USA account for a very Large number of crimes and GUN MURDERS --themselves and others --it is part of the GUN coversation.

The mass shootings have claimed 134 victims over 20 years.

We have over 10,000 gun murders a year.

Obama and the Politicians focus on the legal gun owners WHY??

Mass shooters mainly White -this is just a fact-we must look at the Insane

Everyday Murders --facts lead to gangs --fact --gangs lead to Minorities.

This leads to Causes ---Poverty , education etc etc ----Children out of wedlock---which should lead us to REAL solutions.

I do not believe in this conversation any one of us are RACIST.

All of us want the gun violence to end----We just disagree on what solutions make the most sense.:wink2:

I'm not debating your facts. I am one to accept fact. I take things at face value.

But when the topic turns from a debate about guns to focusing on race specifically, that's where the redundant problems start up.

Gun control isn't the answer. It's our right, first of all, and taking them away won't curb the problem.

"Oh, well since it's illegal to have this gun, I am really going to rethink shooting these people and robbing the bank" said no criminal ever. Better security and awareness, and some tweaking of the federal gun laws will be the best solution. Violence in general, let alone gun violence, will never go away. It's something that needs to be accepted. Setting unrealistic goals or expectations from knee jerk legislation will only lead to further disappointment in our political leaders.

Ever compared violent crimes with knives or other weapons or no weapons at all? According to an FBI report, guns are involved with only 12.7% of violent crimes, 66% are done with knives or NOTHING. Ban knives? Cut peoples' arms and hands off?

The point, is that we need to focus on the crux of the problem and stop being distracted by the media. Knife crimes aren't as glorified, nor do they serve as much political purpose as reporting gun crimes. Gun crimes are far from the only deadly crimes that occur every day, yet they are the ones that are focused on in the media.


Air Ops Pro
OK, how then, do you explain the 19000 suicides by guns in this country, just last year alone?



Suicides aren't guns faults. These same people would have figured out another way. It's a choice they made, and a gun is a pretty sure thing. But so is a rope and a ladder. So is poison. So are knives. So is a tall building or a bridge. If they want to go, they want to go.

If they didn't have a gun, they would have found another way. So, you see, you still have the problem. These people need help.....therapists, treatment, medicines, someone who loves them. If we continue to find excuses for peoples' shortcomings, then we will continue to encourage people to refuse to take responsibility for their actions or take control of their own lives. THAT is the problem we face, and it's not as easy an answer as "Ban guns", so it's ignored.


Staff member
Nobody is banning guns. If they were, you would have some brilliant (even if they are redundant) points.


Well-Known Member
OK, how then, do you explain the 19000 suicides by guns in this country, just last year alone?




Sincerly --what do you want me to explain ?

The difference between Murder and suicide ??

The fact that 19,000 committed suicide by gun ?---or how many suicides by slashing their wrists, overdosing on pills or drugs or jumping off of Bridges.

A terrible number --but at least they are taking their OWN lives Not someone elses --I am not a violent person --but I would have preferred that idiot in CT would have shot himself -rather than those children.

If someone truly wants to end their OWN life --gun or not -they will find a way.

I would hope your question is not that if guns were banned --these 19,000 would be alive ---and would not have found a different way to end their lives ???

Is it banning the gun ?--or providing more Mental Health-and support systems --like Wounded Warriors that not only help the Physically injured vets --but also the the Mentally injured --that may be more prone to suicide.



Amatuer Malthusian

Sincerly --what do you want me to explain ?

The difference between Murder and suicide ??

The fact that 19,000 committed suicide by gun ?---or how many suicides by slashing their wrists, overdosing on pills or drugs or jumping off of Bridges.

A terrible number --but at least they are taking their OWN lives Not someone elses --I am not a violent person --but I would have preferred that idiot in CT would have shot himself -rather than those children.

If someone truly wants to end their OWN life --gun or not -they will find a way.

I would hope your question is not that if guns were banned --these 19,000 would be alive ---and would not have found a different way to end their lives ???

Is it banning the gun ?--or providing more Mental Health-and support systems --like Wounded Warriors that not only help the Physically injured vets --but also the the Mentally injured --that may be more prone to suicide.


My parents had a pair of good friends from highschool who were married. Sadly the husband had drinking issues and ended his life. He owned a revolver. Method of choice??? Rope in the garage.


Well-Known Member
I'm not debating your facts. I am one to accept fact. I take things at face value.

But when the topic turns from a debate about guns to focusing on race specifically, that's where the redundant problems start up.

Gun control isn't the answer. It's our right, first of all, and taking them away won't curb the problem.

"Oh, well since it's illegal to have this gun, I am really going to rethink shooting these people and robbing the bank" said no criminal ever. Better security and awareness, and some tweaking of the federal gun laws will be the best solution. Violence in general, let alone gun violence, will never go away. It's something that needs to be accepted. Setting unrealistic goals or expectations from knee jerk legislation will only lead to further disappointment in our political leaders.

Ever compared violent crimes with knives or other weapons or no weapons at all? According to an FBI report, guns are involved with only 12.7% of violent crimes, 66% are done with knives or NOTHING. Ban knives? Cut peoples' arms and hands off?

The point, is that we need to focus on the crux of the problem and stop being distracted by the media. Knife crimes aren't as glorified, nor do they serve as much political purpose as reporting gun crimes. Gun crimes are far from the only deadly crimes that occur every day, yet they are the ones that are focused on in the media.


We agree on many, many points.

Gun Violence is a Problem in the U.S.
The problem lies with the CRIMINALS and the Insane for the most part --the largest portion of the pie.

Solutions that American's demand and the Politicians focus on should be the Criminals and the Insane.

Putting the LEGAL gun owners through MORE Backround checks, or Demanding that I have to Register them with the Government or what type of gun I am free to own -or how many bullets --will not solve the everyday violence in the streets.
I will drive you crazy with this and piss off the white and Irish people.

In the 1920's many Irish men (in high Numbers) Had alcohol abuse problems --led to Domestic violence and losing jobs--impacting society.

The Governments grand solution was to take ALL alcohol from EVERYONE --you could not even have a glass of wine for dinner. What Happened ?? Did alcohol disappear ?

No--Organized Crime --the Mafia { Many Italians} Now I pissed off another group--provided all the liquor people wanted.

The real solution --deal with the people that were abusing alcohol --AAA whatever---and give the FREEDOM to law abiding Adults to have a cool Budweiser !!:wink2:

Your point is --do not mention Race --thats cool --but sometimes to put real solutions in --you have to look at ROOT cause of the problem.

Without mentioning any race ---Children born to single family Moms --FACT-- are more prone to poverty, lack of discipline, no education, drugs, crime. gun violence etc etc etc.

Stop gun violence --GOVERNMENT start to look at Family and Responsability of MOMS and Dads ----Hold PEOPLE accountable to give their children guidance and an opportunity to be good members of society and lead fufilling lives.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If we are going to bring race into the subject of gangs and guns and violence, then it is only fair to have an honest discussion about the role that disproportionate sentencing in the "war on drugs" plays on the minority community. By and large it is white people who are importing the drugs and white people who are the biggest consumers of those drugs but its the blacks who wind up doing the most time in prison for dealing those drugs.


Well-Known Member

We can and probably do go off on all different Tangents.

Drugs --again do not fool youself --many many years ago the Mob[ Italians) HAD ALMOST FULL CONTROL.

Look up Nicky Barnes and the Drug Kings of Harlem- Excellent Business men --In caskets from Vietnam Moved the drugs -threw the middle men out--threw the Mob out and controlled miuch of the entire drug trade in N.Y --way back in the 60's and have expanded greatly up to today.

God forbid that we cloud this gun control issue again --but CRIMINALS-Drug Pushers of any Race account for the gun vio;ence problem-

I have seen NO proposals out of the White house or Joe Biden that will reduce GUN crime --committed by Criminals--of ANY race.
If we are going to bring race into the subject of gangs and guns and violence, then it is only fair to have an honest discussion about the role that disproportionate sentencing in the "war on drugs" plays on the minority community. By and large it is white people who are importing the drugs and white people who are the biggest consumers of those drugs but its the blacks who wind up doing the most time in prison for dealing those drugs.

Could it be the whites do all the importing and abusing because they can afford them?